I found a didlo in my sister room?!?

2016-05-18 8:23 pm
My sister took my laptop, i went to her room to get my laptop back, i found a didlo, I'm 16 btw and she's 23, she saw me before watching porn lol and she told my mom, should i tell my mom too that i found a didlo in her room? She always tell my mom everything i do, should i do the same thing and tell my mom about it?

回答 (375)

2016-05-19 2:15 pm
I would say like most take a picture of it and prove it is in her room and use it as balckmail almost. She rats you out on everything you do so it s only fair and understandable that you want to do the same. Just don t tell your mom outright, show your sister first and then make a plea deal or whatever that she ll stop ratting you out on your own private times and give you privacy (but you re 16 and i think most people wont be surpised if you re watching porn anyway at that age)
2016-05-19 8:54 am
IT'S REVENGE TIME! Once a b*tch, always a b*tch. No matter how old she is she's still a b*tch.

Tell your mom what you saw and embarrass her. She told your mom that you're watching porn and everything sh*tty about you, why not do the same? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
...Or you could just blackmail her and stuffs...
Take a pic of that dildo and make sure the picture will show that it is really in her room so you have an evidence that it's hers. If she's guilty and doesn't want anybody to know about it then boom! You got her under your control and you can blackmail her anytime you want.
... but if she's cool with it and doesn't really care about it that much then it's useless and you can't blackmail her.
2016-05-19 3:25 pm
At 16, I know you don't want to be considered a child, but if you run to your mother and make a big deal of this, you're proving your immaturity. If your mother isn't a prude, she'll thank your 23-year old sister for trying to control her urges and focus on school, work, or even finding the right guy. Boys and girls use their hands, but girls tend to use toys when they grow up. I hope I helped you feel less embarrassed that you do that same thing!!
2016-05-19 4:08 am
No. Why would you think to try to tell on her for anything? She didn't do anything.
If you're going to run to mommy, then tell her everything you found in your sister's room: a brush, a pillow, a stuffed animal, a bed, several pairs of shoes, 24 belts, a necklace, sunglasses, a cell phone, skimpy panties, socks, t-shirts.... 23!? Why is she still living with your parents??
2016-05-20 4:38 am
Normally I hate tattle tales, but since your sister has been such a snitch I would take her dildo and wait until dinner and set that sucker right on the table claiming "Look what I found in my sister's room when I went to get my computer!" Then later when you have a moment alone with your sister tell her "Now you know how I feel when you rat on me! Rat on me one more time and I will tell this story at the Thanksgiving able right in front of grandma and everyone else!"
2016-05-20 5:00 am
IT S SNITCHING TIME! Wait until your sister is within earshot and bring it up with your mom extra loudly.

I don t like the blackmail angle because you could also get in trouble for that. Maybe she is 23, an adult and probably won t get in trouble, but the satisfaction of snitching back is well worth it. You re only 16 so there s no need to be mature about this whatsoever.

Maybe a dose of her own medicine will teach her to tone down the tattle telling. I know your feels bro I'm 24 and also have an older sister I quarreled with growing up lol
2016-05-18 10:10 pm
I'm assuming you meant a "dildo" ---- Was your laptop in a drawer??
Or did you go snooping?? At any rate, your sister is 23 years old...
Do you really want to embarrass the hell out of her, and your mom???!!!!!
By the way, at age 16, I don't think you should watch porn. Not healthy.
Not realistic. She probably told your mom because of your age.....
2016-05-18 8:27 pm
To be honest, since she's over 21, I'd recommend talking to your sister first. You never know, it might not be hers. Not to mention, if you went straight to your mother and it was actually your MOTHER'S dildo that your sister took, not only would that be awkward, but your relationship with your sister could potentially be ruined.
2016-05-19 12:12 am
Not trying to sound rude but she's 23. She's an adult. I agree she shouldn't be telling you not to watch porn because you're growing and it's a part of life and what not, but she's already grown. Its perfectly normal. Now, how did you find the dildo? Thats the question here.
2016-05-18 11:55 pm
No hun u should not why u might ask yourself. its ur sister. I would like to say u have a relationship with her and
if u tell . then any type off relationship u both have will go rocky. at some point in Ur live u may need her for a important chat and she will b there for you.you are young now and at some time in your life you will need a friend your sister is that and she is gonna be that for u.
2016-05-19 8:16 pm
I say take a picture of it and try to blackmail her back, however be careful and always delete your history after you search things you wouldn't want anyone else seeing. Take a picture of the didlo and if she ever threatens to tell on you, use it as blackmail as much as you can. although, your mum might not care because she is a woman xo
2016-05-20 4:29 am
Well, you're still a minor and technically you're supposed to be 18+ to view porn.

