可以麻煩會英文的大大,幫我翻譯以下這一段嗎?(急) 上班族的生活節奏快速,為了生計到處奔波,以至於沒有太多時間安排休閒娛樂,甚至連看報紙都是一種奢侈,因此若能為奔走忙碌的他們設計出一款兼具娛樂性、便利性及時尚感的皮鞋,將會達到事半功倍的效果。?

2018-02-22 6:50 pm

回答 (3)

2018-02-23 7:58 am
The pace of life of the office workers is fast for their means of living that there is not too much time to arrange for leisure and entertainment so earned, not even reading newspapers to be considered a luxury. Therefore if you can design impressively a both entertaining, conveinent and fashionable sense of a pair of leather shoes, will definitely achieve a double striking accomplished result for them.
2018-02-28 3:12 am
In this busiest world, nearly those office's working personnel's are rushing through their daily clerical works and they have to catch up the appointments so lack of time to be leisure or even reading the newspapers. In view of that fact, there ought to be certain planning so as to help and prevent them from hustling but with the sense of entertainment, such as a convenient,fashionable shoes; as the result, will achieve twice the results with half the effort. Yip
2018-02-23 11:17 am
Working class lives in a speedy world, going here and there to earn a living, little time for relaxation and entertainment, even reading newspaper is a luxury. So if we can design a pair of shoes that is entertaining, convenient and fashionable for their hustle and bustle, wouldn't it be yielding twice the result with half the effort.


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