do you smoke pot?

2017-05-02 10:55 pm

回答 (705)

2017-05-03 3:53 pm
No because I do not want to become like a plant!
2017-05-03 11:13 pm
I have smoked it for over 50 years, beginning with the Hippie movement in San Francisco in 1964. Went on to get an MBA and work for a Fortune 500 company for 30+ years in management. Retired at age 55 with a 6 figure retirement income and in great health. The point being that the 'pot' experience is different for everyone. Some cannot handle it without sinking into harder drugs. Some can thrive while enjoying a good bud on the weekends.

@Corkstone... moron..! I have given far more back to the community than you ever will, dumbass. Active in the World Food Program, ASPCA, St. Jude's hospital, as well as various local animal rescue agencies. Get a life a-hole!
2017-05-03 11:43 am
No. I do want to try it once though.
2017-05-03 2:13 pm
Yea. So what?
2017-05-05 3:30 am
No. Smoking pot makes us worse.
2017-05-03 2:22 am
every chance i get. it is beyond belief that in the 21st century it is still illegal.
2017-05-04 8:25 pm
2017-05-04 6:34 am
Yes but only since i was 18 (49 years ago). It has not screwed me up, ruined my health or life. I don't happen to drink but I don't judge those who do.
I am a retired teacher, a runner, a volunteer tutor, an advocate for abused and neglected children (CASA). As you can tell, it has not led me down the road of destruction. It has not destroyed my motivation, it is simply something I use to help me relax or sleep.
2017-05-03 1:45 pm
I have, yes. A lot.
2017-05-03 12:46 pm
Nope. I don't do that disgusting ****!
2017-05-04 5:01 pm
No. I've never even been interested nor curious about trying it. I'd rather drink a cup of strong Spanish black coffee or spend time with a pleasantly plump lady!
2017-05-02 11:04 pm
2017-05-03 8:43 pm
Yes, it is great for anxiety and insomnia.
2017-05-02 10:57 pm
Nope never have , and have never smoked anything.
2017-05-02 11:05 pm
Nah I don't need that rubbish.
2017-05-03 10:19 pm
2017-05-04 9:20 am
nope. but i might try.
2017-05-05 9:39 am
It alters ones brain. The more it is used the worse it gets. Users do not do well talking fluently with other after a 10 to 15 minute span. Their brain fogs up. To none smokers they are trying desperately to act intelligent to a fault.
Anger may ensue, indifference.....they want the non-pot smoker to go away so that they can hide behind their
It takes months and years of non-use to get the MJ out of the system.....if at all.
2017-05-05 1:46 am
No, but during chemo my son bugs the heck out of me to use it and has an expensive subliminal pot in my frig. I told him if im dying i will use it.
2017-05-03 12:45 pm
Smoked some when I was 16-22 or 23, then became a grown up and stopped getting high and/or drunk.
2017-05-03 2:36 am
No, people always talked about it, I use to wonder what it was like, but never bought up the courage to try it.
now I guess I will never know.
2017-05-03 11:07 am
2017-05-03 4:23 am
No, but I don't care if people do. It's used for medical purposes. So why can't people just use it even if they don't have a disease or something? It's confusing. Most people who grow medical marijuana illegally deal it anyways. It's far less harmful than cigarettes and beer. Cigarettes and beer have killed people before (lung cancer, pneumonia, liver cancer, liver failure, etc.) And guess what hasn't killed anyone in the history of anywhere and anything?
Also, marijuana isn't just smoked. It can be in chocolate, lotion, and bunches of other stuff. Some marijuana products have even helped women on their periods. Which is good, especially for the women who have exceedingly painful cramps from a disease like endometriosis.
2017-05-03 1:51 am
2017-05-04 11:24 pm
been there done that, makes you lazy as f$*k the next day, i dont do it anymore.
2017-05-03 9:35 am
2017-05-03 9:33 pm
2017-05-04 10:21 am
No, I like to keep my special brain cells in working condition so I can try and function like every brilliant AMERICAN that has never come across a circus freak family n their weird behavior n habits! "for he shall not throw the first stone"a$$wipe FREAK OF NaTURE!
2017-05-04 11:02 am
Not anymore. Loved it. Loooovvvved it. But spent all day hearing things in my walls to enjoy it anymore. That and I got married. Some people can smoke once in a while on a Sunday or something. I'm not that guy. It's always baked, or never baked for me. I picked never and life got so much easier.
2017-05-03 2:07 pm
All the time and it's amazing that with the internet being what it is, we haven't evolved to stop telling other people what they can and can't consume. I mean it takes a special kind of arrogance for a government to tell its people that it's "protecting them" by criminalizing drugs like weed. It's hypocrisy and nothing more when they have cigs and beer in every corner of America.
2017-05-03 12:30 pm
Yep, it's good. It's fun and not bad for you. Granted smoke inhalation is never good but still better than alcohol and tobacco.
2017-05-05 11:03 pm
Yep, sure do. What are you going to do about. It's a miracle drug. Even after I've smoked it for long lengths of time, I have easily stopped doing for many months & there are no withdrawals. I'm so happy it's been made legal now in the state I live in. It's not fair people can drink & drink & drink & people act like that's OK. Alcohol and I do not mix, so I can now have my drug of choice. Alcohol is also a drug, and a much more potent and dangerous drug in liquid form.
2017-05-03 6:47 pm
2017-05-03 4:42 pm
Yes. Alot too. I used to sell it. Smoked everyday for about 4 years. The only time I didn't smoke if I was on vacation or something like that.
But I suddenly just quit and only smoked about 100 times since then lol.
It was fun times though. Good times
2017-05-03 9:05 am
i like it, I don't understand why it was ever illegal. Oh how anyone can outlaw a plant.
2017-05-03 11:59 am
Why is this in the "baby" and "newborn" section? Talk about irresponsible!
2017-05-03 9:39 pm
No but I want to try it lol
2017-05-03 4:13 am
No not now but did when younger, but if they make it legal here I probably use for medical reason.
2017-05-03 2:57 am
All day, every day, all the time
2017-05-04 5:40 am
2017-05-04 1:18 am
2017-05-03 12:12 pm
2017-05-04 11:50 am
who dont??
2017-05-04 4:27 am
No I dont want to die
2017-05-04 10:53 pm
No never tried it, but don't have any qualms with people who do.
2017-05-04 2:36 pm
I have no friends so I've never been offered any.
2017-05-03 1:04 pm
I smoke weed every day lol
2017-05-03 12:14 pm
2017-05-03 10:58 am
no. thought about it though
2017-05-03 8:10 am
yes! I'm pregnant with 5 kids and I love weed! I hope to raise my kids to be stoners when they get older! Have a nice day! Smoke when ur pregnant and make ur kids smoke bye
2017-05-03 6:37 am
Not since the Thai weed dried up in the 70's .
2017-05-03 4:53 am
2017-05-03 12:08 am
Yes, i love it.
2017-05-05 11:10 pm
2017-05-05 3:49 am
2017-05-04 11:08 am
2017-05-04 9:42 am
2017-05-04 1:17 am
2017-05-04 12:33 am
No, and never have don't even know where to get it
2017-05-03 11:18 pm
2017-05-03 8:30 am
I'm still a teen.
2017-05-02 10:59 pm
I never have, and I never will.
2017-05-05 3:27 pm
2017-05-05 3:51 am
2017-05-04 10:55 am
Oh hell yeah
2017-05-03 1:27 pm
Of course, no hope without it.
2017-05-04 2:59 pm
2017-05-04 4:54 am
Haven't in over 20 years
2017-05-03 5:16 pm
If you smoke pot you will end up sucking **** for money
2017-05-02 11:04 pm
No , I value my health far too much .
2017-05-04 8:50 pm
As you know this is a drug. It alters your thinking and reduces your response to normal nerve and muscle response. There is also a study that it causes hair brittleness and even receded hairlines and speeds up baldness in young men in the teens and young adults and enhanced puffiness and bags under the eyes. As with any carcinigen skin tones and dryness is common of the skin. There is also some damage to the arteries in the lower extremities which will expedite erectile dysfunction and poor circulation at a young age which could lead to amputation due to collapsed arteries.
2017-05-04 7:23 pm
Yes, I dont find anything wrong with pot. Its natural and its a hell of a lot better than any other drugs. I believe its way better to be a stoner rather than a tweaker. Plus hemp has many other benefits besides easing peoples nerves and symptoms of cancers and diseases.
2017-05-04 12:08 pm
sure do.
2017-05-04 10:56 am
Of I yee
2017-05-04 9:30 am
I would if I knew anyone that sells it
2017-05-04 6:39 am
I don't but in Cali pot is soon to be legal! When legal the bars might sell it as they sell the booze! Nothing wrong with pot! People make to much of an issue about it! Also in Cali you'll be able to buy it, and folks will be stoned up ????????! But that is going to be 21 or older Cali will treat it like booze! I'll be lmao if I see people stoned up and acting goofy! I drink so I won't be doin it! Chris
2017-05-04 6:08 am
I don't smoke it myself. But i don't have a problem with people smoking it. As long as its not in an area where others have to smell it. I consider it like cigarettes in the way people need to be considerate of those who do not participate in it. I think if people think it helps them cope with whatever it is they need help with in life... that is okay. Just dont force it in the faces of other people.
2017-05-04 5:06 am
Occasionally. I have smoked off and on for over 30 years, with no deleterious effects. I much prefer it to alcohol, which has a much greater destructive potential.
2017-05-04 2:41 am
No but if I d had the time I might have tried it 2 years ago when diagnosed with cancer. However, I found that I was at stage 4 and there was no time to waste so I went along with the chemotherapy.
2017-05-04 2:09 am
I pretty much take any pain relief I can get my hands on. My stress levels are sky high, and weed's pretty good for that too.
I don't believe the propaganda that says it can mess up your mental health. It just an easy lie, without genuine statistical grounding.
2017-05-04 12:59 am
Duh !!!! I'm NORML
2017-05-04 12:50 am
Marijuana isn't going to hurt you, but I will tell you the absolute truth that nobody on marijuana is going to tell you. The reason being is, "they won't ever know unless they quit for a little bit to see."

