Should I send a dick pic if she asks for one?

2017-01-24 11:24 am

回答 (135)

2017-01-25 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
show her the real thing.
2017-01-24 11:26 am
No, because if in the future things dont work out then that could backfire.
2017-01-25 3:57 am
No, it will be out there forever. If you are under 18, child pornography.
2017-01-25 3:48 am
no, she might put it out for everyone else to see
2017-01-25 6:33 pm
If you want all her friends to have a laugh over it,go ahead.
2017-01-24 5:57 pm

Don't be an idiot.
2017-01-24 5:45 pm
best not to because it could get leaked
2017-01-24 12:44 pm
Only if she will send you a clit pic.
2017-01-25 4:58 am
that's not a true girlfriend if that's all she wants out of you. imagine how bad it would be if everyone you know saw it and it spread worldwide.....😵btw this is coming from a girl so ive experienced these things
2017-01-24 5:28 pm
No. Don't you ever give it. It could be backfire one day if you send dick pic with your face included.
2017-01-25 12:38 pm
Long answer: Only if you want to degrade yourself or give her ammunition to disgrace or hurt you through social media if you break up or make her angry. Short answer, no.
2017-01-25 10:36 am
Where's your self-respect? Would you want every female to think that you're easy and cheap?
2017-01-25 8:45 am
Come on you pervert use your head..........

Once you click send there's no turning back it's on the Internet forever can be extremely damaging/embarrassing if your face is attached to it everyone on the Internet will see it or somebody might try to blackmail you with it.
2017-01-25 7:37 am
No no no no.
2017-01-25 12:20 am
No. Only type of women who want a d*ck pic is a hoe.
If you want a long distance relationship, leave this hoe.
2017-01-24 8:27 pm
No, if you do don't show your face.

But NO I wouldn't to be honest.
2017-01-24 3:11 pm
No, let her see the real thing in person. Why does she need a pic for ? So she can show it to all of her friends? Sexting is a criminal offense and you don't want to take any chances
2017-01-24 12:15 pm
Not if you are under 18. Considered child porn and illegal. Plus she could share the pic with other people and embarrass you.
2017-01-24 6:20 pm
No don't be dumb
Only douchebage do it lol
Just show her in person ;)
2017-01-24 4:13 pm
only if you trust her with a picture like that and if you want to
2017-01-25 12:32 am
only if you like her a lot, and you two are dating

answer my question?
2017-01-28 12:58 am
NO. Seen one we've seen 'em all. Were you wanting to brag?
2017-01-27 10:33 am
Not if you feel you care enough if anyone else sees it
2017-01-26 12:48 pm
go ahead and do it and see if she dont show a bunch of people. if she get mad if you dont send it then forget her. dont give in to the pressure man
2017-01-26 12:31 pm
Do it through snap chat that way you could see if she screen shotted it but tbh I don't think she'll do much with it. She's probably just curious. Worst thing she could do is get a few opinions on it but that's not very bad
2017-01-26 9:20 am
Yes let her laugh at your 3 inch WEENIE
2017-01-26 4:59 am
Only if you trust her AND she sends you something in return! Nude pictures can always come back to bite you in the butt if you send them out to people who you're not close with or barely know. All it takes is one share and that picture could be sent around the world!!

Besides unless you're in a long distance relationship, what's even the point of exchanging nudes? Just meet in person and "show" her. I'm in an LDR so the only way of intimacy is pretty much through nudes (at least until we meet) but I trust him a lot and I know he only keeps those pictures to himself.

I do the same with his and NEVER share them!! I mean it's your choice whether or not you wanna send it or not. Just remember once you hit send, it's theirs forever. Unless of course you send it on Snapchat then it disappears but even on there they're able to screenshot it.

Be safe!!
2017-01-26 3:17 am
It is foolish to send stuff like that, though a lot of fools do it. A lot of fools go to gaol (jail) too, when it turns out to be the phone of someone underage.
2017-01-26 12:59 am
2017-01-25 11:36 am
NO...NEVER..NO NO NO Especially if she is a minor....You will go to jail..yikes
2017-01-25 11:20 am
Girls don't want to see a pic of a dick.
2017-01-25 11:12 am
Ehhhh NO!!!! Your gaurenteed she will show her friends. I don't see why she would want one, men are usually the ones not girls
2017-01-25 10:38 am

2017-01-25 10:30 am
What a stupid thing to do. When she gets mad at you she will post it on the internet. Do you really want that?

