
2017-03-10 9:53 pm

Maybe that idea is an ancestor of the Internet after all. But whether it is or not, nothing else happened that had anything even remotely to do with the Internet for another hundred years. Nothing 開始是什麽意思....很複雜


Maybe that idea is an ancestor of the Internet after all. But whether it is or not, nothing else happened that had anything even remotely to do with the Internet for another hundred years. Nothing 開始是什麽意思....很複雜

回答 (2)

2017-03-11 12:04 am
Maybe that idea is an ancestor of the Internet after all.

But whether it is or not, nothing else happened that had anything even remotely to do with the Internet for another hundred years.

be/have something to do with sth 與…有關係
had anything [even remotely] to do with,絲毫也沾不上邊,remotely 在這裡的意思是"極微地"
2017-03-11 9:49 am
Maybe that idea is an ancestor of the Internet after all. But whether it is or not, nothing else happened that had anything even remotely to do with the Internet for another hundred years
畢竟這是互聯網始創者的計劃. 但是或否該計劃,在另外一百年後就算沒有事發生能否實現,則言之過早無法知道. Yip

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