I think there is a more important question behind this question and I'll answer that one.

Marijuana goes with video games like beer and chicken wings. Why? Because they both have same qualities in the brain. Marijuana gives you a false sense of productivity without the strain of actually doing it just like video games.

Will pot hurt you? No. Is pot a sin? No. Does God love people more or less based on habits? Absolutely NOT!

There's more out there than pot that is enjoyable. But enjoy yourself and God bless!
2017-05-03 10:51 pm
Why is it still illegal?
2017-05-03 3:16 pm
My pot never smokes, cuz I cook perfectly in a pot without burning the food :3
2017-05-03 1:56 pm
Right now
2017-05-03 6:26 am
Yes, for medicinal purposes!
2017-05-03 4:55 am
Willie Nelson does.
2017-05-03 4:33 am
Yeah, probably a couple times a week.
2017-05-03 4:27 am
In my opinion it's a much safer option than drinking and yes I do
2017-05-03 2:40 am
Yes. I smoke pans, forks, knives, and all other kitchen tools as well.
2017-05-03 2:37 am
last time was over 50 years ago....and even then only when someone was passing a joint around
2017-05-05 5:53 pm
There's no benefits to it
2017-05-05 12:13 pm
2017-05-05 9:28 am
I smoke penis
2017-05-04 9:26 pm
Nope,in fact I never smoked pot.
2017-05-04 8:17 pm
2017-05-04 12:59 pm
2017-05-04 11:32 am
No, sorry... i dont.
I dont feel the need to.
2017-05-04 10:14 am
2017-05-04 9:48 am
Used to
2017-05-04 6:05 am
2017-05-03 11:08 pm
Nope. Sure do not.
2017-05-03 7:40 pm
Yes. My husband and my dad do also.
2017-05-03 4:50 pm
It depends, are you a cop?
2017-05-03 7:12 am
no, too busy drinking. hiccup.
2017-05-03 6:20 am
Nope. Which is amazing since I was surrounded by people who constantly smoked pot since I was 12-years-old.
2017-05-03 2:56 am
I have a few times, but I prefer to eat it.
2017-05-02 11:13 pm
No, never even tried it. No desire.
2017-05-02 10:55 pm
Nope. Don't want to. Smells bad and honestly boring the times I tried it.
2017-05-03 5:15 am
No. I don't like the feeling of being high. I don't have a problem with people who smoke, though. Most people around me do it.
2017-05-03 3:44 am
2017-05-05 9:20 pm
2017-05-05 2:27 pm
2017-05-05 10:00 am
I have a brain and would like to keel it in working order for as long as possible so no :)
2017-05-03 9:55 am
Hell no
2017-05-03 11:58 pm
No because I'm not retarded.
2017-05-03 9:18 am
No I wasn't that weak minded and naive
2017-05-03 2:28 am
Only dregs of society smoke pot.
2017-05-07 11:38 pm
asmoke ganja too good
2017-05-06 9:44 pm
2017-05-06 5:05 pm
Sometimes. If I didn't have anxiety I'm sure I'd become a regular user though. I'll leave it a few years.
參考: Had a fair share of bad highs in the past
2017-05-06 2:57 pm
No, never have, and my man is a Fire Boss with the Forest Service Hotshots, elite Wildlands fire fighters. I mention that simply because their standards don't allow such things, and he wouldn't be part of his life partner doing such things.
2017-05-06 8:29 am
No, but the federal govt is enumerated absolutely ZERO power to regulate it. The States and People DO have have that power.
2017-05-06 3:27 am
2017-05-06 2:50 am
2017-05-06 1:21 am
Nope, don't wanna try it either...
2017-05-05 5:14 pm
2017-05-05 3:30 pm
2017-05-05 6:16 am
No. My renter has a med card though.
2017-05-05 3:44 am
No but I WOULD if I could do so legally.
2017-05-05 3:02 am
I was hoping that people would've moved past believing that marijuana is "the devils drug" or "dope" but the answers in this thread leads me to believe that the public still things along those lines.
2017-05-04 8:04 pm
I vape.
2017-05-04 2:32 pm
mind ya bidness
2017-05-04 12:08 pm
every single day.
2017-05-04 11:28 am
The day it becomes legal, I'll start!
2017-05-04 9:32 am
well im a sophomore in highschool and i dont know anyone who DOESNT smoke weed
2017-05-04 9:12 am
2017-05-04 8:36 am
Nope, not cigarettes or cigarillos either
2017-05-04 6:28 am
Yes! So many benifits it's INSANE!
2017-05-04 5:34 am
you bet
2017-05-04 3:10 am
2017-05-04 2:56 am
no, but I did in high school. and smoking home grown at a friends of a friends house, I found myself experiencing explosions inside my head it last for 30 minutes. I thought I was going to die. it thought maybe it was an aneurism beginning to happen. and then I did it again the next night but with a different place. I really thought I was going to die that night, I never smoked it again. someone later said it was probably laced with PCP, I don't know. if it was, people can die from laced pot they even made a movie of a guy that went brain dead after smoking pcp once. and for people that say smoking pot doesn't kill, think of the oil spill and the valdeze, and think of that train wreck so many years, and in the the states of Washington and Arizona e of accidents due to pot smoking has increased under the influence.
2017-05-04 1:33 am
No. But I want it to be completely legal everywhere.
2017-05-04 1:02 am
No. Never have, never will.
2017-05-04 12:55 am
Yep, got a joint in my hand right as I type this. Excellent stuff, really helps me out :)
2017-05-04 12:49 am
When it becomes legal
2017-05-03 11:34 pm
natures medicine & natural cure for almost everything. **** YES I DO. everything is wrong with me, if i didn't have weed in my life, i would've been dead many, many years ago.
2017-05-03 10:45 pm
Occasionally. When im in a good mood. Boosts my creativity
2017-05-03 10:31 pm
Yeah because I'm a cool kid unlike you lames
2017-05-03 8:26 pm
Every single day
2017-05-03 8:22 pm
Only when I grease my cast iron pot does it smoke.
2017-05-03 8:20 pm
Lol ya
2017-05-03 8:18 pm
Yup It gives awesome feel but i m not addicted.
2017-05-03 8:13 pm
Yes. And I really like it.
2017-05-03 6:39 pm
2017-05-03 6:23 pm
On occasion I do, not nearly as much as I used to though.
2017-05-03 5:04 pm
Yeah but never enough :(
2017-05-03 3:44 pm
No. I eat it. I prefer edibles
2017-05-03 1:32 pm
No, But i'll try
2017-05-03 12:44 pm
2017-05-03 12:19 pm
Never ever
2017-05-03 12:19 pm
2017-05-03 11:44 am
2017-05-03 9:13 am
2017-05-03 8:34 am
2017-05-03 8:15 am
2017-05-03 5:17 am
only if I'm alone or with somebody
2017-05-02 11:19 pm
2017-05-02 11:10 pm
2017-05-02 10:59 pm
2017-05-05 8:58 pm
2017-05-05 3:28 pm
No I don't
2017-05-05 3:19 pm
2017-05-05 7:44 am
2017-05-04 10:51 pm
no just tried it
2017-05-04 12:39 pm
Nope, I've only actually had that great high one time. Every other time I get this awful nauseous feeling from smoking. I'm told that edibles make all the difference though
2017-05-04 11:14 am
2017-05-04 7:02 am
2017-05-04 6:41 am
Yeah and to all the peopl saying no cause its horrible its proven to be non addictive the dare program doesnt even consider it a gateway drug anymore and youd have to consume 150 pound a small linen closet full of pure crystaline thc within 15 minutes which is impossible its also the cheapest drug out there even more cheap than alcohol
2017-05-04 5:59 am
No but we should make it legal
2017-05-04 2:20 am