Not that anyone waits until 18... but if your mother believes in that age limit, then yeah, I'm not surprised your sister might say something.

But like it or not your sister is years older and is a grown woman - old enough that owning such things is not weird or wrong - so you telling your mother about that does nothing but look weird and intrusive on your part.
2016-05-18 8:29 pm
No she is an adult and it's a normal thing for adult women to have adult things in there posession. Remember mom is an adult woman and chances are regardless of the circumstances you are likely to get a speech about invading her privacy and more than likely end of with the all to uncomfortable SEX talk.
2016-05-18 8:31 pm
She's 23 and living at home, the definition of old maid. She's gotta get her rocks off somehow, have pity on her and let it slide (no pun intended).
2016-05-20 3:41 am
Well, she's an adult, and when she's and adult, she can make her own decisions. So, if that's what she does or is into, leave It be. If she was like 12 or something that would be one thing, but she's 23, an official adult. Yes, she did told on you, but your 16. If that's your thing too, then it's your thing. I don't think it's that terrible to watch porn, some people can't help it. Just let the situation be.
2016-05-20 6:22 pm
She is an adult. Therefore, its none of anyone's business if she has a dildo. YOU are a child till you are 18 yrs old. Your parents will not do anything about it other then tell her to be more careful in leaving sex toys out.

And YOU should not be watching any kind of porn - it will warp your brain and its NOT healthy at all (mentally). Your sister had every right to inform your parents about you watching porn. Porn is a poison - stay away from it.
2016-05-18 8:26 pm
she's 23 not 13. she's able to do whatever she wants to do. she's an adult and if she wants to have a room full of dildos then that's her.
2016-05-19 2:12 am
If she snitches on u all the time, u need to make it stop. Take a picture of it in her room, use it as blackmail. Having an upper hand is more important than ONE act of revenge..
2016-05-19 10:40 pm
Go to your sister first to get your laptop returned. If she doesn't, confront her with the picture proof of what you found. (Make a back up just in case). If she still won't return she stole, because that is what she did, taking with out asking is stealing, then appeal to a higher authority. This final part however while yes may get you your lap top returned may prompt your mother to lecture you about snooping in your sisters room. What your mom does with the information after the fact is immaterial.
2016-05-18 8:29 pm
Your sister is an adult (unlike you). If she wants to have a sexual object, that is her choice. It is actually ILLEGAL for you to be watching porn.
2016-05-18 8:54 pm
what's a "didlo" ???? shows how many people really read these questions !!!!
2016-05-18 11:16 pm
first, you are 16..you are an adult when you are 18, but still a TEEN until you turn 20...grow up, its just a damn dildo and she is way over 18..get a life kid...why do you care so much? That is quite creepy you are very intereted in asking this...odd
2016-05-18 11:58 pm
She's an adult you're still a child there's a difference her telling your mom about watching porn was wrong but you telling your mom about your sister's dildo won't make you any better it's not going to solve anything
2016-05-19 1:15 am
Yeah. Tell your mom. At 16 it is perfectly normal to do what you did and what your sister does. People must be hell-a dumb tho tihnk it isn't healthy at your age. Your sister is a buh-*****. Now go and get your revenge.
2016-05-22 5:03 pm
Someone seeking revenge methinks.. Your sister is 23 and therefore adult and responsible for her own sexual conduct.

