[英翻中]Some call it "stealthing" but many others call it sexual assault.?

2017-04-28 11:54 pm

Not very clear without the context, is it? "it" is referring to "to undo the condom during sexual intercourse without telling your partner(s)."

回答 (2)

2017-04-29 7:32 pm
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問題在於 "stealthing",如何翻譯?

Some call it "stealthing" but many others call it sexual assault.
有些人說這是 "暗地裡偷襲",更多人則認為是性侵害。
2017-04-29 9:35 am
stealthing is doing things,done quietly and secretly, secretly and quietly ,by stealthing on her body.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:10:22
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