I prefer ????????????????????
2017-05-03 11:59 pm
Yea its legal in certain states
2017-05-03 5:54 pm
Yes, the Jews practiced smoking around the incense burner arguing with hallucinations of King Solomon, this was then ruined by Jonathon who invents the pipe and starts the practice of solitary smoking.
2017-05-03 3:05 pm
2017-05-03 1:22 pm
heck no.... I am fat as it is.. don't need to have the munchies on top of that.
2017-05-03 3:00 am
No I don't.

And with that said, I have a question for you: If weed were to ever be made illegal again, hypothetically speaking, then why would anybody answer this question in such a way where it possibly incriminate them?

The point is to anyone who reads this comment, be very careful about what you say online, as you never can be sure if what you say can be used against you, or in what way.
2017-05-02 11:25 pm
2017-05-02 11:09 pm
2017-05-04 6:17 am
No, I think it's stupid to be honest
2017-05-04 12:08 am
What i want to know is why this question is under Newborn & Baby.....
2017-05-02 11:01 pm
No, Jason.

Now hush up with this nonsense and let me hear your war cry! You gotta war cry? Can you upload it to YouTube?
2017-05-02 10:59 pm
Haven't tried the stuff, and never will.
2017-05-04 9:43 am
Weed is dope and dope is for dopes.
2017-05-03 12:57 pm
Does my ball have pubes ?
2017-05-02 11:03 pm
no. Never have. Never will.
2017-05-02 11:02 pm
Too old for it now. Im 26
2017-05-03 4:13 am
No, and while it does have its uses, longterm use can lead to psychosis and other problems.
2017-05-09 9:57 am
2017-05-09 12:28 am
No i don't.
2017-05-08 9:11 pm
No but that's because I'm allergic not because I think it's bad or anything like that, just being around the smoke I break out in hives
2017-05-08 8:13 pm
All smoking things are bed things.
2017-05-08 6:21 am
No I don't.
2017-05-08 4:54 am
2017-05-08 4:52 am
Ringo was the Walrus
2017-05-08 12:30 am
No, But i Smoke Pot From Cooking
2017-05-07 8:30 pm
Occasionally yes.
2017-05-07 1:08 pm
2017-05-07 11:28 am
2017-05-07 10:59 am
2017-05-07 10:45 am
2017-05-07 9:21 am
2017-05-07 8:55 am
No it's against the law
2017-05-07 8:49 am
2017-05-07 7:18 am
參考: I'm not a Republican who loves to ban weed, but I smoke it regularly via recreation use of course.
2017-05-07 6:12 am
I probably would if it was legal in my state.
2017-05-07 6:01 am
no but its probably fine
2017-05-07 4:48 am
2017-05-07 4:46 am
you bet
2017-05-07 4:18 am
Nope. Never have never will.
2017-05-07 3:47 am
Only the best....B.C. HYDRO...BOM SHANKAR, folks !!!!!!!!!!!
2017-05-07 2:18 am
Why would I tell you?.....
2017-05-07 1:56 am
Nice try FBI
2017-05-07 1:55 am
2017-05-07 1:45 am
2017-05-07 1:41 am
2017-05-07 1:41 am
Ew no
2017-05-07 12:39 am
2017-05-07 12:29 am
Not regularly.
2017-05-06 11:53 pm
Cigarettes do not just harm the people who smoke. They also harm the people who are near cigarettes and breathe the smoke. This includes fetuses (unborn babies still inside their mothers) and small children. They are breathing second hand smoke. Second hand smoke is the smoke that comes out of the lit end of a cigarette and that a smoker exhales (breathes out). Second hand smoke is also called passive smoke, involuntary smoke, and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).

