If you were offered a trip on a time machine to any part of history where would you pick to go back to and why ? Would it be one way /return?

2017-10-25 6:23 am

回答 (8)

2017-10-25 10:05 pm
1995 - one way because i'm sure i would not end up where i am today.
2017-10-25 8:45 am
back to my childhood one way trip
2017-10-25 7:49 am
The Crucifixion. Round trip.
2017-10-25 7:06 am
Not more than a few hundred years.

The reason?!?! - the English language has evolved considerably over the years and most people in the past would not understand any but a few words that I spoke. Go back 800 years and they wouldn't understand a single word. And as such they would probably burn me as a witch.

Understand too, that explaining you were from the future would be pointless because they would have absolutely no concept of time travel.
2017-10-25 6:40 am
I'd go back to the days when dinosaurs still existed, I would like to come back though.
2017-10-25 6:40 am
I'd go back to 1967 to San Francisco, and make my fortune as a fortune teller predicting the next 50 years and become as rich as Donald Trump.
2017-10-25 6:39 am
It depends upon whether or not I can replace myself in that earlier time period. If I could go back and replace myself when I turned 5, I would. So much I would do differently, beginning with preventing the death of my brother a year later.

If I could go back in time and then return to the present, I think I'd go back to see if Christ was a real person or not.

If the choice was to go back in time now, at my present age, and live out the rest of my life, I'd probably go to the 1960s. I have an interest in history BUT I also have no interest in living in an era of leeches when it comes to medical care, half-cooked meat when it comes to food, lack of plumbing when it comes to sanitation, and lack of mobility when it comes to travel. The 1960s were relatively comparable to our own era, mostly lacking only amenities like home computers and cell phones. I could live without a home computer or a cell phone.
2017-10-25 6:25 am
To the day my father left to go back to India

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