John told him that the two of them actually met many years ago, but it wasn't until recently that they found a soul mate in each other.?

2017-02-01 8:22 pm

回答 (4)

2017-02-02 7:05 am
> it wasn't until recently that 用法?

it wasn't until recently that they found a soul mate in each other.
= 直到最近 他們2人 才 在對方 的心靈中 找到 夥伴.

> 爲什麽要用"in" each other?
因為 "心靈伴侶"是抽象的,內心的 所以是在 心靈"之中"找到的. 所以用"in".
2017-02-02 10:20 am

it wasn't until recently是一種插入句來加強that後所說明的結果跟前句的時空關係。前句說明他們已認識了多年,假如沒有這附加的時間點,後句表示他們"已經找到大家成為"靈伴"=情侶"便難以解構他們在那多年中何時開始"一起"/"結合"。

in each other用IN是因為表達"心靈"/"感情"/"關係"時的each other相互關係並不是"外在"而是"內在"的。
當然另外常見的類似寫法是they are fond of each other.意思是大家都喜歡大家(互相傾慕),但層次上這是較為"外在"的關係,而soul mate則是內在的關係。
2017-02-02 11:12 am
I met John many years ago in Taipei.
It was I that met John many years ago in Taipei.
It was John that I met many years ago in Taipei.
It was many years ago that I met John in Taipei.
It was in Taipei that I met John many years ago.

原句 ...but 之後是一子句
..., but it wasn't until recently that they found a soul mate in each other.
= ..., but they didn't find a soul mate in each other until recently.

each other 是 "相互之間,in 的使用就如Prisoner所闡述,如 I found myself in you. 句中 "in"的使用,也如Simon所說,除了in都不搭,少了in就不對味。
2017-02-01 9:43 pm
四個人:John, him, the two of them
actually actually met many years ago :實際很多年以前便以碰過面
but it wasn't until recently that:過去沒有,但現在已發生
they found a soul mate in each other:他們兩位各自找到對方為自己的心靈伙伴
each other : 如字面意思即彼此。至於為何一定要用in不能用at 或 on,有一個說法還蠻可参考的,即at用於點,例如I’ll meet you at school – 盡管學校很大,您還是可把他視為一個碰面點。on用於線或面,如on the road,因road 符合是一條線。in用於實體空間或抽象空間情況,如本句中所用之 in each other或 there is an elephant in the room – 雖然房間很小,但這個大家不想講的問題- elephant,還是存在於室內 (不適用點,也不適用面,而是室內,實際上指的是室內所有人這個抽像空間)

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