
2016-07-22 4:02 am

回答 (3)

2016-07-22 6:00 am
old woman or

over the hill 人老珠黃........
2016-07-22 5:41 am
上了年紀的女人 = a woman with age (不明確指出實際年齡,一般指邁入中年以上)

語言是意象與概念的傳達,大概可以有無限的方式可以表達上了年紀的女人。如果你想要的是逐字翻譯,如google 翻譯,翻出來大多是不倫不類的謬語。

She is a fine woman. Age has taken a toll on her face. (wrinkles, line...)
Age has left its traces on her face.
Though she looks frail and age has etched its mark on her face -- Mother Teresa of Calcutta
2016-07-22 4:36 am
是中文含蓄委婉的說法,其實是含糊其詞指"較為年紀大的女人",但又不作界是中年的(40-50歲)還是指壯年或未到老年的(50-60歲),但英語則較為理性邏輯和嘗試用詞意定義Age Groups/Age Categories,例如20-30=young adult (假如仍未成熟還創作了kidult來形容30幾歲仍像小孩子的成人);30-40=mature adult; 40-50=middle age; 50-60=older/golden age; 60-70=eldery/senior; 80+=old age.

因此要看你想說的"上了年紀"是40-50還是指50-60(指文章內容或作者用意),可能作出不同的翻譯,而不是機器或電腦程式可以憑文字本身翻譯的。否則最聰明的也只會譯出a woman advanced in years.

假如你想說中年婦女便是a middle age woman或middle age women.
假如你想說再年紀大一點但未夠60/65歲的女人便是a golden age woman或golden age women.


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