just found out my great grandmother was a whore that worked in a brothel, how can i cope with this?

2017-11-16 2:28 am
i feel very ashamed, how can i cope with this?

回答 (12)

2017-11-16 2:35 am
Hello Morgan,

Why should you feel ashamed that your Great Grandmother was a prostitute?

Its not your fault and neither did you force her into prostitution.

Added to this I doubt that you know the full story as to why she ended up as she did. There may be some extenuating circumstances for example she may have been forced into prostitution by her husband or someone else or she could have become one in order to feed her children.

I would suggest that before passing judgement on the lady find out why she became what she was.

2017-11-16 2:29 am
Don't dwell on the past...just let it go..maybe its because of her that you are alive now
2017-11-16 2:31 am
She gave you an interesting story to tell your grandkids.

A better way of looking at it is, if she HADN'T been a prostitue, she might have never met your great grandfather. And you may have never been born.

If it makes you feel any better, Jesus' ancestors were King David and Bathsheba. They were not married. And David had her husband killed so she could be his concubine/consort. Means one of his many prostitutes/wives.

So... even the Messiah has stains in his history. Jesus is still the most worshiped icon in the world.
2017-11-18 6:17 am
Just remember, YOU are not her. What she did has nothing to do with the choices
you make for your life.
Also, remember, times were probably desperate back then. Maybe it was
during the Depression in the 1930's, and it was either do THAT or starve.
Perhaps you should try not to judge.
2017-11-16 8:08 am
Dont lay down for nobody the way she did
2017-11-16 4:53 am
That sux. Now you know how Bill Clinton and Barack Obama feel.
2017-11-16 3:47 am
Look her up.
She's probably a bit past prime for that occupation and could use the business.
2017-11-16 3:36 am
Yeah,I think the way it works is that it only matters what YOU are.Just take care of that and you should be alright.
2017-11-16 6:14 am
You should love your grandmother no matter what she did to earn a living.
2017-11-16 2:40 am
It is of no concern to you.
Don't bother about it.
2017-11-16 3:10 am
Was your great grandfather her pimp?
2017-11-16 2:34 am
You should follow In her footsteps......
You'll be a natural.

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