What are your views on the Church of Jesus Christ and Later Day Saints? (Mormonism)?

2016-10-07 1:41 am
During the summer, I was in contact with some missionaries. Nice fellows but I eventually broke off contact with them as I was uncomfortable and was afraid of being seen as a cultist loon.
Anyway, what do you think of it? Is their scripture true? Is it a good faith?

回答 (11)

2016-10-07 1:49 am
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It is much easier to debunk than ancient religions because the history of it is only about 180 years old. You can pretty much know everything about Joseph Smith and the conartist that he was. No their scripture isn't true and it doesn't even match the original BOM. They are very nice people to your face but it's all an act. I talked to a couple mormon girls and they invited me to their church. When I got there they had an old lady with them because they couldn't be alone with me, like I was going to rape them or something it was weird. Also like an old lady is going to stop me from harming them. They were very nice initially until I told them why I don't believe in Mormonism and they kicked me like a bad habit.
2016-10-07 1:49 am
Their scripture is far from true. Jesus Christ founded Christianity. He promised the original Christian Church, "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in Heaven", and "He who hears you hears Me". The beliefs of the Mormon religion conflict with every core belief of Christianity. Therefore they are not Christian. They do include Jesus Christ in their bizarre theology, but there is more to being Christian than believing "something" about Jesus Christ. Muslims do that and they are not Christian, nor do they claim to be. Actually Muslim beliefs about Jesus are closer to Christian truth than Mormon beliefs about Him.
2016-10-07 4:17 pm
I am a sixth generation LDS and I know that the doctrine and gospel taught therein is true and faithful to Christ, who is the author thereof. What you need to do is to actually read the Book of Mormon for yourself and ponder its message. We are normal people and are found in all walks of life. We are not perfect. We make mistakes and strive to correct our mistakes so that we can become more Christlike. Yes, it is a good faith for it comes from Jesus Christ. Those that think we are off base are ignorant of what we actually teach and they don't understand the things of the spirit. Without faith, we are nothing. The spirit gives us life and is the reason for our continued success and prosperity. I mean that in a spiritual sense, not a temporal or physical way. Yes, our numbers continue to increase and we build new chapels and temples but that is secondary to the spiritual development and progress of our members.
參考: my LDS opinion
2016-10-07 3:36 am
Their Joseph Smith (I believe is name was), actually had no true revelation as he claimed, but had some other reason for founding a church.
2016-10-07 2:51 am
The god of the Mormons is not the God of the Bible. To the Mormons, Jesus, is the first born son of an exalted "man" who became the god of this world. According to LDS church teaching, their god was first a man who became a god. The man-god of Mormonism was then made the god of this world because of his good works on another planet somewhere out in the Universe. He "earned" godhood, and was thus appointed by a counsel of gods in the heavens to his high position as the god of planet Earth. The Mormon god of this world was a man, like all men on earth. This is what the celestial marriage and the temple vows are all about. LDS men, by doing their temple work, are striving for exaltation by which they too shall one day can become a god. Their wives will be the mother goddesses of "their" world and with their husband will produce the population of their world. This is the Mormon doctrine of "eternal progression."

There is no archaeological confirmation of the Book of Mormon. While the spade of the archaeologist has confirmed many places and peoples mentioned in the Bible, it has not been at all favorable to the Book of Mormon. Although Mormons will confidently assert that archaeology has confirmed the Book of Mormon's accuracy time and time again, professional archaeologists have arrived at quite a different conclusion.

The Book of Abraham is a fraud. The Book of Abraham is one of the books in the Pearl of Great Price, one of Mormonism's scriptures. Joseph Smith purchased some ancient Egyptian papyri and claimed it was an original book penned by Abraham himself while in Egypt. He translated it allegedly by the same gift, which God had given him to translate the Book of Mormon. Professional Egyptologists have translated the papyri since their rediscovery in 1967. Their translations bear no resemblance to Smith's translation, exposing him as a charlatan.

We all sin, therefore we are all sinners. Since God is absolutely holy, He cannot be in the direct presence of sinful creatures. Therefore, all who are sinful must be separated from God and cannot be allowed to enter into His home (heaven). Hell is the place where these people must go, away from the presence of God. But God loves us and does not want everyone to go to Hell so he sent Jesus Christ to suffer and die on the cross as payment for our sins. After 3 days in the grave Jesus overcame death and rose from the dead and walked among men being seen by hundreds of people. In order to receive this gift from Jesus Christ we must make him our Lord and Savior.
2016-10-07 1:56 am
I very much like some of the values it teaches its adherents, but I don't exactly buy the Joseph Smith story. I've also heard they're very nice people, although they do maintain the traditional conservative view on homosexuality, which I consider problematic.

I have also seen vague complaints about the church online from former members, but not looked into them in detail.
2016-10-07 2:28 am
I was an active protestant before joining the LDS church 40 years ago. I have a grandfather and uncle who were protestant ministers. I can tell you that the LDS church is nothing like any other church. The entire premise is different in the following ways:

1. The church is led by revelation to living apostles. It has a hierarchical leadership organization with unpaid positions at every level. There is no paid ministry and most adult members are called to positions of service. For example, the church has about 80 thousand full time missionaries who pay their own way. Service in the church and obedience to God are a kind of joyful sacrifice that leads to great faith.
2. The Holy Ghost is of huge importance in the church and members receive the gift of the Holy Ghost at baptism. Through companionship of the Holy Ghost, members come to know with certainty that God lives. The Holy Ghost leads faithful members to all truth throughout their lives. In addition, members receive spiritual power to overcome weaknesses and become like God over time through the saving ordinances of the gospel. This is a very real influence.
3. Members of the church study the bible and other scriptures but the foundation of the church is not the bible. The church is "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone". Ephesians 4:20
4. Members are under covenant through the preparatory ordinance of baptism to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, repent, strive to keep his commandments and to serve one another. Faithful members are endowed with faith that leads us to follow Christ. Unshakable faith is a gift of the spirit.

I cannot begin to explain all the differences but I can tell you that the most important thing I have in this life is the knowledge I have through the spirit that God lives and still works among his children today. This knowledge does not come from intellectual arguments from the bible but comes through the Holy Ghost. Everything that comes from God is good and everything the church produces is good and right and true.

If you want a spiritual experience, study the Book of Mormon in sincerity of heart and a real desire to know if it is true. Forget about rumors of Joseph Smith and writing styles. Just find out what it has to say. Here it is online for free. It includes a promise in the last chapter that you can know it is true through the power of the Holy Ghost.
2016-10-08 4:37 am
they are not a strictly christian sect. as they do not believe in the TRUE trinity , they may live good lives , but as jesus said , so do many pagans
2016-10-07 10:36 pm
The Utah Mormons ruined Joseph Smiths name by saying that Jesus told him tom practice polygamy . For , even Joe's own mom , son , and only wife swore till their deaths that he never did that sin . Joe was only interested in bringing the 1st century Christianity back . And you have to admit that the similarities between Jesus and the popular legend of the Mayan God , Quetzalcoatl is to great to be dismissed .
2016-10-07 6:16 am
Well, they believe in Jesus Christ so they are Christians, they have four holy books instead of one, love it, they have a prophet Thomas S. Monson and they believe in modern revelation, also they believe that Jesus Christ came to visit the people of America after his resurrection, makes sense, they reject vices like Alcohol and drugs, they had not practiced polygamy in 100 years.
Their religion kinda make sense.
2016-10-07 3:39 am
The only difference between a cult and a religion is the size. No matter what, if you believe any of these various fantastical tales, you are a "loon."

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