Can I wear dark red lipstick to work?

2018-02-02 2:19 am
I'm currently working my first job in a fast food restaurant. The only rule for women's makeup as listed on the website is that it must be "tasteful and in moderation".
Is red lipstick considered tasteful? And is lipstick and eye makeup considered in moderation or too much?

I'm probably just going to be safe and remove my lipstick before going to work. I'm mostly just curious considering I don't really have any past experiences to work off of.

回答 (23)

2018-02-02 9:10 pm
I wouldn't wear it unless you see other at your other women at your work place wearing it.
It can be tasteful if it's not too bright and if keep your eye make up more natural. Maybe try a red tinted lip balm, or a more subdued red lipstick.
2018-02-02 4:57 pm
Do not wear it on the first day, wait to see what others wear and also ask a couple of the women what they think.
2018-02-02 3:20 pm
A subtle, rather pale red would be better. Very bright or very dark reds often appear in cosmetic ads, but not on regular women.
2018-02-02 3:03 am
Hello Rose,

I am afraid I do not understand why you are asking this question of us.

You should be asking your boss whether it is permitted to wear dark red lipstick.

It is better to ask before wearing it because if you come to work with it on you may well be told to remove it immediately.

I have to say that if I was your boss and you had a great deal of contact with the public I would not be happy if you wore the colour lipstick you say you want to wear.

2018-02-02 2:20 am
Red may be too bright.
2018-02-07 8:34 pm
2018-02-05 7:09 pm
Try not to wear it on the principal day, hold up to perceive what others wear and furthermore solicit a couple from the ladies what they think.
2018-02-05 6:49 pm
2018-02-04 4:01 pm
not if it goes beyond natural looking I would say leave it for non working hours.
2018-02-03 2:52 pm
Of course
2018-02-03 3:35 am
2018-02-02 11:35 pm
There is no reason to wear it. It could be distracting and they could ask you to leave. I would play it safe and go with no makeup or neutral tones.
2018-02-02 11:35 pm
Yes of course, you go for it girl. I love lipstick 💄
2018-02-02 10:33 pm
Yes, you can.
2018-02-02 12:40 pm
Do you girl
2018-02-02 11:36 am
It can be interpretered as acceptable or as s breach of contract. If you haven’t seen anyone wear res lipstick ask your boss about it.
2018-02-02 7:47 am
Go without the first few days and see what others are doing. Then follow their lead.
2018-02-02 5:51 am
You can, but nude lipstick would probably be a better choice for work.
2018-02-02 2:29 am
if you have to question it don't bother.
2018-02-02 2:26 am
do not over apply your colors or use anything too outside the normal colors and you should be fine - a light coat of red smoothed into the lips would be nice, getting it on your teeth would be bad
2018-02-02 2:23 am
Red is too much any time. Stick with pastels or nudes. Emphasize the eye makeup instead. That always looks good.
2018-02-02 2:20 am
2018-02-02 3:09 am
Disregard the rules on that website. I can give you qualified and professional advice now:


That is all I got right now. Wait one more thing:

Stay comfortable, confident and sexy. You know that though right?

If anyone gives you crap at work for looking good or wanting to look better.... Spit on them and hit them with a brick (then be prepared to lose your job and go to jail). However, you will still look good in jail and made a powerful statement.

Some guy tried to get snappy with me about my throat and neck tattoos. He fell down some steps and I had nothing to do with it. The court and a judge agreed.

My tattoos/your make up.... It does not inhibit our ability to do our jobs better than people without tattoos or makeup. Hate the haters win the game. Of course ignore the websites.
2018-02-02 2:31 am
Depends on your skin tone.
Yes, if it matches, and you have confident enough to wear DARK RED. I think, it's more tasteful than bright red.

For me, with the skin tone I have on my profile, DARK RED would make me look mean-er, and I hate that color on me. Plum, maybe, not dark red.

RED, bright red, may be OK, again, that depends on your skin tone.

I'm wearing raspberry color, and it is almost NOT THERE, strawberry color same thing by Origins.

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