My wife is in chronic pain. 3 or 4 times a day we watch her have a screaming episode. How long before she has to go to the nursing home?

2017-05-28 6:02 am
She's lost most of her mobility, and has issues with feeding herself. She can't go to the bathroom unassisted. She can't consistently take the two steps to the wheelchair from the bed, or the toilet, etc. She takes part in a program that gives us 6 hours of assistance, 5 days a week. By being in the program, she's categorized as being to the point of being in permanent care. We have two sons, age 14 and 11. My goal has always been to keep her in the home until both the kids have graduated high school, but I'm not sure we're going to make it. She adamantly does not want to go to a nursing home, but I'm not sure how much longer we can hold out. I don't have any friends outside of the family, and 3 or 4 work friends, and everyone who's aware has no advice. Thanks.

回答 (6)

2017-05-28 6:45 am
No one wants to go to a nursing home. The average life expectancy after moving to a nursing home in 6 months. So consider that. She never HAS TO GO to a nursing home. That is a family decision to make. 30 hours of nursing care is a lot. It sounds like you need to get out during those 30 hours. Get into a support group. Take your kids out to do something. Get out and spend time with others in a fun activity- and make new friends.
2017-05-28 6:10 am
Go find a program that provides more hours. She deserves more hours but these companies do not want to cuz it would cost them much more. But 6 hours a day should be enough for your kids to come home to take care of her afterschool. Then when you get home from work, you can just take on from there.
2017-05-28 6:20 am
Take that up with her physician. It sounds like she needs nursing care now.
2017-05-28 6:42 am
Ask her doctor stupid we don't know jacksh8t about her condition and her doctor does and if you're so thick as not to know that then you're obviously too inept to properly care for her or for you 2 kids.
2017-05-31 9:06 pm
I feel bad for all of you. She needs a nursing home by the sound of it.
2017-05-29 4:52 am
Treat her as I do my 5 years of ALS son . I volunteered to live in their home and take care of him , but the family doesn't like my preaching about everyone has to make a sincere covenant with the Father that they will always obey all of Jesus' SAYINGS . SO , I'm ON MY OWN . But it is better to do as I do anyhow . I expect him to get healed .

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