About 53,000 people die from second hand smoke every year. When we breathe second hand smoke, we are breathing the same 4,000 chemicals a cigarette smoker breathes. 51 of those chemicals cause cancer. That is why a U.S. government agency called the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has labelled cigarettes as a Group A carcinogen. A carcinogen is something that causes cancer. The EPA put cigarettes in the same group with arsenic, which is a deadly poison, and asbestos, a cancer causing material that used to be put around pipes to insulate them.

If you want to quit smoking, click here
2017-05-06 11:41 pm
A little here and there
2017-05-06 10:11 pm
No .
2017-05-06 9:41 pm
do not smoke, except second hand in Lincoln
2017-05-06 9:32 pm
No.I don't drink either.
2017-05-06 9:27 pm
I do not smoke is harmful for health.
2017-05-06 7:51 pm
Yes. If Vermont will ever stop going around in circles legalizing it, I'd grow my own.
2017-05-06 7:00 pm
Well that will be bad
2017-05-06 6:38 pm
I never had that experience and I don't want. It is bad.
2017-05-06 5:42 pm
2017-05-06 3:56 pm
Hey man like what is pot anyways man it's like totally far out man, like did you know that that shits from outer space man the aliens brought it down here man they have the best drugs dude okay okay ..., hey man you got a light..., you got a joint man..., it'd be a lot cooler if ya did...
2017-05-06 3:37 pm
No away
2017-05-06 2:40 pm
2017-05-06 2:02 pm
2017-05-06 12:29 pm
2017-05-06 11:25 am
Oh yea, broh, I'm so high right now :D LOL!

Do you have more or what? hahaaaahaaaahahahahhahahahaa
2017-05-06 11:23 am
I plead the 5th...
2017-05-06 10:39 am
I do when I'm not freaking pregnant ????
2017-05-06 10:26 am
2017-05-06 10:18 am
2017-05-06 10:04 am
2017-05-06 10:02 am
oh hellllllllllllllllllllll no
2017-05-06 9:36 am
2017-05-06 9:24 am
2017-05-06 9:07 am
No, I am not retarded nor do I wish to be.
2017-05-06 9:01 am
Depends on who's asking
2017-05-06 8:45 am
No, only fo the beechus
2017-05-06 8:38 am
no I don't smoke and I don't do drugs
2017-05-06 8:06 am
2017-05-06 8:00 am
2017-05-06 7:56 am
I wish I could
2017-05-06 7:52 am
Yes, I would rather have the marijuana than prescription meds any day.
2017-05-06 5:48 am
Not yet m80
2017-05-06 4:42 am
No. But I'm not against people who do. I'd never smoke it but I do think it should be legal.
2017-05-06 4:29 am
No. I like my brain.
2017-05-06 4:28 am
Yes, I'm 54 and have smoked it -- off and on, of course -- since I was about 22 (I remember because I was past legal drinking age and still didn't want to drink). The reason it has gotten so much research and why so many states are legalizing it, is because the information we've been led to believe is proving to be lies generated just to try to turn people against it. It's so much more benign than any of our other vices, including junk food, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. (BTW, calling it 'pot" makes you sound like the old school people who lied about it! The general term is 'weed'.)
2017-05-06 4:19 am
No. The Lord, when the world ends, will have mercy only on those clean souls. He will damn you to hell, and you will rot in hell with Satan, Judas, and all the other Pagans who do not follow His divine plan. You will die and go to hell.
2017-05-06 4:12 am
I did years ago, but I have a CDL license, 2 kids, and a disabled wife, so I can't risk losing my job. That being said, my wife's life would be so much better if she could smoke; she takes 105 painkillers a month. There are side effects to those. I wish we lived in a state where she could just smoke some cannabis and go on with her life.
2017-05-06 3:07 am
Shame on you.. is your homework finished!
2017-05-06 3:01 am
2017-05-06 2:57 am
Ok to answer one it dose not make you worst it makes you preform better and pay attention and to the asker he I do and I see nothing wrong with it as the main ingredient in it thc is produced naturally by the body
2017-05-06 2:55 am
I like to get in the zone before I perform surgery, so I usually smoke about 2 grams of Sativa before I operate. My brother is similar. He's a pilot and he usually smokes about 4-5 grams when he's flying a Trans-Atlantic route.
2017-05-06 2:48 am
I smoke one joint in the morning and one before bed and this is my receipe for never feeling sad, sad, sad,sad
2017-05-06 2:42 am
2017-05-06 2:33 am
No . . .
2017-05-06 2:21 am
2017-05-06 1:57 am
Yes when travel Colorado and when restore my medical card.
2017-05-06 1:57 am
No I don't. I have a life
2017-05-06 1:28 am
Used it a lot, but now I tired of reading the same paragraph four times to get it. The fattening munchies, the paranoia. Not unless I'm on Chemo.
2017-05-06 1:18 am
Not recently.
2017-05-06 1:17 am
No; it's overrated. It does nothing but decrease productivity. I honestly don't get the hype. The fact that these drug users get so offended when somebody disapproves of marijuana makes them look pathetic. Nothing should be inhaled into your lung period. Smoking anything can lead to lung disease. The argument they make is just pure stupidity: "it's healthy because it's a natural plant."