Unless of course your parents are control freaks that try to dictate what you think.

Strongly suggest you keep your trap shut unless you want some serious hate from your sister.
2016-05-20 10:09 pm
Most women have dildo's or should have some sort of sex toy. Just for those lonely nights. I bet your mom has a big black vibrator in her closet.
2016-05-20 3:06 pm
The real question is why is your sister living in her childhood bedroom if she is 23? I think you should tape a note to the dildo and put it in the family room. The note should say, "Can't afford an apartment, but CAN afford a dildo. I guess it is time to get a job." The whole family will laugh and laugh. Or at least you will.
2016-05-19 8:39 pm
I say use it on yourself in spite of her! Mmmm..
2016-05-18 9:18 pm
no of course not just forget about it when you get to her age you wouldn't want someone violating your privacy too.
2016-05-23 10:23 pm
You could say you found a dildo in her room, but she's 23 and frankly your mother if she has an iota of commonsense will just laugh and slap you upside the head and tell you to go away and grow up.

At 23, your sister is perfectly entitled to have a dildo of her own, and I think that if your mother considers the alternative, which is that your sister could be off having sex with all kinds of unsuitable and possibly contagious strangers, a dildo is perfectly fine.

Pick your battles sensibly. Now if you found illegal drugs in her room, that would be a whole other story. But a dildo? Nah.
2016-05-19 10:43 pm
WASH YOUR HANDS MAN!!!...LOL....you know where it's been :o) But does it have a suction cup on the bottom of the dildo? If it does wait till everyone is in the kitchen and throw it towards the kitchen cabinets knife-style. You want it to land on the suction cup and stick to the cabinet. You are going to kill with that entry : )
2016-05-19 9:21 pm
Mind your own business man she's 23
2016-05-19 3:44 pm
I'm more focused on the fact you put didlo.
2016-05-18 9:06 pm
Take a photograph of it in her room and then keep it safe. You can use it as leverage.
2016-05-24 4:58 am
My question is..do you still watch porn?
My guess is that yes, you do.
And why do people watch porn and masturbate?
Because human nature gives them those urges and frankly it is better to masturbate or have a dildo..or didlo as you have so graciously called it, then to be out having sex.
A 23 year old woman..I am one myself..is allowed to make those decisions and ultimately all you would be doing here is telling an adult about another adult and it is just weird.
Also, most women put their dildos away..so why were you snooping through a grown woman's ****?
if you want to get technical, you were breaking the law by watching porn.
and she isn't .
get over yourself.
2016-05-21 5:11 am
Honey, let me explain this to you. Sometimes, adults have sexual needs but can't always depend on a lover. Masturbating to get relief, is not something that you should be making fun of her for. It's natural and it's very private. Built up sexual tension can cause a number of issues. Anger, bouts of crying, headaches, tense muscles,stomach aches, inability to concentrate. If you love your sister, do NOT do this. Your sister probably told on you, because she was afraid your hormones were getting out of control for a minor. Afraid you would start having sex and get pregnant or get a STD. I really don't think she meant to hurt you.
參考: 26 year old female who gets this.
2016-05-19 8:30 am
No. Don't tell your mom. Your sister has nothing to be ashamed of as most people in this world when they reach puberty begin to get a sex drive.

