What is the one true religion?

2017-08-07 3:40 am

回答 (23)

2017-08-07 6:23 am
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The only Almighty God, Jehovah, approves. Obviously, what makes this so important is Only Jehovah has the Power required to cause whatever he desires to happen just as he wishes done.

A few things, understanding such beliefs as hellfire, trinity, immortality of the soul and holidays that religions and governments observe, are all never supported by the Bible.

John 17:3 contains Jesus' command, "This MEANS everlasting life, their taking in (ACCURATE) KNOWLEDGE of (BOTH) you the Only True God AND of the one you SENT forth (to earth), Jesus Christ".

1 Corinthians 1:10 ORDERING " there must be NO DIVISIONS among you, being in complete agreement on teachings. All teaching as with the same mind and line of thought. All questions answered from the Bible.

Knowing, firmly believing, "ALL scripture is inspired of God and beneficial...." (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

John 13:34-35, Jesus ORDERS true Christians to "have Love for one another." Meaning no participation in any wars, racism, nationalism.
2017-08-07 3:47 am
There is no one true religion. Jesus is truth, follow him.
2017-08-07 3:45 am
Those who witness on behalf of the true God Yehovah and preach the good news of his kingdom are the true Christians on earth today!
2017-08-07 3:41 am
2017-08-07 11:07 am
Those who are serious about religion should think that the one they’ve chosen is acceptable to God and Jesus. Otherwise, why would they be involved in it?

Jesus Christ didn’t agree with the view that there are many religions, many roads, all leading to salvation.

Rather, he said: “Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” (Matthew 7:14)

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that they’ve found that road. Otherwise, they’d look for another religion.

Why we know it is the truth.

There are (5) ways to tell if you have the truth.

(1) We remain in Jesus teaching.

(2) We love one another.

(3) We adhere to God’s high moral standards.

(4) We remain neutral in the controversies of this world, and

(5) We are God’s name people.
2017-08-07 5:35 am
2017-08-07 4:58 am
The only true religion is God's Original Religion

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

After the serpent deceived Eve, and sin entered the world.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God, The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. [John 1:1-3]

God gave the "Gospel" to Adam and Eve.

This was, and is the same gospel we have in the Bible today.

This gospel was expanded upon down through the ages by means of God's Patriarchs, Prophets, Judges, Kings, and Jesus ( God's Son )

I believe this gospel to be the ORIGINAL religion from God and ALL other religions are a variation of, or are in lieu of God's original Gospel for the salvation of mankind.

The Hebrews/Jews had part of this gospel, and now Jesus completed it, and this gospel is taught today in all Seventh-day Adventist churches.
參考: May God bless you as you study His Word <:SDA>< King James Bible
2017-08-07 3:49 am
It would be better to ask: 'what is the one true relationship'.

2017-08-07 3:44 am
The religion of Abraham ; the worship only of the One True God and the disavowing of all association with idols and false gods.
2017-08-07 4:30 am
Christianity is the only True Religion.
參考: I'm a proud and devout Christian
2017-08-07 3:47 am
Only mine ,. See my answers for evidence .
2017-08-07 3:40 am
i would say the money god. most humans worship money
2017-08-07 3:43 am
2017-08-12 12:09 am
The worship practiced by Jesus as found in the Bible.
2017-08-10 7:11 am
2017-08-07 11:13 am
Buddhism minus reincarnation.
2017-08-07 6:19 am
Christianity is the one true religion because Jesus Christ is God and it is a historical fact that he rose from the dead on the 3rd day after his crucifixion. In general, your best bet is to go to an Evangelical church which hews as closely to the New Testament as possible.
2017-08-07 5:32 am
The one you believe.
2017-08-07 4:10 am
None of them
2017-08-07 8:00 am
Sun worship. The sun is the source of all life.
2017-08-07 6:53 am
All religions are false and all gods are myths.
2017-08-07 3:46 am
Atheism is the one true religion. All other religions are not the one true religion.
2017-08-07 3:45 am
Historical examples of religions show that the true ones are the ones that are left after you kill enough of the the other believers until everybody is too frightened to argue with you and accepts your god as true.

In other words, might makes right.

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