Does that mean when people die of fatal arrhythmias due foxglove poisoning, that it is a healthy event?
2017-05-06 12:59 am
2017-05-06 12:51 am
I like to roll a joint on my days off and watch a movie, but not all of the time
2017-05-06 12:39 am
2017-05-06 12:23 am
2017-05-06 12:19 am
2017-05-06 12:05 am
No Im three years old
2017-05-06 12:00 am
2017-05-05 11:44 pm
Of course...but about once a month, much much less often than I drink wine.
2017-05-05 11:29 pm
Used to everyday, but then it got really boring
2017-05-05 11:24 pm
nope never have never will I am terrified of getting caught.
2017-05-05 10:58 pm
I do not smoke cannabis. However, if at some point it would become medically advisable to have some, I would ask for it in edible form. It is a Very Old medicinal plant that has been in use throughout the centuries in almost every country in the world. It does not physically harm the body...that is proven medical fact. You CANNOT die from an overdose, again proved medical fact. It reduces the wish for harder drugs like heroin and opiates, and even alcohol, which makes it the Opposite of a 'gateway drug'. Some forms have been proven to help with depression, PTSD, seizures in children, and even the eradication of certain types of breast cancer. People have been fed lies about this plants since the 1930's when Hemp was outlawed because it was cheaper to use and produce for many products than fossil fuels and several Powerful Industrialists wanted it gone. The 'war on drugs' was a made up campaign by the Nixon administration to push people like blacks and 'hippies' to the fringes of society. Nothing was based on fact regarding cannabis then, but we, the American People swallowed these lies hook, line and sinker and are only NOW coming to realize their falsehoods.
2017-05-05 10:49 pm
No, I burn the evidence. Can I help it if my lungs need to breath while doing it?
2017-05-05 10:39 pm
626 answers!!!
2017-05-05 10:37 pm
None of my pots burn, as they are all metallic. sometimes they smolder, but only if I don't wash them thoroughly.
2017-05-05 10:06 pm
No matter what everyone says - it's unhealthy. In general...every single smoke that enters the body is incredibly dangerous and unhealthy.
2017-05-05 9:36 pm
Everyday, all day in Sunny Jamaica ????????????????????????????????????
2017-05-05 9:06 pm
I wish
2017-05-05 9:06 pm
No i do meth of course not man
2017-05-05 8:38 pm
Nope. I smoked cannabis quite often when I was younger. At one point there was a job I wanted so I detoxed for a little over a month to get the job. I tried smoking again socially and it just made me paranoid so I stopped altogether. That was 10-11 years ago now.
2017-05-05 8:34 pm
2017-05-05 8:26 pm
No, never have... but with my Neuropathy, considered it!
2017-05-05 8:08 pm
Used to. It gave me cancer. Now I'm smarter.
2017-05-05 8:01 pm
2017-05-05 7:53 pm
No, I like my brain cells to function at its best while I'm awake.
2017-05-05 7:46 pm
2017-05-05 7:44 pm
smoking can lead to skins cancer, defertilization, blindness, brain cancer, lungs cancer, blood poisining, liver and kidney faliure, tooth fall, cells in bronchus over sectreing mucus, lungs overfilling in mucus and much more, you still think smoking is good?
2017-05-05 7:15 pm
nope because my two brains cells like speaking to one another.
2017-05-05 6:51 pm
No, i want to stay beautiful.
2017-05-05 6:51 pm
Try to give it up dumbass
2017-05-05 6:51 pm
No but I smoked your dads **** tho.. it was much more satisfying
2017-05-05 6:37 pm
2017-05-05 6:18 pm
2017-05-05 5:36 pm
Seafood claypot
2017-05-05 5:07 pm
I am 50 years of age I have never smoked it or even puffed it once I find cigarette smoking revolting The whole idea of inhaling smoke into your body I just do not like the whole concept It is an each their own concept It is just not for me no thanks
2017-05-05 5:05 pm
No way!
2017-05-05 4:21 pm
I hope I never smoke that garbage designed for weak homosexual slaves
2017-05-05 3:55 pm
I use to, but I got Derealization and anxiety from it so I stopped. I really want to start again but I'm afraid it'll screw with my mind again.
2017-05-05 2:19 pm
Of course not. I'm not a low
2017-05-05 2:08 pm
No, I was always afraid of trying it. I have dreamt about smoking it though
2017-05-05 1:56 pm
Yes daily for the past 42 years I'm 56 now
2017-05-05 1:45 pm
2017-05-05 1:37 pm
Nope. I don't need to be high on drugs, I am high on LIFE.
2017-05-05 1:26 pm
**** yea I do
2017-05-05 1:25 pm
Pot? No. I do like to smoke bacon, salmon, beef, etc.
2017-05-05 1:11 pm
I have never smoked and I never will. I am 24 and all my friends have at least smoked weed. They don't try to pressure me, but I am always the one trying to keep them alive at parties. It sucks. But don't smoke pot it's bad for you
2017-05-05 1:07 pm
2017-05-05 1:04 pm
A few times before, I got over it. What do you expect from a Californian?
2017-05-05 12:56 pm
2017-05-05 12:40 pm
2017-05-05 12:09 pm
No. maybe if I had to take it for my health then yes
2017-05-05 11:35 am
I did smoke in middle school, a lot in high school, maybe my first year of college, but for the past decade I haven't been a smoker. Maybe literally a couple of times.
Edit: What is the point of this question... lol
2017-05-05 11:31 am
Are you a narc?
2017-05-05 11:27 am
no, i do not
2017-05-05 11:08 am
Who doesnt?
2017-05-05 11:07 am
No and I'm 70 years old (a baby boomer at that too). Mental toughness is better than physical toughness.
Just say no thanks and be mentally tough about it
2017-05-05 10:56 am
ilove the devi's lettuce my dude
2017-05-05 10:47 am
Only niggas do
2017-05-05 10:34 am
2017-05-05 10:30 am
Nope. If I ever do try drugs, I might just go full out on shrooms and ecstasy and ****.
2017-05-05 10:27 am
Yes, it is a habit and it feels awesome
2017-05-05 10:14 am
2017-05-05 10:01 am
in high school
2017-05-05 9:57 am
No we are all not stupid idiots.
2017-05-05 9:50 am
2017-05-05 9:47 am
No. My daughter kept wanting me to grow pot, and finally I said I would have to try some first. She hasn't brought it up again.
I tried it many years ago, but I hear it is a lot different now.
2017-05-05 9:26 am
Will you snitch?
2017-05-05 9:24 am
Hell ya I smoke it. All the time. I am always stoned
2017-05-05 9:23 am
Tried it once or twice.... but the other times I was merely returning to an old friend.

