The notion between/amid/among my parents is good.應該用哪一個prep.?

2016-08-22 10:02 am

回答 (5)

2016-08-22 10:26 am
只有a relationship, discussion, or difference才能"between" two people。
a notion在「語意上」可能不合between, amid, among的邏輯。
2016-08-22 2:01 pm
1.) between 指 "各別獨立的個體之間"
the relationship between my parents
torn between two lovers

2.) among 指在一群體間
the notion among my parents is that young kids never learn to respect the elders.
the notion among some professionals is that people with disabilities always need help and can never give help or nurturance to another.

3.) amid 指被什麼所圍繞
He could move slowly amid the crowd.


版大的句子確實可用 of
The notion of my parents is good. 但這句子說了等於沒說
既然是notion開頭,就該明說notion 的內容
2016-08-22 12:42 pm
I have no notion of what my parents meant
So, the notion of my parents is good.
2016-08-23 2:19 am
between 用於兩人之間,所以parents應選between
amid 通常不用用在人,用在事物
2016-08-22 2:43 pm
the notion of my parents is good.
notion n.觀念,想法,從屬於父母,用of

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