可以麻煩會英文的大大,幫我翻譯以下這一段嗎?謝謝~(急需!!) 作品名稱:過綠 設計理念:現今綠色議題當道,減少地球負擔是首要步驟,除了研發新的技術、材料來減低能源的浪費以外,在手邊其實存在著更親近生活的方法,讓我們 實踐環保的步伐。自環境意識興起以來,各式的相關發明不計其數。?

2018-05-10 12:30 pm

回答 (1)

2018-05-12 8:25 pm
The concept of green design:-
The current green issues, reducing the burden of the Earth is the first step.
In addition to the development of new technology, material to reduce every waste, there is a more intimate approach to life at hand to enable us to practice the forward pace of environmental protection.
Since the rise of environmental awarness, all kinds of related invention, innovation, creativity, originality are countlessly seen.

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