However, that was in another lifetime.
2017-05-05 8:24 am
2017-05-05 8:20 am
He no thats for losers
2017-05-05 8:06 am
Not my cup of tea, it is for pure losers who need some crap to get by in life!
2017-05-05 7:57 am
2017-05-05 7:40 am
2017-05-05 7:14 am
No but I think it's ok to
2017-05-05 7:05 am
Yah all day everyday
2017-05-05 6:54 am
Sure. Whenever I have some money to buy it
2017-05-05 6:51 am
2017-05-05 6:49 am
No! There is a good reason why the stuff is called Dope.
2017-05-05 6:43 am
2017-05-05 6:09 am
2017-05-05 5:53 am
2017-05-05 5:44 am
No. Only stupid dingbats would smoke dope. Why do you think it's called dope? Because only the brain-dead smoke it.
2017-05-05 5:35 am
2017-05-05 5:03 am
2017-05-05 4:31 am
I do not; I have many friends who do, even my boyfriend does. It's currently not legal to do so in Georgia and as a brown person I don't want to go to jail if I'm caught with it unlike my white boyfriend and his white friends that smoke pot all the time and have been caught with it and were just told to go home.
I have wondered what it was like, but there is more than enough video and medical documentation that answer this question for me but I can also observe it from my guy and his friends.
IMO they look stupid when they're high... it makes them lazy...and they talk about random crap incoherently. Also imo they are running away from their emotional problems when they use it because they smoke it when ever they can "to chill". Recreational use is recreational, emotional dependence is another thing. Yet I've seen him and his friends do this with multiple things even with drinking they drink to "get f-ed up" not to have a good time with friends.
I know as a student of medicine smoking pot is less effective than medical pot in pill form that can be absorbed in to the blood stream faster and in higher dosage and essentially gets one "higher".
2017-05-05 4:22 am
2017-05-05 4:18 am
2017-05-05 4:15 am
2017-05-05 4:09 am
Not anymore. It made me crazy
2017-05-05 3:58 am
2017-05-05 3:56 am
It's illegal in my state
2017-05-05 3:33 am
No I don't and have never touched it. I have enough vices as is.
2017-05-05 3:31 am
i am proud to be a stoner, yes i am
2017-05-05 3:28 am
2017-05-05 3:26 am
2017-05-05 3:25 am
2017-05-05 3:23 am
My friends would b#*€h slap me if I would to start smoking pot
2017-05-05 3:21 am
not a chance
2017-05-05 3:15 am
2017-05-05 3:14 am
2017-05-05 3:13 am
No. I don't do substance abuse.
2017-05-05 3:11 am
no, i do smoke human though, tastes like chicken
2017-05-05 3:10 am
Nope I cut my wrist or atemp suicide instead
2017-05-05 3:03 am
I don't smoke.
2017-05-05 2:53 am
2017-05-05 2:28 am
yes infact i inhale about 5 marijuanas every day
2017-05-05 2:21 am
No really hate the high
2017-05-05 2:14 am
2017-05-05 2:08 am
no i drink whiskey
2017-05-05 2:07 am
Not now I don t
2017-05-05 2:06 am
No I'm A SxE100%!!!!......
2017-05-05 2:05 am
No, never have.
2017-05-05 1:31 am
2017-05-05 1:28 am
2017-05-05 1:26 am
hell yes
2017-05-05 1:26 am
I don't actually thanks for asking
2017-05-05 12:59 am
2017-05-05 12:46 am
2017-05-05 12:44 am
Smoking pot is not as bad for you as cigarettes. Some day people will learn
2017-05-05 12:40 am
2017-05-05 12:40 am
no i don't do any drugs
2017-05-05 12:39 am
Nope and never had any interest in doing it.
2017-05-05 12:02 am
2017-05-04 11:39 pm
2017-05-04 11:38 pm
No but I do give cat pot to the Louisville Metro Animal Services .
I grow a lot of cat pot for my cats but cat Mary Jane does grow out of control with all of the rain there has been . Well, the Miracle Grow helps as well. I several plants that are about three feet tall.
I merged several of the l plants into a whisky barrel planter.
2017-05-04 11:36 pm
2017-05-04 11:34 pm
2017-05-04 11:30 pm
2017-05-04 11:21 pm
Yeah weed!
2017-05-04 11:16 pm
yes i did. not so good but great feelings.
2017-05-04 11:00 pm
no !
2017-05-04 10:53 pm
2017-05-04 10:47 pm
2017-05-04 10:35 pm
2017-05-04 10:26 pm
I smoke your moms poosay
2017-05-04 10:20 pm
I grow pot in NM legally we have been approved by DOH so they know.
2017-05-04 9:59 pm
No, but I have tried it once.
2017-05-04 9:50 pm
2017-05-04 9:43 pm
Heck No! Pot is overrated!
2017-05-04 9:37 pm
2017-05-04 9:34 pm
When I smoke pot, I circumcise 5 year olds without anesthesia.
2017-05-04 9:31 pm
2017-05-04 9:19 pm
No its illegal
2017-05-04 9:12 pm
2017-05-04 9:11 pm
I can't tell you or the little pink pixies will get me..............
2017-05-04 8:52 pm
anybody that puts "yes" is obviously a child.
2017-05-04 8:08 pm
If you're poor and smoking this stuff then that's why you're poor
2017-05-04 7:55 pm
參考: own
2017-05-04 7:50 pm
no, i don't
2017-05-04 7:43 pm
2017-05-04 7:23 pm
yes, it helps me relax and helps me to stop stressing about everything little thing, also good because if i want to stop i can as it isn't an addictive drug!
2017-05-04 7:16 pm
eww. only athiests smoke that stuff
2017-05-04 7:03 pm
no and i dont want to
2017-05-04 6:51 pm
2017-05-04 6:47 pm
no lol
2017-05-04 6:37 pm
Yes, every 2 weeks on Friday evening I order a large 20 pizza and cartoons sometimes I get 4 big Mac and strawberry milkshake! That is my time and I enjoy it! The other 28 days I work like slave for 12 hours a day for $200 a day and get mistreated by shītheads with money!
2017-05-04 6:24 pm
Nope never touched it
2017-05-04 6:17 pm
Nope, but sometime it try
2017-05-04 6:05 pm
2017-05-04 5:51 pm
No.I left it.
2017-05-04 5:38 pm
Yea, a few times a week, better than drinking in my opinion as we all talk shyte but get relaxed rather than violent, it helps me clear my mind too
2017-05-04 5:29 pm
i dont like
2017-05-04 5:25 pm
參考: no
2017-05-04 5:07 pm
Only once and I did not inhale. My friends call me Bill. Hillary calls me a lot of things.
2017-05-04 5:02 pm
No, I tried it and it's like smoking your lawn.
2017-05-04 4:59 pm
yes I smoked a pot once, like smoking fish,
I put it on top of the campfire by night and what I got in the morning, smoke pot!
2017-05-04 4:53 pm
that is horrific to imagine all of these stoners. all those on the pot are pure true ratards who need to be sent to GTMO
2017-05-04 4:51 pm
2017-05-04 4:01 pm
I don't do that.
2017-05-04 3:45 pm
2017-05-04 3:40 pm
Yup. But I didn't let it take over my life. I don't do it 24/7. I now go to Stanford, grad high school last year so yea :/.
2017-05-04 3:36 pm

I am a retarded police officer. I retired as a retard after drinking 209 beers from a very large sewage department, it emptied about 12,000 offices. I was released on parole after 4 years in a very perverse area. I was a impractical officer in the low rent, scum haven ghetto areas of my city. We called it shiftless patrol in that we slept with prostitutes & junkies in abandoned buildings most of the time. I did that for the queers and became bloated & loved to test defecation. I am like a violent crime (homicidal, sexless, an officer involved in shooting dope, buggery, kidjacking, & other serious mental incidents) For 11 years I performed fellatio on a sergeant. I worked as a meat supervisor, a cornhole inspector and a ****/crotch commander. During my crime as an impractical officer and a defective, I was a unit representative for the beastiality union.
I can kinda BS in English & hope to catch MS from infected Law Enforcement Administration
2017-05-04 3:30 pm
Nope, i wanna try it sometime though.
fun fact: pot doesn't actually cause brain damage.
2017-05-04 3:18 pm
Yes I've done it a couple times and it's a very interesting experience. It's like time slows down and everything feels like a dream. It's really wierd. It can be a little freaky at first but after a couple times of doing it it's like having a few beers without the hangover.
2017-05-04 1:56 pm
No I don't smoke pot, but than again I don't do drugs period.
2017-05-04 1:54 pm
2017-05-04 1:32 pm
Not on a regular basis but yes I do! Do you?
2017-05-04 1:19 pm
2017-05-04 1:13 pm
2017-05-04 1:11 pm
I don't smoke it anymore I didn't want to ruin my lungs so I just eat edibles
2017-05-04 12:49 pm
As a matter of fact, yes I do.
2017-05-04 12:41 pm
2017-05-04 12:33 pm
2017-05-04 12:31 pm
2017-05-04 12:22 pm
2017-05-04 12:05 pm
I do heroine
2017-05-04 12:05 pm
2017-05-04 11:51 am
Nope, and never will.
2017-05-04 11:48 am
2017-05-04 11:44 am
2017-05-04 11:40 am
Of course not, pot is illegal. I'm strictly a Fentanyl man.
2017-05-04 11:34 am
The day after first time smoking weed .. I had a random drug test. So yea I haven't after that due to my awful bad luck. And shitty life lol
2017-05-04 11:31 am
2017-05-04 11:21 am
2017-05-04 11:19 am
2017-05-04 11:12 am
"No" - do you?
2017-05-04 11:06 am
Nope, but I would try though.
2017-05-04 10:57 am
2017-05-04 10:43 am
Yeah dude
2017-05-04 10:41 am
no, I don't smoke pot.
2017-05-04 10:35 am
2017-05-04 10:32 am
Yes but shrooms are and always will be the greatest drug.
2017-05-04 10:31 am
Yeah ????????
2017-05-04 10:25 am
2017-05-04 10:14 am
don't do it lol
2017-05-04 10:07 am
No. I don't like the smell.
2017-05-04 10:06 am
No, I never have.
2017-05-04 10:03 am
2017-05-04 9:58 am
No, but I do want to try it.
2017-05-04 9:56 am
2017-05-04 9:47 am
Hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh ????
2017-05-04 9:46 am
I only did a couple of times in college
2017-05-04 9:41 am
Its all I really get up for.
2017-05-04 9:39 am
2017-05-04 9:29 am
Ill never tell???? muah haha
2017-05-04 9:24 am
I'm 15 and I never have and I never will.
2017-05-04 9:13 am
2017-05-04 9:10 am
I did once but it did nothing so I was like oh ok lol
2017-05-04 9:09 am
I am stoned right now. This question blows my mind.
2017-05-04 9:02 am
2017-05-04 9:00 am
No. I don't see the point in smoking and getting high with it is putting any difference in you.
2017-05-04 8:56 am
nope that's of smells like skunk
2017-05-04 8:55 am
I smoked pot a few ti,es with my brother
2017-05-04 8:47 am
2017-05-04 8:33 am
sometimes when I've forgotten the stove is on.
2017-05-04 8:33 am
2017-05-04 8:25 am
2017-05-04 8:17 am
2017-05-04 8:17 am
Naw fam my parents raised me better even tho there's a drug dealer right across from my house
2017-05-04 8:03 am
2017-05-04 7:59 am
Ive smoked just about everything.
2017-05-04 7:53 am
2017-05-04 7:49 am
2017-05-04 7:45 am
No but a lot of kids at my school want me to do it. It's illegal where I live and I'm not sure if it will harm me in any way. I really don't want to smoke or anything in the future but I do have a little bit of depression and I sometimes want to take my mind off of it somehow....
2017-05-04 7:45 am
Can't smoke my cooking pots.
2017-05-04 7:35 am
2017-05-04 7:26 am
2017-05-04 7:17 am
Never have never will
2017-05-04 7:15 am
how could u smoke a pot ROFL u use it to cook things this guy too funny
2017-05-04 7:10 am
2017-05-04 7:06 am
Aw man... That's stupid!
2017-05-04 7:05 am