If you are under 18, and some *** at your school finds out, he will use it to create a facebook page, and put the picture up.
2017-01-25 9:56 am
Don't do that!!!!
2017-01-25 9:47 am
No never
2017-01-25 9:32 am
Only if you're comfortable doing so.
2017-01-25 8:08 am
參考: I'm religious like that
2017-01-25 6:32 am
lol you a weirdo if you send d1ck pics
2017-01-25 3:14 am
only if she sends you nudes too
2017-01-25 2:51 am
Sending dick pics is for amateurs. Real men get out there and disappoint women in real life.
2017-01-25 1:52 am
No. She could screenshot the picture and share it to other people or maybe she is testing you to see if you will actually do it. But, no. Don't send it.
2017-01-24 10:10 pm
up to you.
2017-01-24 9:12 pm
Nope. Not a good idea at all.
2017-01-24 6:14 pm
2017-01-24 6:13 pm
Don't do it or you will end up regretting it. Think college apps and when you apply for a job. You never know where that pic will end up.
2017-01-24 4:44 pm
2017-01-24 2:48 pm
2017-01-24 1:44 pm
No! You don't know if it will be used to blackmail you and you don't know if it will be kept private...
2017-01-24 1:12 pm
I wouldn't. If she's someone you really want to be with, you have to make her want you. She won't once the mystery is gone. If she's someone you don't really care for, why do her any favors?
2017-01-24 1:11 pm
2017-01-24 11:34 am
No. Never.
2017-01-25 8:42 am
Yes do it. Don't be a pussy.
2017-01-24 7:35 pm
Only if you want to
2017-04-21 11:50 pm
only if you like her a lot, and you two are dating

answer my question?
2017-02-25 2:07 am
show her the real thing...
2017-02-06 10:27 pm
only if you like her a lot, and you two are dating

