請幫我把下列這段中文翻成英文..感謝萬分 隨著網路越來越發達,許多人為了貪圖便利而非法下載影片或音樂或抄襲別人的作品,造成侵權問題。我們常常無意間就侵害到他人的著作財產權,所以在使用網路上要更加小心。?

2017-03-06 9:03 pm

回答 (1)

2017-03-07 6:41 am
As the result of advanced technology of internet, people find it rather easy to download videos,movies and writings illegally and that'll intervene their copyrights Owing to that, we ought to be more careful especially by browsing the internet so as to prevent from interfering with others' writings and properties as well. Yip

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