
2016-11-22 1:24 pm
Granted , incidents concerning nuclear energy have often made the headlines , the most stunning ones being the Fukushima or the Chernobyl incidents in which many tragically perished

當中的being可以用is 代替?


回答 (3)

2016-11-22 1:44 pm
the most stunning ones being the Fukushima or the Chernobyl incidents 是所謂分詞片語 (participle phrase),原句不可使用 are

1.) The first dishwasher was driven by a steam engine
2.) The first dishwasher was invented by an Indiana housewife in 1889.
上述兩句的主詞都是 the first dishwasher,如果用兩句話來陳述,有點囉嗦,合併成一句簡潔明快
Invented by an Indiana housewife in 1889, the first dishwasher was driven by a steam engine.

The first dishwasher, (which was) invented by an Indiana housewife in 1889, was driven by a steam engine.
which was 可省略,就形成 "分詞構句"

1.) Incidents concerning nuclear energy have often made the headlines
2.) The most stunning incidents are the Fukushima or the Chernobyl incidents in which many tragically perished.

** 我有疑問的是原句應採用 accidents,而非 incidents
2016-11-22 1:51 pm
本句being 分訶所引導分詞片語修飾ones,關鍵在於headlines與ones形成同位語,若將being. 改成are就變成二個独立子句,且需將headlines後逗號改成句號
2016-11-22 4:06 pm
"the most stunning ones being the Fukushima or the Chernobyl incidents in which many tragically perished" that is the components of a (complex) sentence; " the most stunning ones being the Fukushima or the Chernobyl incidents" is the subjective clause, and "in which many tragically perished" is the predicative clause; also "in which" is the object of that clause Yip

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