() The photo ___ by Antony looks like a beautiful paint ing. (A)take (B)to take (C)taking (D)taken?

2016-10-10 6:26 am

回答 (3)

2016-10-10 6:34 am
The photo taken by Antony looks like a beautiful painting.
= The photo (that is taken by Antony) looks like a beautiful painting.

that is taken by Antony 是個子句,全句是由兩句話組成
a.) The photo looks like a beautiful painting.
b.) The photo is taken by Antony
2016-10-10 9:55 am
take a picture/painting/photograph.
to photograph something;
Antony took several photos of the NT cottage.
(D) taken;past participle---took past tense.
(D) taken----The photo (taken) by Antony looks like a beautiful painting.
2016-10-11 3:07 am
(D) Taken
The photo that has been taken by Anthory looks like a beautiful painting.

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