why do British judges wear those 17th century style long white wigs?

2018-01-08 4:14 am
why do they wear those wigs? i think its ridiculous

回答 (9)

2018-01-08 5:18 am
It's traditional. They think your tattoos are ridiculous, too.
2018-01-08 4:17 am
Hello Morgan,

For two reasons.

1) Its historical.
2) Its tradition.

I personally love the old traditions.

2018-01-08 7:21 am
They don't. The long wigs are only worn for ceremonial occasions. In court, short wigs are worn that just sit on top of the head. See the attached photo.

It's traditional, yes, but it also emphasises that court is SERIOUS. Barristers (except in Scotland) wear the short wig too, along with the requirement to wear court dress of white bow tie, white bands and black gown. (If you don't know what a barrister is, we have two types of lawyer. Solicitors can do most things BUT they can't represent you above the lowest level of court. In that case, you need a barrister as well - they're the specialists in speaking in court.)

If you think this is ridiculous, why do American judges wear black gowns? Why do police wear uniforms and priests wear robes? It's a uniform and it says "I'm a judge".

Anyway, it's no longer required for minor civil cases, and 97% of criminal cases in England and Wales aren't dealt with by judges but by local volunteer magistrates. If you're British and end up facing a judge in wig and robes, you've done something pretty bad!
2018-01-08 4:21 am
Tradition. Something you may not appreciate.
2018-01-08 4:17 am
Tradition - we have rather a lot of that here in the UK.
2018-01-08 10:16 am
It's a tradition.
2018-01-08 4:52 am
2018-01-08 4:16 am
They cover up their bald heads.
2018-01-08 4:18 am

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