英文句型: 英文的主詞是一句子,後面的動詞形式? ex.[A car is better than B car ](主詞)create(V) a context that......有點因果關係, 後面的create 可以是Ving的形式嗎?

2018-04-14 10:26 am

回答 (7)

2018-04-14 11:20 am
真的是一個 莫名其妙的問題! 既然知道create是一個動詞 怎會問 它可不可以改成 Ving (現代分詞)?
難道不知道 改成現代分詞以後 這句話就沒有動詞了嗎?沒有了動詞,不就不是一個句子了嗎?

所以你問題的答案是: 可以改你的頭!
2018-04-14 6:28 pm
create, verb, You (?) create something when you (?) cause it to happen or exist:-
eg:-You (?) were asked to create a new car system,creating the fastest light speed travelling..---past participle;
eg:-The project HK-China railway will create up to 100 new jobs,creating an atmosphere of earning money ?!
eg:-She managed to create a delicious,pleasing meal out of the kitchen leftover ,creating a new menu with context to the senses of taste,smell ,cook.
eg: Kubrick's film has created a sensation , creating great surprise and interest and intensity ?!
eg:-Light-colored wall papers and white furnishing creat an impression of space ,creating a lot of time also.
eg:-Soft Mozart music help to creat a romantic atmosphere for the Japanese cows,creating more milk by hands.
eg:-They believe that God created the world in 6 days, thus creating the 7th day.

Creative; adjective:-(?)A creative person(?) has had the talent and imagination to create new things, especially works of art ,of writing,of craftsmanship; something creative displays someone's talent and imagination:-
eg:-The TVB program implies that the best chefs are those considered to be the most creative, creating the best menu.
eg:-The antman-ironman series are simply a way for his artistic creativity, creating feelings.
eg:-He is a very creative film director, creating from resulting news from newspapers.

Creation noun.The creation of somethingis the act of creating it:-
eg:-The revenue-money has been set aside for the creation of a new China-HK transport network, creating the fastest route in the world !
A creation is something that someone has made
eg:-H&M are wearing one of UK's latest creations, creating the best Victorian styled fastions.
eg:-The latest creations from Paris is called "HK-Pari",creating the most fashionably clothing-dressed.
eg:-A report proposing the creation of an independent HK has been creating a non parliament scheme HK.
TSA is an education system that lets young children use their creativity, creating new and original ideas.
2018-04-14 1:13 pm
例1. That A car is better than B car create(v.:現在式) a context that ……
例2. That A car is better than B car [is creating](be v. +現在分詞:現在進行式) a context that ……
2018-04-14 4:09 pm
2018-04-14 3:33 pm
2018-04-14 11:19 am
2018-04-14 10:34 am

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