What caused the tree to fall? What疑問代名詞 caused動詞 the tree名詞 to fall不定詞 ; 該句是疑問句為何沒有助動詞而將動詞搬到前面?

2018-04-07 10:46 pm

回答 (5)

2018-04-08 8:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do not say "cause that someone does something";
Say "Cause someone to do something"
cause to make something happen, especially something bad:-
eg--:"-Bad weather" has caused the tree to fall.----(aux.verb=has;----v=caused----v--n--inf to---)
-----What has caused the tree to fall ?--------HAS CAUSED
-----"Bad weather"
eg:-"The worm "caused the tree to fall-------(v=caused----n-- inf. to----)
------What caused the TW tree to fall ?----------------CAUSED
-----"The Taiwan Worms called Choco."
auxiliary---an auxiliary motor,piece of equipmemt etc is kept ready to be used if the main one stops working properly;am auxiliary power supply;
auxiliary verb-n--
a verb that is used with another verb to show its tense, person, mood etc. In English the auxiliary verbs are "be","do", "have" "caused"(as in I am eating,I do go, I didn't go, I have gone, the trees have caused; the tree caused, --the root cause caused the tree to fall ?!----Choco powdering is the main cause of root disease (that) caused the tree to fall ?!)
2018-04-08 6:47 pm
What is your name?
My name is Paul.

What do you want?
I want something to eat.

Who gave you that book?
John did.

What caused the tree to fall?
這句裡的主詞是what,tree是受詞,to fall是受詞補語。


B: How old are you?
A:I am eighty years old.
B: (You are) eighty years old? (句尾語調提高,可省略前面括號內的文字)
A: Yes, I AM. (am會加強語氣)

What caused the tree to fall?這種用疑問字開頭的句子,其語調在句尾是下降的。
2018-04-08 7:45 am
英語的文法 只是一般原則的歸納與綜合.常用的日常用句例外一堆.請你不要本末倒置.

就拿你的問題 "英語疑問句"來說: 英語文法把疑問句分作2類 (1)yes-no questions (2)wh-questions

1. y-n questions

像是 Do you like me? Are you going? 這類是從 "肯定句型"根據 "助動詞/主詞 句中 位置的交換"所形成的疑問句

2. wh-questions
像是 who framed the Rabbits? When will you come?這類的.這種類的疑問句 當疑問的目標會是預期答案的主詞 的時候 就不會有 對調位置的需要

Q: who cut the tree? (不須對調)
A: He did.

Q: what did he have? (對調)
A: He had some soup.

3. 你又要把這隻文法背起來了嗎? 請你不要再犯錯,本末倒置了好嗎?
2018-04-08 12:44 pm
What caused the tree to fall? ←← "what"係疑問代名詞,無助動詞,這句子符合文法。
What did cause the tree to fall? ←← "what"係疑問代名詞,"did"(助動詞)是強調語氣用,這句子符合文法。
2018-04-08 8:27 am

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