if i tell the chocolat not to be poisin will it be to eat for is my dog?

2016-12-17 3:42 am
i want to give dog to chocolat

回答 (7)

2016-12-17 3:43 am
No. Speaking to the chocolate won't make it any less poisonous. I can't help wondering if you should really be in a position of responsibility over another life.
2016-12-17 3:57 am
Hello Sasas Sasasa,

I agree totally with Chris P.

You are obviously aware that human chocolate is EXTREMELY poisonous to dogs and can make them very ill and even cause their death.

You know that simply telling the chocolate made for humans it is not poisonous to dogs will make absolutely no difference and I am sorry to say what you ask is nonsense.

There is chocolate available especially made for dogs so if you want to treat him/her buy some of that and treat them.

2016-12-17 3:53 am
stop trollin stupid child
2016-12-17 8:28 pm
Chocolate doesn't have ears so you can tell it anything until you're blue in the face, it won't serve any purpose.

After the holidays, when you return to school, please study harder, especially spelling and grammar so other may discern whether you're making a statement as obviously you aren't asking a question.

Chocolate is toxic to dogs and they should never be given it and/or allowed access to any.
2016-12-17 4:38 am
Dogs cant eat chocolate. It contains theobromine which will built up in their bodies untill the levels get toxic and the dog dies.
2016-12-17 5:37 pm
do not gib doggo chocolat
2016-12-17 3:54 am

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