answer my question?
2017-01-30 1:23 pm
2017-01-30 3:10 am
No. Get a grip one penis looks much like ever other. A real woman wouldn't ask for a picture of one.
2017-01-29 10:45 pm
Have fun, take care of yourself too, no faces in sexual pics ever, you don't know what another person could do with your personal photos.
2017-01-29 4:55 pm
Depends is you dick small,normal or big
If he's big go a head man do it but if small never do it if it's normal sized do it if you want
2017-01-29 4:23 am
2017-01-28 6:03 pm
yeah... if you care for her feelings then you should give her what she wants...
2017-01-28 11:14 am
Just never show your face
2017-01-28 6:41 am
Why not send her a pic of some stranger off the web with a member comparable to your own. This way if she complains or shows it to someone else then the joke is not on you. If she likes it and keeps it private, then the real one won't disappoint. She won't need an actual picture of you after all.
2017-01-28 6:03 am
NO. Have respect for self .Why is it important ?????
2017-01-28 3:22 am
2017-01-28 2:00 am
If you're under 18 you can be put on the sex offender registry for child pornography for doing that. And if you're not, she can put you on a revenge porn website if things go sour with her. No sane female "asks" for a dick pic unless she plans on doing something sinister with it.
參考: I am a female. Personally wouldn't want a dick pic sent to me
2017-01-27 10:32 pm
No. A mobile phone is not secure. Anyone could get a hold of it. She also might get spiteful and post it somewhere. The real thing is preferable. Less witnesses.
2017-01-27 9:27 pm
No never. it will be there for all the world to see if she wants to show to others, if she wants to see it let see it in the flesh.
2017-01-27 9:52 am
NO. Of course you must really, really trust her. Once a picture of your dick is out there you will never know who she shows it to and what they might do with it. Don't do it.
2017-01-27 7:53 am
also send me one too
2017-01-27 5:47 am
Only if both of you are over 18 and she needs a good laugh .
2017-01-27 4:36 am
2017-01-27 2:00 am
2017-01-27 1:07 am
ABSOLUTELY NOT!! It will be out there for the whole world to see, and I don't think you want that. Anyway, she should already know what a penis looks like and basically, they all look the same. DON'T DO IT.
參考: John - counselor, 25 years.
2017-01-26 9:28 pm
If over age and you want to sure. Just don't include your face
2017-01-26 7:46 pm
Im guessing this is for an online or long distance relationship, otherwise why aren't you getting it on yet? Regardless the circumstances, feel free to send her one WITHOUT THE FACE or any traits (tattoo)! Just to be on the safe side if things backfire in the future just say "it ain't mine". Also if she haven't done so, ask her for a pic in return just to be fair 😊 All the best dude!
2017-01-26 7:02 pm
Only if you want to
2017-01-26 5:45 pm
That is the worst thing you can do.
2017-01-26 4:54 pm
if u want then u can send
2017-01-26 4:46 pm
No you shouldn't don't make the same mistake I made he sent me one and we were together and let's just say it didn't go as planed
2017-01-26 3:39 pm
Send it to yourself, because you're the dick!
2017-01-26 3:19 pm
2017-01-26 3:03 pm
Id say no just incase but if you insist make sure your face isn't in it
2017-01-26 1:26 pm
If you're over 18 (Or the age of consent in your area) and you're comfortable with the chance she might spread it on the internet or share it to her friends, go ahead. I'm not going to stop you, if she's pressuring you but you don't want to do it. Tell her "Stop." and block her and remove her.
2017-01-26 12:00 pm
So long as it is not your tiny one, by all means
2017-01-26 11:17 am
Depends how old you are. If you're under 18, you and your girlfriend could be narked for child porn even though that's ridiculous if you ask me because teens know what they're doing and whether they really want to do something or not, so its not like some poor little 5 year old is being taken advantage of against their will or because they were coerced. If you are 18+, just do it as long as you feel comfortable. If she uses the pics against you or tries to claim sexual harassment later, keep the text where she asked you for them for proof. If she shows or threatens to show them to others, she's the one who will look like the idiot for doing so and you can hold her legally accountable. If she tries to press charges, you have proof that you only sent the pics upon her request. Now assuming your girl is a generally good and caring human being who wouldn't even dream of doing something like that, she likely only asked for her viewing pleasure, so I say why not give her a show she won't soon forget? Me and my boyfriend have lots of pics of each other like that (I have nearly 200 of him naked) and I know I can trust him not to spread mine around. Basically, if you both are cool with it and are in a mutually trustworthy relationship, there's no reason not to. Maybe think of forwarding the text of her asking with the date and time and any pics of her to your email in case you phone suddenly dies or crashes.
2017-01-26 9:39 am
Be careful. You might be thinking that you're sending shots of your cock to an attractive lady, then all of a sudden you find out that you sent it to a "Sandusky" instead.
2017-01-26 9:28 am
Be careful
2017-01-26 8:16 am
No way, not even if you trust her. Don't do it!!
2017-01-26 7:29 am
No. If she wants to see, she'll want to take your pants off and look. Pictures are forever. Memories aren't.
2017-01-26 7:13 am
No.. that's private and should only be reveled when both of u are being private. I believe men should respect themselves just as much as most ppl want woman too. (Btw I'm 27)
2017-01-26 6:31 am
Send her a pic of mine. She'll faint.
2017-01-26 5:21 am
no never
2017-01-26 5:11 am
If you're underage or if she's underage: NO. That is illegal and can get you and her in trouble.

If you're overage: Jeezus, NO. And at this point you really should be old enough to understand why not.
2017-01-26 5:11 am
2017-01-26 4:50 am
Never...she'll just screenshot it and send it to a group chat with her friends
2017-01-26 3:10 am
only if you have 12 inches
2017-01-26 2:50 am
I send them all the time especially to the masterbation websites
2017-01-26 2:49 am
Lol, They all look the same anyway.
2017-01-26 2:12 am
No. Make her wait. No telling what she might do with it.
2017-01-26 1:16 am
When you've seen one di ck you've seen em all. Lol
2017-01-25 10:57 pm
No. My exboyfriend posted semi nude pics of me on FB after we broke up.
2017-01-25 9:44 pm
if you do, do it on snapchat, don't let her screenshot it
2017-01-25 9:33 pm
No!! You are showing her something personal in one of the most impersonal way?
2017-01-25 9:13 pm
2017-01-25 9:07 pm
2017-01-25 8:41 pm
Only if you don't mind everybody else seeing it.
2017-01-25 7:41 pm
2017-01-25 7:32 pm
no, if you do don't show your face...

