It was this restaurant that the actor visited three days in a raw. 請問這一句用was, 意思是現在餐廳已不存在了嗎? 如果不是的話, 為什麼要用過去式?請問如我把was改成現在式 is的話, 意思又會變成什麼?

2016-12-11 12:58 am

回答 (2)

2016-12-11 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
It was this restaurant that the actor visited three days in a raw.

這家餐廳就是那位演員, 連續不斷地到訪過三天的。 (可能為了拍戲吧!)

註:句子説明了是在過去的三天裡“visited”, 所以不能改用“is”。
2016-12-11 8:26 pm
visited=the past tense=past, of the time before the present;
=gone by in time;;for the three days;
was visited=past tense;can't use the present tense.
It was this restaurant that the actor visited three days in a raw.
What's "In a raw" ?

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