"I never heard tell of jelly rolling." 奇怪句子?

2017-01-15 7:56 am

本人閱讀童書Amelia Bedelia系列,主角Amelia Bedelia是一名女幫傭。女主人交代:

"If you have time, make a jelly roll. Great-Aunt Myra does love jelly roll."


"Jelly! Roll!" exclaimed Amelia Bedelia. "I never heard tell of jelly rolling." But Amelia Bedelia got out a jar of jelly. Amelia Bedelia tried again and again. But she just could not get that jelly to roll.


可以分析一下 "I never heard tell of jelly rolling." 這句的文法嗎?tell在這是動詞嗎?可以省略tell的主詞嗎?


回答 (3)

2017-01-15 10:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Jelly! Roll!" exclaimed Amelia Bedelia. "I never heard tell of jelly rolling."
"果醬! 滾動!" Amelia Bedelia驚叫道. "我從未聽人說過果醬會滾動"
But Amelia Bedelia got out a jar of jelly. Amelia Bedelia tried again and again. But she just could not get that jelly to roll.
然而 Amelia 倒出一瓶的果醬。Amelia 試了又試,但是她就是無法讓果醬滾動。

1.) Amelia 不知道 jelly roll 是指瑞士卷蛋糕,作者特地取字面意思來打趣。
2.) hear tell (of) = hear (people/someone) tell (of)
Cambridge dictionary 稱其為 old-fashioned。Collins將其列為Dialectal。

2017-01-15 10:08 am
這套童書是教導孩子學習英語用字。 主角 Amelia Bedelia 是個直腸子點不透的人,聽到英語只能按字面意思理解,不懂特殊含意。

當女主人交代做一個 jelly roll(果醬蛋糕卷),她的理解是 jelly(果醬)roll(翻滾),所以她就覺得挺稀奇,乍叫果醬翻滾呀?她可沒聽說過這玩意兒,於是就自言自語:

I never heard tell of jelly rolling.

這裡 heard tell 是「聽人家說過」的意思。劍橋英語辭典的解釋是:

hear tell (of)
(old-fashioned) 老式說法

If you hear tell (of) something, someone tells you about it. 如果你 hear tell (of) 某件事物,表示有人跟你說過。

所以 I have never heard tell of ... 就是「我從沒聽說過(某種事)」。這是所謂 old-fashioned 的語法,聽起來有點老氣,現在比較少這樣用了。一定要說有省略哪個字的話,就是在 heard 後面省略了 someone 吧,在語學上稱為 ellipsis,即省略不影響意思理解的字。
2017-01-15 10:13 am
" I never heard tell of jelly rolling " My grammatical explanations: " I never heard" is being the subjective clause and " tell" being served as the predicate, then " of jelly rolling " being the prepositional phrase. Yip

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