The only people who do not have a sex drive are 'Asexuals'.
2016-05-18 10:35 pm
Well I am sure most people were tempted to tell you that you should use the dildo. But I am not ugly like that. NO don't tell on your sister. Retailation results in retaliation.
2016-05-24 4:08 am
You have to set up a cam in her room and make sure you film her getting hard and heavy with it. Then once you know what she likes. You pop in naked with a raging ***** and see where it goes! You can't tell me you haven't atleast thought about her using it ha
2016-05-24 2:45 am
Mom will think it belongs to you and you just want 2 get her into trouble and take it back into your room. so just toss it in the waist basket. I'm just being real protecting you Ok oh. what? now pray to God in Jesus name. amen. we rebuke satan in the name of Jesus amen.
2016-05-23 11:38 pm
As a child I agreed to stop beating up my little sister if she would stop telling on me. We've had peace for 60 years. I'd say use it as a bargaining chip to get her to stop taking advantage of you. By threatening to expose her, she'll know you're not a stupid kid anymore.
2016-05-23 9:13 pm
YES! YES! RAT HER OUT ????????
參考: Sister of 7
2016-05-23 2:03 am
Pretend it didn't happen your mom might be creeped out...
2016-05-22 8:54 pm
Hey, live by the sword, die by the sword. Sounds like she opened that door.
2016-05-22 2:16 pm
lol probs too late but i wouldn't, i would be the bigger man and just say yo i am not a snitch and maybe you can tell her that you found it and say that ur more mature or someshit like that if all else fails make fun of her for living with
parents at 23 and look for the dildo and tell on her :)
2016-05-21 4:15 pm
Your sister is 23, she's an adult. You can tell your mum but she can't really tell her off as she's older than 16 so she's aloud to have sex and use a dildo etc
2016-05-21 3:39 am
Just don't say anything. She's 23, so she's an adult and has the right to have those things. And move out :)
2016-05-21 1:26 am
I get why you'd wanna get even but your sister is 23. She can't get into trouble or get grounded for using a dildo. You're a minor so people try to shame younger girls for their sexual urges which is wrong to do. If I were you I'd just tell your sister "I find it funny how you told on me for watching porn when you use a dildo." Shame her back. Tattling won't work on an adult though
2016-05-20 9:30 pm
If you want to continue to act like a petulant child tell your parents. If you want to behave like an adult mind your own business. Next ask before going in your sister's bedroom. At least be honest: you went through her personal things the dildo was not just lying next to the laptop.
2016-05-20 7:05 pm
Watch more porn.
2016-05-20 4:46 pm
She's obviously a great fan of Irish folk music, as in
"Whack fol the didlo, there's whisky in the jar !" 10/10 for good music taste...
2016-05-20 2:39 pm
She Is A Girl. And Offocourse She Will Use One. As you us your hand she uses her toy. This is nothing related to telling ur mom.
2016-05-20 11:17 am
If that's true at all, what do you expect to happen when you snitch on her? What will your mom do? She's gonna take away her dildo? Let it be, you only cause unnecessary embarrassment in your family.
2016-05-20 4:06 am
Your mom isn't going to give a **** that she has a dildo. She's 23 lol
2016-05-20 12:04 am
I bet there's all kinds of sweet sugar wall juice on there... all kiiiinds
2016-05-19 6:17 pm
Clean it. She'll be happy.
2016-05-19 6:08 pm
Just run around the house holding it to your head.
And call out in an Alien voice "We mean no harm to your Planet! We mean no harm to your Planet!,,,,,,,,,)
參考: Dare you!
2016-05-19 5:11 pm
Nope. Snitches get stitches.
2016-05-19 12:48 pm
Maybe it was your mom's and she left it in your sisters room. Think about that FOREVER!
2016-05-19 10:59 am
hell ye
2016-05-19 8:16 am
Yessss!!! I know you want to tell on her !
Just take the dildo and give it to your mom!! ;)
2016-05-19 12:40 am
Bro just flip a coin and move on
2016-05-19 12:27 am
snitches get stiches nuff said
2016-05-18 8:44 pm
no. she is 23 and an adult who can make her own decision. just because she embarrassed you doesn't mean you should do it back to her. show some kindness.
2016-05-18 8:31 pm
Why would you tell anyone?
your sister is old enough to own and use one, so just keep it to yourself
Your Mother wouldn't be in the slightest bit interested, anyway
2016-05-20 4:55 am
She's a grown woman, and women have needs. I don't see how it would be your mom's business at all... If anything, it may just make things more awkward for you.
參考: I'm an adult.
2016-05-19 11:05 pm
Don't get drunk on power. It's a human sickness. You also need to learn how to spell.

