各位知識加朋友好,我想寫想給住在義大利的朋友,但因為英文不好,可以請各位協助幫忙翻譯一下的句子嗎? 1.決定你們是否能夠順利畢業的人是教授嗎?2.如果明年順利營業了,你要出國或在義大利繼續攻讀研究所嗎? 3.你的朋友都畢業離開大學了嗎? 5.你在大學有參加社團嗎? 感謝各位^^?

2018-04-11 5:50 am

回答 (1)

2018-04-13 4:39 am
(1)Do the professor decided you will be graduated ? (2) After having graduated in university, do you think that you should stay in Italy to continue study or abroad ? (3)Do all of your undergraduates are leaving for their own ways? (4)During the undergraduate days did you participate in any society ? Yip

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