Christians can god save my mom?

2017-01-24 5:37 am
Shes been reading the bible for years and i dont see any change in her. She says she believes but its not biblical belief. Im concerned about her salvation

回答 (8)

2017-01-24 5:38 am
2017-01-24 8:49 am
huh? God came down to earth in the form of a human to show us what God is like.
God spirit so we can't see Him but we could see and hear Jesus.------------------Find her a big happy Baptist, Nazarene, Full Gospel or Interdenominational type church and talk with the pastor. Go to church with her. The pastor will explain everything to you.------------------------

To know Jesus personally, just invite Him into your heart. He never stops thinking about you. His thoughts toward you are more than the grains of sand on the beach. He wants to be your BFF. He loves you more than you can possibly imagine!
2017-01-24 8:05 am
Give her a good example BY your making a sincere covenant with the Father that you will always obey all of Jesus' sayings .
2017-01-24 5:50 am
There is a passage that states that it is the will of God that not so much as one of His children should be lost. It's a small, obvious step from there to the conclusion that the existence of a single soul in hell would be a violation of the will of God.

You must remember this: God is going to be God, no matter whether we comprehend God or not. You have this view that suggests that your Mom might have issues with the Almighty. That's a perfectly fine point of view, but God is going to do what God chooses to do. At the end of the day, Love conquers all. God is love. A person can turn away from God, but God never ever will turn away from us. No, there is no way you can ever make God stop loving you. It's one of those things you bump into ALL through scripture. So, if there are indeed problems with your Mom (I'm not saying there are; you seem to be assuming you can know your Mom better than she knows herself or than God knows her, and I find that disturbing), There is no problem God cannot handle. The basic teaching of scripture is that we need to trust in God to work it all out in the end.

I think you might need to learn to trust God to be God, and to be able to work it all out in the end in a way that assures all of us are taken care of in ways we cannot possibly even begin to imagine. Trust.
2017-01-24 5:39 am
Biblical belief wouldn't be needed if there was pure faith built in time with the belief alone.
2017-01-24 6:30 am
No, because no god exists to save her from anything.
2017-01-24 6:05 am
2017-01-24 5:40 am
John 17:3
參考: read the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? chp 15

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