Why do you brain dead idiots spend so much time on Yahoo Answers meticulously answering every question you see like your life depends on it.?

2016-10-15 2:29 am

By the way this was just a troll and for anyone getting annoyed by the use of the term braindead I thought it was an obvious hyperbole but I guess this is the internet. Lizards run the government. %^T&*U*( ( )

回答 (14)

2016-10-15 2:34 am
How do you know this to be the case unless you spent countless time observing it? There are lots of reasons why people do that, bored, retired, unemployed, live alone etc. It's just their choice of entertainment.
2016-10-15 2:39 am
ooo.....Don't you think you are doing the same thing by asking questions that nobody is suppose to be interested in answering?
2016-10-15 2:35 am
Well, we could be doing drugs or getting drunk or watching porn or (even worse) watching baseballl...but here we are instead...
2016-10-15 2:34 am
Why do you like to put down people for answering questions on here. some answer questions to help those who need advice. i enjoy sharing my knowledge with people and it is not so bad to be a good person on here. Thanks for the question friend. God bless.
2016-10-15 2:46 am
I only answered less than 10 questions so far today. I rarely come here because most of the questions these days are very sexual and personal, and there's too many racist trolls picking on minorities, especially black people. By the time I'm done with answering questions, I feel worse than I did before coming here.
2016-10-15 2:32 am
I couldn't guess, I've never met "those" people!
2016-10-15 2:31 am
Why are you wasting your time talking to brain dead idiots? If you don't like it, leave. ^^
2016-10-15 5:10 am
I am here on free time or when I don't have more things to do, I don't put my entire life on this
2016-10-15 4:28 am
2016-10-15 2:39 am
2016-10-15 2:35 am
My life depends on it.
2016-10-15 2:33 am
Try harder.
2016-10-15 2:29 am
No seriously, why?
2016-10-15 2:29 am
it might

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