[英翻中] 完整句子在詳細資料中.?

2016-09-07 6:32 pm
Blockchain 2.0 is contracts, the entire slate of economic, market, and financial applications using the blockchain that are more extensive than simple cash transactions: stocks, bonds, futures, loans, mortgages, titles, smart prop‐ erty, and smart contracts.

回答 (2)

2016-09-08 5:04 pm
有本書將 blockchain 分成三個階段, 3.0 就是延伸到金融之外的領域, 像是人文/ 科學等. 妳人真好, 幫了我很多忙.
2016-09-08 4:16 am

您所指的Blockchain 2.0 是最近在網路金融一級市場人氣特別高的區塊鏈(BlockChain)嗎?據說這是比特幣(BitCoin)技術中的核心部分,其功能簡單而言類似于一種賬本,記錄所有的交易數據。

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 21:38:49
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