but no i wouldn't to be honest...
2017-01-25 4:37 pm
No why should you send???
Is she a ***** who is looking for an enormous and massive dick and is she too horny???
Stay away from her.
2017-01-25 3:12 pm
The question is, do you have one? Not about the camera.....
2017-01-25 2:28 pm
No wth?
2017-01-25 1:56 pm
2017-01-25 1:38 pm
If u trust them
2017-01-25 1:08 pm
Nope girls just sit around and laugh about it later that's what one girl told me
2017-01-25 1:07 pm
He'll nah only if u married it can come back to bite ya
2017-01-25 1:02 pm
Just tell her to wait for the marching male members which usually follows the marching female bits (pun intended xD )
2017-01-25 12:53 pm
Do you know this person properly as maybe it is a guy who is planning to put your dick pic up on the internet. Maybe they will send it to all her friends as a trophy pic as some people get their jollies getting people to send them sexual pics so they can brag like it is a competition of how many young people they can suck in. Are you sure it is not some big fat gay guy you are sending it to who is making out to be a female.
2017-01-25 7:43 am
Uh are you trying to expose yourself lool
2017-01-25 7:02 am
Why? doesnt she know what you look like.
2017-01-25 6:50 am
2017-01-25 6:09 am
2017-01-25 1:33 am
You could
2017-01-24 11:54 pm
don't be a dick
2017-01-24 9:06 pm
It depends how big your dick is mate ngl
2017-01-24 8:56 pm
if she wants to see a dick just show her this post
2017-01-24 7:29 pm
2017-01-24 4:51 pm
Unless you plan on staying together for a while, I wouldn't, she can use it to manipulate you. Why can't you just show her your dick?
2017-01-24 4:18 pm
To send such an image you should have an incredible level of trust with that person, because sometimes nudes can reck people's lives, at the end of the day is it really worth it? When you can instead just do that in person and not go through all the risks and I think that the fact that you have a doubt on whether you should or shouldn't do it, shows that you shouldn't. That's my logic.
2017-01-24 3:42 pm
Honestly, if you're close enough with her, can trust her, and hopefully she's your girlfriend then go ahead. But I highly suggest you not do it because she asked for one like if you don't want too you shouldn't feel like you need too. Especially if she wouldn't send anything to you because she could just use it against you.
2017-01-24 11:49 am
Tell her it's too soon and you have to build up a certain comfort and trust level with her first. Don't be like the 99% of guys who send those pics. You will stand out from the group as being more mature.

If she is still talking to you after 2 months and showing high interest in you, then you can tell her you will show her yours if she shows you her boobs (and have her hold an object in front of her because other girls have sent you fakes and you want to know she is not catfishing you).
2017-01-24 11:28 am
A woman I came in contact with via an app, who claims has mutual interests and sexual tastes, asked me for one. She also claims to be moving to my area and expressed her supposed willingness to come in contact with me once she has. She sent me her pics first.
2017-01-27 1:13 am
Yes. If you care for her feelings then you should give her what she wants.
2017-01-26 10:25 am
If you want to, and, for the sake of covering all your bases, you are of age of consent, why not? If you are comfortable with it and she's made the request, I personally don't see why not. If you're not ok with it, though, don't.
2017-01-25 11:20 pm
Only if you're not embarrassed by the size. Always think of what could go wrong, and if you don't mind other people seeing it then why not
2017-01-25 12:57 pm
You should masturbate on Skype to her and have her show you her breasts
2017-01-25 12:28 pm
go for it it aint got your face in it
2017-01-25 10:15 am
Obviously yes.
2017-01-24 10:10 pm
Only if you truly love her.
2017-01-24 2:01 pm
If your over 18 then yeah definley show that meat off. If your under 18 or she is then DONT DO IT. its electronic transmission of child pornography and the NSA will ctach up to you.

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