please answer my question
2017-05-04 7:00 am
Yes and love it
2017-05-04 6:57 am
2017-05-04 6:47 am
2017-05-04 6:46 am
2017-05-04 6:42 am
2017-05-04 6:37 am
No because weeds bad for you.
2017-05-04 6:37 am
2017-05-04 6:08 am
Does a bear **** in the woods?
2017-05-04 5:59 am
no , and I will never Insha'Allah
2017-05-04 5:57 am
No. I tried it a few times as a teen, but didnt care for it. I got no ejoyable affects, just dry mouth and tiredness.
2017-05-04 5:54 am
I used to smoke a lot of pot and then out of nowhere, it just wasn't important to me anymore. I do every now and then bit I only take a tiny hit because I hate getting too high. It doesn't take much anymore
2017-05-04 5:39 am
Occasionally. Its not even that bad.
2017-05-04 5:37 am
2017-05-04 5:28 am
2017-05-04 5:23 am
2017-05-04 5:08 am
Weird fact, I used to when I was twelve up until seventeen. Haven't since and I'm almost 21. I did Benjamin Button and aged backwards.
2017-05-04 5:07 am
Yes sir
2017-05-04 4:50 am
2017-05-04 4:47 am
used to
2017-05-04 4:41 am
2017-05-04 4:30 am
Not anymore
2017-05-04 4:21 am
2017-05-04 4:21 am
Everyday! I gotta feed my soul...
2017-05-04 4:21 am
2017-05-04 4:18 am
Hell yeah
2017-05-04 3:54 am
Errr....nooooooo of course I don't
2017-05-04 3:51 am
Only the low life of this country smoke pot and those on welfare. Well, that's the same thing.
2017-05-04 3:45 am
No. But only because it doesn t agree with me. Not for any moral or legal or health reason.
2017-05-04 3:45 am
Yes I do
2017-05-04 3:06 am
2017-05-04 2:53 am
2017-05-04 2:46 am
2017-05-04 2:41 am
I used to up until about 2 years ago.