Right now, you know something that nobody knows that you know. Keep it that way.
參考: Been there
2016-05-19 10:36 pm
Take the high road. Mention to her that you accidentally stumbled on to her hobby but show her that you're more mature than her by letting it go. That will give her something to think about. That is the best way to get even with her. Tell her "Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything to anybody (except everyone in the world who is on yahoo) LOL
2016-05-19 2:58 pm
What can your mom do? Your sister is 23 years old.
2016-05-19 12:54 pm
I would negotiate with her. Ask her how she would feel if you told mom about the dildo. Tell her you won't say anything if she lays off being a tattle tale.
2016-05-19 3:25 am
as your older sister, she may feel like it's her job to tell your mom everything you do for your own good, but instead of telling your mom about the dildo which isn't her concern either because she's grown, you should talk to your sister and explain to her how u prefer that she talks to you as an older sister instead of running to your mom about everything
2016-05-20 8:20 am
I'm just laughing because you say "didlo" instead of dildo.
But, seriously dude. She's grown, she shouldn't be told on for using a dildo at 23.
2016-05-19 10:21 pm
At your age your sister is only protecting you by telling your mom things. Your sister is an adult, she's allowed to have a dildo. Your mom doesn't need to know about it.
2016-05-19 8:33 pm
Your sister is an Adult. She can do anything she want. Your still a minor. Your mom won't care. She is too old to be sent to her room.
2016-05-19 6:31 pm
You could rub a hot chilli on her dildo.
2016-05-19 5:18 pm
If she is 23 telling your mom isn't going to do anything. She's an adult. It's not like you gound drugs or anything else harmful in her room. It's just a dildo lol.
2016-05-19 4:44 pm
2016-05-19 11:08 am
black male her and have her service you
2016-05-19 9:22 am
took the didlo first. And than blackmail her.Using blackmailng you can get anything you want.
2016-05-19 8:26 am
For what reason should you? I think you need to ask yourself the question, "is she really doing anything wrong?" She is an adult woman, behaving like an adult woman, so is there any real problem to take note off? So no, I wouldn't tell your mom. Like damn, I'm sure it's uncomfortable, but sometimes you have to accept the facts.
2016-05-19 2:26 am
She shoving a pickle in there. She like that huge plastic penis. She wanna hump it. She luuuuvvvvvv it. Suck it and make peepee on it and give it back, She can't use it problems solved.
2016-05-18 9:26 pm
Well, whilst I do not believe in telling tales, then why not just let her know privately about your observations. Perhaps that she knows that you know would inspire het to in future keep her big flapping mouth FIRMLY SHUT.
2016-05-31 7:12 am
how did ur mom reacted when ur sis told to ur mom that ur watching...............
2016-05-30 11:19 pm
She's an adult; You are NOT !
2016-05-30 5:12 am
well, you're still a minor and technically you're supposed to be 18+ to view porn...

not that anyone waits until 18......... but if your mother believes in that age limit, then yeah, i'm not surprised your sister might say something...

but like it or not your sister is years older and is a grown woman - old enough that owning such things is not weird or wrong - so you telling your mother about that does nothing but look weird and intrusive on your part...
2016-05-28 3:43 am
She's an adult. She can do whatever she wants with her body. Talking to your mom would only make for an uncomfortable situation.
2016-05-27 7:46 am
I would confiscate it using gloves and big ziploc bag of course and label it your sisters first and last name and take a pic of it, send it to her,?and throw it away. Honestly your sister is very childish especially if both of you are females. She should understand that you do certain things like watch porn because it's natural and that you need your privacy. I wouldn't tell your mom though. Tell her that you need your privacy and that you have rights and if she doesn't agree or "cope" with your decision then get the dildo out the trash and smack her with it.
2016-05-27 5:35 am
lol dont tell your mother about that, thats something you keep your mouth shut about
2016-05-27 4:43 am
Be the bigger person and don't say anything.
2016-05-26 5:59 am
pfft use it against her, if you do something and she wants to be a little a grass AGAIN just tell her you know about her dildo, no one wants there mum knowing they have one lol (i dont, i have a boyfriend thanks) its karma since she always tells on you. that'll teach her wont it
2016-05-25 4:01 pm
It would be pointless.
2016-05-25 6:23 am
Yeah tell your mom. She wanted to be a snitch so you should show her how it feels
2016-05-25 5:14 am
2016-05-25 3:59 am
She masturbates, deal with it. She's old enough to own one.
2016-05-24 2:50 pm
I say grab it and smell it if her clam smells good grab her panties silky ones feel best use dildo on your butt sniff panties and enjoy. best climax I ever had was sniffing girlfriends best friends worn panties while pushing dildo in my booty the feeling was amazing and I had a pic of hot friend.....heck your 16 enjoy life while can.
2016-05-24 8:04 am
she is 23 years old,meaning she is an adult one of the joys of being an adult is being able to own a dildo if you want one,mind your own business
2016-05-24 5:03 am
She's 23 not a little girl. My question is why is she still living at home
2016-05-24 1:25 am
A didlo?

