國中英文 名詞子句問題?

2017-02-04 10:31 am
All of us know where he will go to.
請問這句錯在哪裡 謝謝!!

回答 (2)

2017-02-06 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
All of us = every one of us (all is a pronoun here), so we should use singular verb.
where = adverb with the meaning of "to what place", so there is no need to use a preposition "to" after the verb "go".

All of us knows where he will go.
2017-02-07 12:57 pm
# 查閱日英辭典如下:
all [every one] of us:<釋義> 一同、有志一同、我們一同、我們皆。
例. All of us are equally to blame. (我々みんな同罪だ.)
例. All of us strive for this goal. (それを全員が目指す.)
例. We all have to go.=All of us have to go. (我々はみな行かねばならない.)

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