✔ 最佳答案
1. accomplish 強調<主觀>上的 對事物 進度的認定 通常是帶有 <主觀上 完成目的 的滿意 驕傲>的意味
2. finish 強調<外在形式> 與 程序 上的 <結束>
3. 太陽的氫氣 燃料 再10億年 就用完了. 這句話 因為是自然現象 就不能用 Accomplish.
The sun will finish its hydrogen fuel in one billion years.
4. 這專案的完成 對本市 相當重要.因為有了 目標達成的驕傲,適用 accomplish.
It is important for the city to accomplish the project on time.
這句要翻成英文「I managed accomplish to my goal to finish my homework.」?
I managed accomplish to my goal to finish my homework. (X)
I managed to accomplish my homework assignment. (O)
I managed to finish my homework assignment. (O)
I managed to complete my homework assignment. (O)