What's your favorite kind of fish to eat?

2017-12-05 3:50 am

回答 (7)

2017-12-05 7:18 am
A nice Parmesan crusted salmon - MMMM!
2017-12-05 4:52 am
Pan-seared ahi that's raw in the middle. Better than a good steak.
2017-12-05 4:23 am
Hello Trey,


2017-12-05 3:52 am
Catfish - coated in cornmeal and fried. I can eat the heck out of some catfish.
2017-12-05 3:56 am
Swordfish and some sharks.

By the way, catfish tastes like dirt, yucky bottom of a sewer dirt.
2017-12-05 4:14 am
Salmon definitely.
2017-12-05 4:02 am

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