poetry is when an emotion has <found> its thought and the thought has found words. 知道這整句話的意思 但是 當中的<found>應該要做什麼解釋呢?

2017-03-05 9:42 pm

回答 (5)

2017-03-06 8:50 am
英文有一種表達方式我們稱其為擬人化,即將人的特質加諸於理念或事物上,如The street is calling me. 就如本句found 似有異曲同工之妙
2017-03-06 7:15 am
2017-03-05 10:04 pm
has found是find的現在完成式,意思是「已覓得」或「已找到」。
2017-03-07 4:17 pm
Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

意譯:詩歌就是感受到一種感情的思維, 而抓住了當中神髓的表達話語。

* 句子中的 “has found”, 大概是詩人「捕捉了」某種情感的感覺和神髓, 再用優美的詩歌式文字表達出來。 *

《 請參看 》


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. - Robert Frost - BrainyQuote
2017-03-06 9:40 am
Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and that has found its words.詩詞是當感情變成思想,該思想就此演繹出詩文.( has found 已經獲得或演繹出) Yip

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