() In Singapore ,people ___ gum in publuc will be fined. (A)chew (B)that chewing (C)chewing (D)to chew?

2016-10-10 6:25 am

回答 (3)

2016-10-10 9:19 am
people(C) who are chewing gum----participle.
2016-10-10 6:42 am
In Singapore, people chewing gum in public will be fined.
= In Singapore, people (who are chewing gum in public) will be fined.
2016-10-11 3:09 am
(B) that chewing

句子的重點是指 “嚼口香糖的人” 為名詞
People that chewing gum in public <-- 這整句是名詞

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