英文造句 : 問 文法,有關一句字中,若 「Prep」的後面,不接 名詞或動名詞!可否 「成句」,且符合 文法? 如 I never go on(prep). He was never late before(prep).?

2018-03-25 12:13 pm

回答 (3)

2018-03-27 5:02 am
I never go on(adverbial particle); He was never late before (adverb). Yip
參考: According to English dictionary
2018-03-25 7:19 pm
例1. (Is) anything going on?
例2. The search for the missing went on.
例3. These gloves won't go on.
例4. I have seen that picture before.
例5. I had met her five years before.
例6. Begin at noon, not before.
例7. He has never been to the US before.
2018-03-25 2:20 pm
"on" can be preposition or adverb. "before" can be preposition, adverb or conjunction.

Both "on" and "before" as shown in your examples are adverb instead of preposition.

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