She always stands aloof from those people. 請問這個句子中的 " aloof " 是形容詞還是副詞?

2016-12-09 5:42 pm



我家的字典也寫副詞耶! 真是奇怪~ stand是連綴動詞,後接形容詞應該沒錯啊!! 難道真的是天下字典一大抄???


keep oneself aloof from 這裡的keep是連綴動詞的用法嗎?

回答 (6)

2016-12-10 1:36 am
She always stands aloof from those people.

【 aloof from 】:遠離、疏遠, 句子裡的aloof”是形容詞
2016-12-09 7:12 pm
She always stands aloof from those people
=aloof, adv.,
=apart;;stand aloof keep aloof herself from
=keep away from,take no part in; making no effort to;
eg:-I find her rather aloof. She's a very aloof character.
She always stands aloof=keep away from those people style.
2016-12-09 6:27 pm
She always stands aloof from those people.
aloof from those people是「主詞補語」: 不跟那些人在一起。
stand屬於「連繫動詞」(不完全不及物動詞)請參見柯旗化《新英文法》p.217 linking verbs
Stand still while I am taking your photograph. 站著「不動」,still是形容詞(是一個狀況)。
The door stood open.(open是形容詞)這裡指的也是一個狀況,而非「站著」。
A tall tree once stood here.(但here是副詞,這屬例外,be動詞後面也可用副詞here,指的是站的「地方」,而不是「狀況」)

You can use "stand" instead of "be" when you are describing the present state or condition of something or someone. (see p.1517 "Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners" the third edition, stand 解釋#11,"stand" as a linking verb)
She always stands aloof from those people.裡的stands強調的是「立場」(the present state of her),而非字面上的意思:「站著」,所以stands等同is,而aloof為「形容詞」,而非修飾stands的「副詞」。

"Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary" 2003 edition p.1238
1. stand [L only + adj.] to be in ... a particular state or condition
The house stood empty for years.
2. stand [usually + adv./prep.] to be in ... a particular place
The train now standing at platform 8 is the 15.17 for Oxford.

2017-01-09 6:48 pm
2016-12-10 12:20 am
答者見解:aloof 查閱(Dr.eye辭典)、(日本辭典A, B)、(美國辭典A, B, C),除了(美國辭典●B:adjective, adverb並列) (美國辭典●C:adjective單獨,無adv.),(aloof例句)均解析為『副詞(adv.)』,或許見仁見智而偏重歸屬『副詞(adv.)』吧。
# aloof (Dr.eye辭典) ad.副詞 分開地;避開地;冷漠地[(+from)] 例. She always(adv.) stands(vi.) aloof(adv.) from those people. 她一直疏遠那些人。← ●文法:always(頻率adv.)、aloof(adv.) 修飾 stands(vi.);”those people”係受詞,因被不及物動詞(vi.)修飾,所以需用介系詞片語(from those people)作受詞被不及物動詞修飾。
2016-12-09 6:51 pm
未聽過有此字,stand out 就比較多

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