Fact: There was no Jesus. The Roman Catholic Church was from the 4th Century. The Roman Bishops, part of the Royal Roman Court invented Christianity. Remember the Dark Ages when the Roman Catholics made non-belief in Jesus punishable by death.
Infighting over money and political power went on in the Church for centuries causing schisms and rebel ions. Then in the 16th Century the Protestant Reformation split the Church. Today we have over 35,000 flavors of Christian...35.000 different bank accounts.
All this was the most financially successful hoax in history.
And it's still functioning as a hoax.
And there's the problem. Jesus didn't start a religion.
True Christianity is a body of believers, a group of people that belong to Christ, regardless of which church they go to. The first Christians called themselves The Way. Then they began to call themselves Christians. They simply were following the way, the truth and the life, Jesus Christ, as His disciples.
Jesus didn't start a religion, he came to end religion. There are so many denominations because people are free to interpret the relationship with him as it suits their understanding.
Jesus did not start a new religion.
Read the Gospels and you find that his teaching was about how to live a loving caring moral and generous life underpinned by a simple pure faith in God's Goodness and faith in his willingness to bless us and help us in response to faith.
He asked his followers to remember his sufferings and death whenever they met to eat bread and drink wine in a fellowship meal, the bread and wine to be symbols of his broken body and shed blood.
Another rite was the baptism by total immersion of new believers in pools or rivers. This symbolises spiritual cleansing by dying to the old life and coming up out of the water to a brand new life, transformed by the Power of the Holy Spirit which is given to people who come in faith and submission to Jesus Christ, who is alive in the world through the power of God's Holy Spirit!
He gave the command to go into all nations to make disciples. So evangelisation is the main task of Jesus' followers - to spread the Good News of God's forgiving Love and Mercy.
The first believers often met in their homes, informally, all taking part as inspired by the Spirit and singing worship and praise to God,( psalms was the first hymn-book) .and sharing a meal. They built each other up by sharing natural talents and Spiritual Gifts - like preaching,
prophesying, healing, teaching and helping the needy - like widows.
It was much later that church meetings became formalised and with paid college-trained leaders - the clergy. Christianity becomes a mere religion when the meetings and services are all pre-planned with no opportunity for planned or spontaneous items from the ordinary worshippers which are prompted by God's Spirit. The Bible teaches the doctrine of the priesthood of ALL true believers, not just those trained and paid! This vital truth was suppressed when the Roman Catholic Church was formed over 300yrs after Christ's life. Tthe Truth of God's free Grace was also lost
New denominations have sprung up when Christians have realised that their current churches have become spiritually dead - just going through the motions by habit - worshipping an historic Christ rather than the experienced Living and Loving Presence of God, through Christ.
New denominations generally aim at reviving the vital sense of God's active Presence as was enjoyed by the first church fellowships.
Not many churches achieve the kind of powerful God-filled meetings enjoyed by the first believers, often because wrong teachings and practices came in. and even when purges come through inspired new leaders and preachers, heresy soon creeps in again.
Because Man has a habit of corrupting things he is able to get a hold of. But God does what he does spiritually, which is something that Man talks about but rarely understands.
Religious people tend to make physical representations of spiritual things. They then confuse the physical representations with the spiritual truth of what they represent.
參考: bisexual Christian
Because apostasy began, just as Jesus said it would. It crept in soon after the death of the last apostle. I know practically no one will believe me, and I usually don't come right out and say this, but all the churches are part of this apostasy Jesus mentioned.
Should we expect that apostates will arise within the Christian congregation?
1 Tim. 4:1: “The inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons.”
2 Thess. 2:3: “Let no one seduce you in any manner, because [the day of Jehovah] will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.”
參考: a Bible encyclopedia. I was going to take out the word "Jehovah" to make this info more palatable, but that would actually be an awful thing to do.
Jesus did not say "follow the religion that I created". He said "follow me". It is by having a personal relationship with him that will lead you to the Kingdom of God. Not by head knowledge, emotional feeling or rituals.
Jesus Didn't come to set up a religion. He came to restore a relationship. "Religion" is just our system of trying to formalize that relationship. Sometimes it can be helpful to the relationship, and sometimes it gets in the way of the relationship. But sometimes it tries to actually replace or re-define the relationship on our terms. That is when it becomes dangerous.
The devil started religion,God of the KJ bible started Christianity.
