服務生用英文說 餐點可以收了嗎 想用英文說,這個還要吃不要收 請問英文怎麼說 謝謝?

2017-12-23 10:09 am

回答 (5)

2017-12-23 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Are you done with that? Can I get it out of your way?
May I take your plate, Sir/Madam?
Are you finished?
How’s everyone doing here? Are we done with that plate?

Please don't clear the plate. We're not done eating.
2017-12-24 8:13 am
1. Excuse me! Have you finished the meal/ the foods?
打擾一下!請問用餐完畢了嗎?( 問客人還要不要)
2. Excuse me! Have you finished?

May I take your plate away?
可以把 盤子拿走嗎?
2017-12-24 11:09 am
Waiter: Sir or madam have you done it yet ; Customer: That hasn't been done yet. Yip
2017-12-23 6:28 pm
May I take your plate away ?

Not fully completed-----
not finished--------
not done-----------
2017-12-25 11:40 am
Sorry,I have not finish the eating yet

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