in mind...........指?

2016-08-22 7:45 am

Whether a university’s role should be to prepare graduates for specific jobs or simply to educate without a particular vocation in mind is a debatable issue. 這裡的in mind指什麽?

回答 (8)

2016-08-22 2:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.) bear / keep in mind 意思是在思考某一問題或作決定時,將某一因素納入考量。
without (bearing/keeping) something in mind 未納入考量
Of course, repair work is expensive and you have to keep that in mind.

2.) 大學是否應該為畢業生從事特定職務做準備,或單純只是教育,無需將就業納入考量,是個可辯論的議題。
2016-08-23 9:38 am
Decided what to do yet" Nothing on profession!"
In U.opinion,students ' are quite wrong to do professional.They should be directed towards the broadening of the mind, not specially to professional. Then they can generously ready to enter a profession.Although "Remedial Exercises" ,curing classes, for your weak professionals are expensive !
2016-08-23 2:39 am
Whether a university’s role should be to prepare graduates for specific jobs or simply to educate without a particular vocation in mind is a debatable issue.
without a particular vocation in mind==並不特別在乎有關職業的事
2016-08-22 11:42 am
2016-08-22 10:33 am
If you say that you have something "in mind," you mean that you are thinking about it.

你問的那句裡的without xxx in mind,就是「在心裡不會想著xxx」的意思。
2016-08-26 1:25 pm
2016-08-25 6:59 pm
2016-08-24 11:41 am

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