What is your opinion on John F. Kennedy, as a President?

2016-06-25 3:51 pm

回答 (23)

2016-06-25 3:59 pm
Hello Scott,

I was around when Kennedy gained office and very sadly was assassinated.

I am not a US citizen but knew Kennedy performed his Presidential duties extremely well.

True he was a womanizer, but how many other Presidents have been also?

The way he stood up to Khrushchev over the Cuban Missile crisis showed his as a great President.

I have a very high opinion of Kennedy and he is the best President we have had in recent times, although Reagan ran him close.

2016-06-25 4:03 pm
He wanted to break the dependence of Federal Reserve from Rotschild and other financiers. That's why got shot.
2016-06-25 3:55 pm
He was a mench compared to fat little brother Teddy.
2016-06-25 3:53 pm
2016-06-25 4:13 pm
God rest his soul.
2016-06-25 4:10 pm
He was a great president. Possibly the last great president to ever come from the Democratic party.
If only modern Democrats like Barack Obama were more like him.
2016-06-25 3:55 pm
A good one over his belief in the Original Plan, by mention of Camelot, and this being about one of fairness for all, and I think that he had it in him to try, and what he really wanted to succeed with, as we all do within our own constitution.
2016-06-25 4:01 pm
He was a horrible president (Bay of Pigs fiasco) and was a horrible husband (cheater). I would not have voted for him.
2016-07-02 3:42 pm
Bad catholic, bad husband, embarressed he eas president
2016-06-25 11:03 pm
He was the last of the Classical Liberal presidents. His tax cuts, although enacted posthumously, turned the economy around.
2016-06-29 4:47 pm
John was the absolute worst President the country had up to that time.
His philandering and playboy style activity angered a lot of moderates.
His death blow arguments with Lyndon Johnson proved to be fatal.

John if left in office. Would have more then likely been impeached.
He was turning bad as the days progressed.
2016-06-25 4:29 pm
He had so much potential and was a threat to the elite.
Part of the final "royal" family the country will see..

2016-06-25 3:52 pm
He was fine. Very overrated and almost canonized by most purely because of his untimely and tragic death, but still, he was just fine.
2016-06-25 3:51 pm
2016-06-25 3:51 pm
He forgot to dodge
2016-07-03 7:36 am
He spends millions to flee the first rocket in history
2016-07-03 6:10 am
He probably would've been the best president in this country beside FDR
2016-07-03 1:14 am
not to good fuc. anything
2016-07-03 12:19 am
There's a difference in how America was formed.jfk was killed for belief and change in society .they try to whack me in a different way as there's scum in Politics and in society .we need not hate America but let Hillary or others build a nation through media that can turn the wheels of Detroit and build a nation of goodness .rudof Giuliani don't give in
2016-07-02 9:57 pm
Lackluster at best.
2016-07-02 9:51 pm
He was the best president in U. S. history, and forever will be.

If you take ALL of the wisdom from ALL of the U. S. presidents, and combine them into one brain, you get JFK.
2016-07-02 2:55 pm
Didn't get much done but nice to look at.... which is apparently all that matters
2016-06-26 2:02 pm
What is your opinion on John F. Kennedy, as a President?
WHY - sadly his ASSASSINATION is what makes JFK most memorable, not his FIASCO'S like almost starting a NUKE WAR, was also a WOMANIZER ( as was his father and brothers - like Bill Clinon ) and The American Royal Family's money came from ILLEGAL BOOTLEGGING !

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