上禮拜三 我想幫我媽媽煮飯 所以進入廚房幫忙 因為我害怕燙 所以我把肉用丟的到肉油裡 害我被熱油噴到了鼻子 所以我的鼻子才燙傷 可以幫我翻成英文嗎?

2016-08-01 4:38 pm

回答 (4)

2016-08-01 5:22 pm
The translation from C/E:-
Last WednesdayI wanted to help my mother into the kitchen to cook. Since I was afraid of hot liquid, I threw the meat into the oil and I had injury to the nose skin from the split of the hot liquid. So my nose was burnt and scald !
2016-08-11 3:38 am
Last Wednesday I helped my Mon to cook, so I went into the kitchen. Because I was afraid of being burned, I threw the pork into the hot oil and my nose was sprayed by it. Finally my nose got burnt.
2016-08-02 1:53 pm

Last Wednesday, I went into kitchen to help my mom cook meal. Because I was scared of the heat, so I dropped meat hastily into hot oil pan and got my nose burnt by splashing grease. This is why my nose is scalded?
2016-08-02 12:33 am
Last WednesdayI wanted to help my mother into the kitchen to cook. Since I was afraid of hot liquid, I threw the meat into the oil and I had injury to the nose skin from the split of the hot liquid. So my nose was burnt and scald !
參考: 翻譯機
2016-08-02 6:56 am
Last Wednesday I want to help my mother went into the kitchen to help cook so hot because I was afraid I lost to the meat with the meat in the oil causing me to be sprayed into the nose hot oil so it burns my nose

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