請幫忙翻譯下列兩句英文 : 1. 我會給上級以必要的解釋,在這種情況下,我會服從上級的意見 2. 做為剛步入社會新人,我應該多要求自己儘快熟悉環境、適應環境,而不應該對環境提出什麼要求,只要能發揮我的專長就可以了?

2017-01-09 7:36 am

回答 (3)

2017-01-09 12:06 pm
1. 我會給上級以必要的解釋,在這種情況下,我會服從上級的意見
I will provide my explanations to my supervisor. And under this situation, I will obey my supervisor s opinion.
注意,無論中文或英文「服從"意見"」都不是正確的語法。"意見"的動詞應該是"接受"/"認同",較為合理的語句應該是「接受上司的"指示"/"決定"」I will obey my supervisor s instruction/decision.

2. 做為剛步入社會新人,我應該多要求自己儘快熟悉環境、適應環境,而不應該對環境提出什麼要求,只要能發揮我的專長就可以了
As being new to the society, I demand myself to get familiar and adjust to the environment the soonest possible, as oppose to making demand on the environment; I only need to do my best.
注意:你寫的"環境"是對應第一句的"社會",因此可能未必是你"心裏想"那個"工作環境",因此我會建議你把主題詞修正,把"進入社會"這類"統稱"改為實質你討論/講論的背景,假如你是表達工作/公司的"環境",便把這詞改為I am new to this company便會較為"貼切",另外很多"新人"都以為中文的"工作環境"等於是environment,但是英文中所說的"工作環境"包括公司的文化,設施,人事/同事,工作時間,因此你文中所說的"對環境"的"要求"我只能用最"貼近"英文人常用的make demand of來照你的原文"要求環境"和demand myself"要求自己"的對比句式用詞。但注要make demand on the environment並不是常理的英文。Make demand of是要說明你"要求"的實質是甚麼的。
2017-01-09 10:48 am
To translate Chinese into English: (1) As far as loyalty being concerned, I will follow what my superior orders me; (2)As a beginner, I ought to be keen on the social conditions; so that I can learn to see how to deal with them properly,then will do all my might to reach my goal.of achievement. Yip
2017-01-09 8:52 am
1. 我會給上級以必要的解釋,在這種情況下,我會服從上級的意見
I will do my best to offer my explanations. And under this situation, I will accept the direction from my management.

2. 做為剛步入社會新人,我應該多要求自己儘快熟悉環境、適應環境,而不應該對環境提出什麼要求,只要能發揮我的專長就可以了
As a freshman in my career, I ask not what I can receive but what I can contribute. All I need is a platform where I get myself familiar with and exercise my strengths.

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