請幫我把此段話翻譯成英文: 在這個總是呼籲應該坦蕩的現代社會,承認自己不大方變成一句難以說出口的實話。說我小氣、佔有慾也好、沒有安全感也可以,寧願妳就這樣理解此刻在妳面前面目猙獰的我,因為妳說的都是實話。我無法一輩子都大方,也不會永遠都小氣。我愛你?

2016-09-25 7:40 am

回答 (2)

2016-09-25 10:23 am
In this modern society which always calls for one to be perfectly frank, I admit that I am not generous has become an unspeakable truth. You seemed to tell the truth that I am too stingy, possessive towards my lover, and to be insecure about you. But I would rather let you understand the strong emotional man in front of you at this moment.Neither can I be generous nor afford to be always stingy for a lifetime. I love you ?
2016-09-25 7:43 am
In this appeal should always magnanimous modern society, recognizing that they do not become a generous unspeakable truth. Said I stingy, possessive or, to be insecure, so you'll know you prefer to understand the moment in front of u grim me because you say is the truth. I can not generous lifetime, it will not always stingy. I love you?

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