
2017-11-02 6:19 pm
The couple has been married 15 years.
請問知識大大們,此句為什麼不用加for呢?-The couple has been married for 15 years.謝謝。: )

回答 (5)

2017-11-03 12:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這句話有 for 和 沒 for 都可以:

The couple has been married 15 years. (O)
The couple has been married for 15 years. (O)

但下面這句,就不要省略 for:
I haven't had a vacation for 10 years. (O)

看出分別所在了嗎? 現在完成式用 for 表示某種狀態已經維持一段時間, 在口語或較不正式的書寫上,for 可以省略。 但是,否定句時,for 通常都是保留的!


Michael Swan:《Practical English Usage》 第三版,第 433 頁。
Raymond Murphy:《English Grammar In Use》第三版,第 24 頁。
2017-11-02 8:45 pm
concerning somebody something;
to show purpose or function;
"for" is needed in sentence.
Hence:-The couple has been married (for) 15 years.
2017-11-02 6:22 pm
这句应该需要for, the couple has been married for 15 years 才是正确的
2017-11-02 10:12 pm
"marry (married)"這動詞的詞性有[Vt. / Vi.]。
#1. (本題) "15 years"無法當作[Vt.]的受詞,需加一介系詞-而"for"(介系詞)用法之一是接<時間、期間>。
#2. (本題) “married“解讀為[Vi.]。
※所以,“The couple have married for 15 years.“←需加"for"。
※本題"has been married":7p.現在完成式+被動:have(複數)/has(第三人稱單數) been + P.P.。→→應該訂正為"have married":現在完成式(複數)。
# 查閱幾種英日文辭典,主張"the couple (那夫妻)"的動詞使用複數。
# “couple”的語法:(1)couple が2人の人を指す場合には,多くの集合名詞と同様,動詞は単数でも複数でもよいが,たいていは複数と解される
例. The couple were traveling to Texas.
2017-11-03 9:35 am
一、The couple have & The couple have
輸入”The couple has” – 搜尋到含該詞的句有 668,000句
“The couple have” – 搜尋到含該詞的句有566,000句
英文母語人士對此亦無定論,copy 兩位意見如下
1.認為couple 是名詞單數,故該用has
the couple may mean 2 persons but is a single noun. therefore 'the couple has a son'
2.認為couple 是集合名詞,故該用have
Grammatically, couple is a collective noun and therefore used in the singular.
However, to my English ears, "the couple have a son" is the norm. "The couple has a son" sounds odd.
I think it's because "a couple" = the two of them; therefore have.
二、has been married for 10 years & has been married 10 years (用10 年
輸入”has been married 10 years” – 搜尋到含該詞的句有30,500句
輸入”has been married for 10 years”– 搜尋到含該詞的句有約200,000句。
由上數據可證明,用for 15 years 確實比較普遍(或說正統好了),但當某種講法
了。至於理由? 完全同樣的句子(只差一個for)如果都有人用,那
有特殊理由,就是可以(就像是there’s 及there’re於文章-考試,
固然有別,於口語上母語人士就是喜歡there’s – 來源如下英文母
Of course it's correct to use 'there are' with plurals.
The problem is that it's physically much easier to pronounce "there's"
than "there're" or even "there are".
So, in informal speech, a lot of people are using "there's" when they
know it should be "there are". They don't 'feel' that the subject is
singular; it's just easier to SAY!
I do it myself, and I'm a retired English teacher.
So if you're writing a formal essay, or taking an English test, use "there
are" for plurals, but in colloquial conversation, it's becoming normal to
use "there's".

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