
2016-09-28 1:41 am
Perhaps you can’t wing your way to the White House.

At the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, authenticity proved to be no substitution for preparation. Strong words faded in the face of solid experience. And, in a campaign that has seen norms shattered, there was something comforting about at least one candidate behaving in expected ways — and speaking in coherent, complete sentences.

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2016-09-28 8:24 am
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Perhaps you can’t wing your way to the White House.

At the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, authenticity proved to be no substitution for preparation.
在川普跟希拉蕊的第一場辯論中,驗證了 "名副其實" 是無法取代有備而來。

Strong words faded in the face of solid experience. And, in a campaign that has seen norms shattered, there was something comforting about at least one candidate behaving in expected ways — and speaking in coherent, complete sentences.

1.) wing your way to (somewhere),字面意思是"凌空飛降" 的意思。wing it 另有 "即興演出" 的解釋。
2.) Strong words 激烈的言辭
3.) authenticity 是川普選舉的招牌,這個字的意思是 "真實性"。相較於多數美國人覺得Hillary難以親近和理解,川普自始即充分展現自我,言人所不敢言,並藉以評擊華盛頓特區的官僚政客言行不一。

To a large degree Donald Trump is authentic – he is a truly authentic jerk. He is bombastic, narcissistic, egotistical, thin-skinned, self-promoting, and crude. In all of this he is probably genuine because he has never tried to portray himself as anything but all of the above. And in that very important respect, Trump comes off as more real. What you see is what you get. No pretension and no sanctimony. But, at the same time, that is why he has a ceiling of support he cannot seem to blast through.
2016-09-28 4:13 am
或許你是不能胡混地入主白宮。在特朗普跟希拉莉的第場辯論中,證明了準備充足是不可取代確實性的。強力的演辭在穩健的經驗面前便褪色了。況且,在選舉運動中出現全無章法的狀況,還算是使人安心的是最少當中的一位仍表現在預期之內 ─ 能說出有條理和完整的句子。

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