How to land on the sun?

2017-12-28 4:36 pm

回答 (15)

2017-12-29 4:59 am
Very very carefully
2017-12-28 4:38 pm
Energy shields.
'Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun'
2017-12-29 4:34 am
You can't. The Extreme Heat will melt your space craft.
The Extreme Gravity will Crush You and you and your space craft.
The Nuclear Radiation would kill you before you got past Mercury.
2017-12-29 12:48 am
Well... it wouldn't be 'landing' so much; more like 'impacting'.... the sun's gravity at it's surface is quite high, about 274 times that of Earth; so, even our most powerful engines would be needed just to soft-land on the sun's surface (which isn't solid...), and - even if it was - at 274 times the weight of Earth, most ships would simply collapse, because spacecraft aren't build for strength - they're built to be light...

I'm going to advise you against it.
2017-12-29 12:27 am
Hello Kan,

Another inane question from you just like 5 of the 6 other questions you have asked.

2017-12-28 10:59 pm
doesn't appear to have a solid surface so I am not sure that "land"ing will be possible. there isn't any land.
2017-12-29 3:04 pm
It's as easy as walking on air.
2017-12-28 7:29 pm
sun is not solid.. there are gas or liquid with high temperature in the middle.. so to land on the sun is impossible.. like "land on the air" .. sun is hot.. more than 1.000.000 degree Celsius.. every metal or planet will be destroy by sun.. include earth .. is easy destroying by sun..
only God can fly to the middle of the sun for now..
we have to explore universe to find a metal or something that can handle more than 1.000.000 degree Celsius.. that can not destroy by sun.. then we are not landing.. but we flying or use ship or plane.. for now that all just a dream.
2017-12-28 5:05 pm
You can't.

The Sun does not have solid surface and you would melt and burn up before you got there. in the corona.. The Sun is plasma, ionized gas. There is NO solid surface... A comet went THROUGH the Sun several years ago ( in 2011) and then broke up and fell apart.. I m not making that up.
2017-12-28 4:38 pm
Not. Gonna. Happen.

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