英語翻譯 1.「兒子」和「太陽」聽起來是一樣的,但它們是兩個不同的字。 2.我奶奶做的蛋糕是非常美味的。(請用分詞片語P.P.)?

2016-10-10 6:24 am

回答 (2)

2016-10-10 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Son" and "sun" sound alike, but they are two different words.

The cake baked by my grandmother is very delicious.

Lydia realized that (the key for her to understand her friends is to listen to them.)

1.) Lydia realized that (名詞子句)。
2.) (the key for her to understand her friends) is to listen to them.
the key for her to understand her friends 是一名詞片語,作為主詞
重點就是 the key is to listen to them,
for her to understand her friends 是一修飾語,說明 the key (關鍵)

(A)that was designed
The wedding dress (that was designed by) Vera Wang is so stylish that every girl loves it.
= The wedding dress designed by Vera Wang is so stylish that every girl loves it.
2016-10-11 3:10 am
“Son" and "Sun" sounds the same, but they are two different word

Meanwhile, My granny handmade cake is super delicious

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