Because of the Protestant reformation. Jesus said the gates of Hell would not prevail against His church which means it still stands today. That church is the Catholic Church. Martin Luther jump started the reformation which led to over 30,000 denominations. The Catholic Church is the only church that can trace its roots to the ministry of Jesus. All other churches are man made.
The Christian church splintered by the one God and Father of all. It demonstrates God's diversity and man's continued development of culture and moral thought.
Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (Matt. 18:18)
in early christian writings, jesus was never physically on the planet and only existed in hallucinations, delusions and dreams.....today, jesus still only exists in hallucinations, delusions and dreams...
James Zebedee was the leader after Jesus, and not Peter. After the death of James everything went to apostasy.
(Matthew 7:13-15,21) This verse explains why there are so many religions. You must pray to the Almighty God Jehovah to help you find the true religion. Or you could also start a free home bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses!
Jesus fulfilled the Jewish prophecy that a messiah would save us.
Those who recognized him as the Christ were called Christians.
All true Christians still believe the same basic teachings.
But many disagree about details of authority & worship.
It is organization not teachings which separate denominations.
Catholics keep trying to claim only they can be Christian and that is why Christianity has been split into over 39,500 different denominations, sects and cults setting Christian against Christian and Christians against everyone else!
God's work? Hardly!
It must be the Devil and the Antichrist working together to divide, conquer and destroy Christianity from the inside!
It is all part of the progression of time. Paul, the apostle, told us that the apostasy had to arrive.
When Rome splintered into many nations, states, and the Pope became a secular power with the authority over the kings and rulers of these states, the church of Christ had now apostated from what it originally was meant to be.
The power of the church at some time during this period was almost 100% over the kings and paupers, with churches in every village to make sure that everyone, poor and rich, went to church. It caused the destruction of nearly all local types of worship in huge areas of the earth (Europe, Russia, etc),
If this situation had continued, there would be no second coming of Christ. The church's power had to be weakened, and this started with the Protestant reformation - where many denominations according to prophecy came to be. Read Matthew 24. (particularly the first half of the chapter)
A second weakening was now possible, and it came in the clothes of Evolution.
Only now is it possible for the attack on religion to happen that prophecy speaks of. When this begins, the end of the world begins with the Great Tribulation.
In a sense, the many denominations tried to get away from the apostasy that began so many years ago.
These primary reasons:
A - not all Christians agree 100% on all Christian doctrines (I point out that there are hundreds of Christian doctrines even in a single denomination)
B - not all Christians agree 100% on all Christian religious practices (I point out that there are dozens or practices even in a single denomination)
C - not all Christians agree 100% on how Christianity should be organized - i.e. on who should be running churches and on how those officials should be chosen and on how they should be ranked
If you can learn anything from this website, it is that people are very opinionated and love to argue about religion. ...that's why.
manmade - they all want a share of the massive profit!!
Different interpretations.
There are four ways to interpret scripture... Literal, Allegorical, Moral, and Anagogical.
The literal interpreters are the most uninformed, yet the ones who go around parading about Jesus, distorting his message in bizarrely hypocritical fashion.
We can guess: human pride. Here is the solution:
Nigeria, late 1990s (through Barnaby Nowye)
"With love I offered...the Precious Blood from my sacred feet...for the unity of My Church.I mean all who call on my name. As the nail held my feet together, so it held all my people to become one. My children, whenever you say this prayer you are making the hour of My Kingdom on earth come sooner. Through this prayer, My Father will let it come down soon; the hour of the Second Pentecost when My prayer will be fulfilled that all shall be one... All who carry out this devotion will rejoice greatly when My Kingdom comes. I will protect them always."
Eternal Father, I offer You all the wounds, pains, and the Precious Blood from the sacred feet of Your Son, Our Lord and Master, for all Your children who are wandering like sheep without a shepherd in this terrifying forest. Protect them against wild predators and give them peace that they might be one and united in the same way as the nail held fast the feet of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - reign forever. Amen.
music of forgotten catherdals
參考: Jesus
It was plain what Jesus meant in Mat. 5:48 (to become perfect) ; but no one is willing to do that ( accept me , apparently ) ; and so people choose various scriptures they think they should obey that will cause them to be SAVED .
They can't agree on the interpretation of the fabricated stories.
Its because a sucker is born every minute.
Note to self: They are all "Christian" denominations. Jesus prophesied it would happen and approved it.