he left in his car at twelve o'clock. 見到本書有呢句句子,點解用in?

2016-06-25 4:58 pm

回答 (7)

2016-06-27 2:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
in his car
at twelve o'clock

He left in his car at twelve o'clock.(離開的時間重要)
= 他乘自己的小汽車,在十二點時離開的。
He left at twelve o'clock in his car.(離開的方式重要)
英語的句子有「尾重原則」(end weight)。重要或較長的資訊通常出現在句尾。
2016-06-26 7:02 am
IO is followed by a noun(=DO,the object complement)
eg:-He left------subject+vi , vt---(leave,left. pt.pp)
in his car-----adv.phr of how----------IO;
at twelve o'clok----adv.phr of time
something.eg:-(mobile phone/umbrella.etc..)-------------DO
Or He left (sth)....

NB:-If you post a question as such, do you think it is necessary for responses to justify ?The original passage is better shown so that we can follow !. However,"himself" is a third person singular reflexive pronoun.Hence:-"He himself was" refers to the same subject in passive voice.

In this pattern the verb is followed by a noun and a to-infinitive which is the object of the verb;
eg:-He left------subject+vi, vt
his car-------noun
at twelve o'clock---------prep phr. time
not to be late.--------(not)+ to-infinitive.-------object of the verb.
For the use of "in" with many nouns and verbs, there is no "in",prep.,here in which it was seen.However."he left(from),go away (from),his car to his (eg:-employer)at twelve o'clock" should be better;since He left" (from)" his car" should be the preposition used to introduce the place, point, person, etc.to be the starting -point of the sentence."to his employer" is the object which completes the structure by a prep.phr.
2016-07-12 2:12 am
He left in his car at twelve o'clock.==他在十一點離開自己的車輛.(in 在小型的車時用; 但在大型時則用on).
He left his car while it was twelve o'clock.
2016-07-05 7:08 am
2016-07-02 4:54 pm
2016-06-28 7:57 am
# He left in his car at twelve o'clock. (他在十二點鐘時,開他的車離開了。)
# in [前置詞] 10. ((手段・材料)) (2)…に乗って 例1. in a plane (飛行機で)(◆by plane は交通機関の手段に重点を置く表現) 例2. Does your mother take you in the car? (あなたのお母さんが車で連れて行ってくれるの.)
2016-06-27 4:22 am

1. 這本書印錯句子而編輯沒發現。

2. 這例句並不是單一句子,前文可能是說他把一些東西"留了在車子裏"並有人問他是甚麼時候把那東西放在車裏,這句是他的回答:「我把"它"在12點時已留在車裏。」
這假設解釋為何句子用了left in這詞組,但同時句子亦欠了left "it" in his car應該有的"東西"。口語上有時回為對話內容已知所講的"it"是甚麼,才會在對話中省卻,但正規寫作或句子應該不可以"漏"寫的。因此就算這假設是句子的用意也是編輯或作家的錯。

3. 第三是句子的可能意思是「他在12點的時候自願地留在他自己的車子裏」或「原本他駕他自己的車子載了很多人往個地方,在12點時所有人都下車了,他是唯一一個仍留在他自己的車子上的人。」
從文法句式和假設編輯/作者沒錯的前題下,這是較為有可能的意思,但是假如是這類處境一般會用被動語法"He was left in the car at twelve o'clock"(由於通常指小孩或東西被遺留在車上,但句子內容是指他是車主,所以用慣常的被動時態也是怪怪的)。 由於跟正規或慣常語法和用詞有很大的差別,會引起很多誤會,所以如果是單句例句並不是太好。

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