請問, 1.善用零星時間 2.少就是多,慢就是快 3. 持之以恆,永不放棄. 這三句學習英語的基本態度.如何翻譯為英文. 非常感謝.?

2017-05-02 9:22 am

回答 (6)

2017-05-02 10:59 am

Learning anytime, anywhere

One step at a time and keep your pace

3. 持之以恆,永不放棄.
Never give up!
(Keep going, never quit!)
2017-05-02 12:06 pm
Use spare time effectively .=Use free time productively.
The less you have.the more you own. The slower it goes, the quicker it shows.
Keep it constantly and never give up.
2017-05-04 9:52 pm
沒學過英語,總看過這句廣告詞吧?Less is more
2017-05-02 10:28 am
(1) in order to improve one's ability then one should make good use of the leisure time; (2) To learn English one should be patient and keep pace with the curriculum neither too many nor too fast;(3)Keep at it! Don't give up ! Persist in what you are doing !. Yip
2017-05-03 7:44 pm
2017-05-02 10:55 am
1. Better use of every bit of time available. [這句比較複雜,因為中文的內容和用詞其實包括甚為隱含的意思,在英文中便要"寫明出來"。]
2. Little is more, slow is fast.[這句只是直譯,但其實同樣中文的"含意"在英文字面未必表達出來。少和多還可以有量"聚少成多"的意思,但"慢是快"所指是否-不要介意學得慢,因為用心慢學才會精準而深入的認識才能最快全面學明白?因此"慢"和"快"所代表的應該不同的主體,慢是學習的心態(不是使用的時間),快是達成的程度(不是時間)]。從另一個意義說可能是"忍耐才能速達"(patience to expedite)?
3. Tenacious and not(never) give up.

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