I mainly quit to make my wife happy, but it's had some real benefits. Increased lung capacity (I had already given up cigs years before), not wasting time/money buying it, not risking legal trouble (it's illegal where I live - for both medical/recreational use), not having to worry about being drug tested to get (or keep) a job, etc.
2017-05-04 2:20 am
2017-05-04 2:10 am
2017-05-04 1:59 am
2017-05-04 1:54 am
2017-05-04 1:53 am
2017-05-04 1:45 am
No, don't trust dealers and would rather spend my money on other things
2017-05-04 1:38 am
I like pot more than I like my mother. But don't call it pot that only what old people call it to try and be cool
2017-05-04 1:26 am
Never have and never will
2017-05-04 1:09 am
2017-05-04 1:05 am
No but I would like to try it because of how anxious I get I feel like it would help
2017-05-04 12:59 am
Yes, living in Colorado has it's perks.
2017-05-04 12:52 am
2017-05-04 12:51 am
Yes what's so unsafe about it?
2017-05-04 12:48 am
2017-05-04 12:47 am
How can you smoke a pot? You use it to cook food in.
2017-05-04 12:37 am
2017-05-04 12:35 am
Nope but I don't have anything against it
2017-05-04 12:32 am
2017-05-04 12:26 am
2017-05-04 12:26 am
And yet another thread moved around by kevel7 pedobears........
2017-05-04 12:22 am
2017-05-04 12:13 am
He'll yeah...
2017-05-04 12:13 am
oh no never
2017-05-04 12:11 am
2017-05-04 12:10 am
2017-05-04 12:06 am
2017-05-04 12:05 am
Yeah, It's ok I guess.
2017-05-04 12:04 am
2017-05-03 11:59 pm
Yea its the best and so is lsd
2017-05-03 11:58 pm
No I Don't
2017-05-03 11:42 pm
2017-05-03 11:38 pm
no, but my mother does
2017-05-03 11:14 pm
2017-05-03 11:10 pm
2017-05-03 11:10 pm
No u can get mentally ill
2017-05-03 11:07 pm
2017-05-03 10:57 pm
2017-05-03 10:44 pm
2017-05-03 10:33 pm
2017-05-03 10:25 pm
Nope bc keeping my daughter is more important than being high.
2017-05-03 10:24 pm
2017-05-03 9:54 pm
2017-05-03 9:51 pm
All day everyday
2017-05-03 9:47 pm
2017-05-03 9:37 pm
Follow @smartvhf on instagram
2017-05-03 9:37 pm
2017-05-03 9:36 pm
2017-05-03 9:25 pm
It's quite hard to find a good person to sell it to you when you have really deep trust issues.
Also it's quite expensive, and I'd rather spend that cash on things that I enjoy more.
2017-05-03 8:42 pm
2017-05-03 8:39 pm
2017-05-03 8:39 pm
I have in the past, like way past, but do not anymore.
2017-05-03 8:34 pm
how do we know you are not an undercover officer?
2017-05-03 8:34 pm
I smoke ****** fumes when the burn on my cross
2017-05-03 8:28 pm
Why would I smoke a pot that I use when cooking???
2017-05-03 8:28 pm
2017-05-03 8:27 pm
2017-05-03 8:16 pm
2017-05-03 8:10 pm
2017-05-03 8:07 pm
I do, I just want to point out I haven't changed, I do not waste money for this, mainly cause I have it rarely when I'm stressed I will smoke once or twice, that's all, I have not been affected by doing this at all.
2017-05-03 8:04 pm
2017-05-03 7:45 pm
2017-05-03 7:42 pm
Нes, of course. Often enough
2017-05-03 7:39 pm
I just say No , every time
2017-05-03 7:28 pm
2017-05-03 7:16 pm
No. I'd lose my job.
2017-05-03 7:08 pm
i smoke sunflowers
2017-05-03 6:59 pm
No !
2017-05-03 6:42 pm
2017-05-03 6:07 pm
2017-05-03 5:57 pm
2017-05-03 4:04 pm
2017-05-03 3:54 pm
Whaaaaat, maaaaan?
2017-05-03 3:46 pm
2017-05-03 2:55 pm
2017-05-03 2:52 pm
2017-05-03 2:51 pm
2017-05-03 1:34 pm
2017-05-03 1:17 pm
2017-05-03 12:44 pm
2017-05-03 12:32 pm
2017-05-03 12:28 pm
Not anymore
2017-05-03 11:39 am
2017-05-03 11:24 am
2017-05-03 11:17 am
2017-05-03 11:13 am
2017-05-03 10:57 am
2017-05-03 10:52 am
2017-05-03 10:31 am
2017-05-03 10:19 am
2017-05-03 9:56 am
2017-05-03 9:47 am
2017-05-03 9:36 am
2017-05-03 9:03 am
2017-05-03 8:29 am
2017-05-03 8:23 am
2017-05-03 8:22 am
2017-05-03 7:56 am
2017-05-03 7:43 am
2017-05-03 5:18 am
2017-05-03 3:03 am
2017-05-03 2:50 am
2017-05-03 2:22 am
2017-05-03 2:10 am
2017-05-04 9:24 pm
I tried it once, while in college; it made me want to rape and kill.
2017-05-04 8:26 pm
No I'm not a complete loser.
2017-05-04 11:51 am
No I had a pot head brother die from it and his habit made my child hood a living hell so I stay away from it.
2017-05-04 10:02 am
No, that would be a federal crime. Being a convicted criminal would have seriously limited my career choices.
2017-05-04 9:42 am
No. I think people who do for fun are pretty pathetic and sad.
2017-05-04 8:34 am
2017-05-04 6:40 am
2017-05-04 5:43 am
No, i prefer not to be a vegetable
2017-05-04 4:11 am
Michael J Buzzeo does.
Lives in Fairfield, CT
He's my nephew (sad to to admit)
2017-05-04 1:23 am
Only where legal and safe.
2017-05-04 12:23 am
To answer your question simply, Is the Pope Muslim?
2017-05-03 11:16 pm
i do not. I am kinda scared to do it only cause my parents raised a good noodle. i think smoking in general gives a bad reputation but thats just my opinion
2017-05-03 11:03 pm
No, do you want strokes, heart dieases, & cancers?
2017-05-03 8:53 pm
The real question is: Why is this under Newborn and Baby?
2017-05-03 8:35 pm
2017-05-03 7:12 pm
No, I am a Christian, a law-abiding citizen, and a father who wants to be a good example to his children.
2017-05-03 6:59 pm
yep. its totally legal and it makes me feel good????
2017-05-03 6:14 pm
No, because its too hard.
2017-05-03 4:40 pm
2017-05-03 2:17 pm
No I'm not allowed to because I broke the law
2017-05-03 12:51 pm
Nope. Tried in high school. I liked it but didnt always smoke. Tried it again a few years ago and it kept giving me panic attacks (which I've had since I was 11) but I will never touch it again. I'm not against it, I just dont like to smoke it myself.
2017-05-03 12:10 pm
He'll nah
2017-05-03 12:07 pm
No but I was with my friend while he did.
2017-05-03 10:30 am
no.. and I have never even tried it and I am 34 years old!
2017-05-03 10:27 am
Everyone does
2017-05-03 8:35 am
Nah, I don't do drugs. I like to keep my body clean.

*Proceeds to eat my body weight in cake balls
2017-05-03 7:22 am
2017-05-03 6:21 am
Use to but i quit thankfully
2017-05-03 6:10 am
2017-05-03 5:37 am
NO, it stinks. Mike
參考: Logical
2017-05-03 5:34 am
Haven't smoked for two full months.I just quit because I like being not high now.Euphoria is cool,but there are conditions more fanciful(like true love,for one).
2017-05-03 4:47 am
twice and both time made me sick, so never even if it was legal.
2017-05-03 4:35 am
2017-05-03 3:34 am
2017-05-03 3:10 am
2017-05-03 12:26 am
2017-05-02 11:04 pm
I used to. Shït fücked up my thyroid. I'm glad I didn't become addicted to it.
2017-05-04 10:58 am
nope and I don't plan on it, it ruins a person
2017-05-04 2:24 am
No. Smoking pot or any other drug defiles the body and shows a lack of respect for life. God expects us to keep our bodies clean inside and out. God is the source of life this life is sacred to him. He expects us to value our life but also the life of others. Notice what the Bible tells us, "Beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh.” (2 Corinthians 7:1) “Present your bodies . . . holy, acceptable to God.”—Romans 12:1.
2017-05-04 1:40 am
Heck no. It's more dangerous than tabacco.
2017-05-03 12:52 pm
It's legal here in Colorado, it could also be free and I wouldn't want to do it. Just the smell alone gives me a headache. TRUE STORY!!
2017-05-03 12:31 pm
No I'm not cool enough. I'm buff and that's the only thing that makes me cool.
2017-05-03 8:21 am
No, I care about the health of my body!
2017-05-04 4:58 am
No the pot is made of plastic and inhaling plastic is a health and safety risk
2017-05-04 2:20 am
No! Cannabis is a disgusting substance and if you smoke it you'd die and become a zombie and f**k society! People who smoke cannabis should be put up on a wall and shot! They are all nothing but scum, its an evil evil drug and everyone needs to wake up and eliminate this cancer from the world
2017-05-04 5:49 am
No, it's against the law and it is as good as being dead. You'll be out of this world. People are using it to escape from reality, to run away from their problems instead of facing it.
2017-05-04 4:02 am
It is not cool smoking that ****
2017-05-03 12:44 pm
No. And if u study the ppl. That do. Of course there are exceptions but the majority of those that do live unstable lives.
2017-05-03 2:55 am
no... i never have smoked pot, or anything for that matter, and i never will either.
2017-05-03 12:23 pm
Nope. Chances are, if anyone says yes to this question, the police will be at their door.
2017-05-03 12:36 pm
No,i smoke crack,meth,heroin.????

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