
2017-04-10 9:12 pm
The policeman told Jessie that they found the antiques from her store in a pawn shop.They would bring them back to her after the thief went to jail.
想請問知識大大,上述句中after the thief went to jail為什麼是用過去式went而不是go to jail呢?因為小偷不是還沒去坐牢嗎?謝謝: )

回答 (4)

2017-04-10 11:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The police told Jessie that they would bring her antiques back after the thief went to jail.
would bring是「過去的未來」,所以是發生在went(過去簡單式)之後,合乎邏輯。

The police told Jessie that they "will bring" her antiques back after the thief "goes" to jail

They did not know that the earth "is" round.不變的真理不改時態。

She said she'll make the tea. (I am reporting an immediate future event.)
She said she would make the tea. (I am reporting a past event.)
2017-04-10 10:12 pm

1.) 如果我們改採引述的寫法,
The policeman told Jessie, "they (have) found the antiques from her store in a pawn shop. They will bring them back to her after the thief goes to jail."

2.) 如果說話的當下,是採用現在式敘事,
The policeman tell Jessie that they have found the antiques from her store in a pawn shop.They will bring them back to her after the thief goes to jail.

2017-04-10 9:45 pm
The policeman told Jessie that they found the antiques from her store in a pawn shop.They would bring them back to her after the thief went to jail.

警察告訴Jessie 他們在當舖內 找到她店裡的古董。 等到小偷坐牢後,他們將帶回那些古董還給Jessie。

其實在英文文法內,"一句話內前後最好"是用相同的時態來陳述。至於為什麼這句話用過去式的原因是,前面警察在過去已經告訴他們找到古董 後面They would 代表著(告訴他們後但未達現今=依然等於過去)在他們坐牢後才會還給他們

後面應該要用went 而非go

2017-04-11 3:58 am
"after the thief went to jail." 凡after之後多數是過去的事實;而且整件事情都已經發生成為過去屬於佈告性質. Yip

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