I would like to get a gander at that.
2016-05-23 11:48 pm
Either black mail or rat the b*ch out. Both are beneficial.
2016-05-23 7:51 pm
She's seven years older.. And she's an adult so no
2016-05-23 4:38 pm
Maybe you should leave her alone. She's a 23-year-old woman, not a 13-year-old girl.
2016-05-23 10:42 am
no you are younger
2016-05-23 5:29 am
Would your mom really care? She's 23...
2016-05-23 5:13 am
No, she's an adult and you are not. She should tell on you if you're that young.
2016-05-23 4:09 am
You should do it dumbass it isnt even a question to begin with
2016-05-23 3:50 am
Nice bro. Did you smell it?
2016-05-23 1:36 am
Don't try to act like you sister because she tells on you when you do something. Be more mature than her, anyway she a grown so if you tell it's not your moms business and what can she do anything it, nothing.
So....... Just do you
2016-05-22 8:16 pm
She is 23, she can do whatever she wants.
2016-05-22 5:22 pm
shes 23 she can do what she likes but showing your mother will be more embarrassing for you AND she will probably be mad you know what that is considering how your not aloud to watch porn..
2016-05-22 3:51 pm
Most definitely tell your mother. She did that to you now you do it but act like you don't know what it is.
2016-05-22 2:08 pm
well now you know what to Buy her for her birthday
2016-05-22 1:51 pm
Better solution is blackmaile her to send some friend to kill your virginity
2016-05-22 6:03 am
**** your sis
2016-05-22 4:29 am
Yeah, told your mom so she can have a bad moment
2016-05-22 4:27 am
There's really nothing your mom can do. Your sister is 23, a legal adult. I'm sure if you told her it would be extremely embarassing and she might say somethingvto her, but that's it.
2016-05-22 4:24 am
You should use it to get back at her.
2016-05-22 4:18 am
Well she is 23, but you could if you wanted. Don't think your mother would care too much because she probably has one too
2016-05-22 2:53 am
tell ur mom thats what id do.
2016-05-22 12:34 am
Chill she's an adult legally you're not
2016-05-21 11:43 pm
what on earth is a didlo?
2016-05-21 11:30 pm
Grow up
2016-05-21 11:25 pm
two wrongs don't make a right. something like that my of not been out in the open. did you snoop?
she's just helping look after you. when you are the youngest you get told on.
參考: ME & experience
2016-05-21 11:16 pm
If you want to be known forever in your family as a scuttlebutt douche, go ahead!
2016-05-21 10:54 pm
shes an adult. mind your business.
2016-05-21 10:20 pm
Hide it, your sister will freak out
2016-05-21 10:16 pm
As a big sister, it is hard for me to watch my baby siblings grow up. She probably still sees you as a little kid. If I was u I would tell her about it and then take the high road and not tell ur parents about it. Hopefully she'll see this as mature and she'll stop telling one as much.
2016-05-21 9:29 pm
Your supposed be 18 to buy one. She's ok as she's of age to have one
2016-05-21 9:06 pm
so? who cares
2016-05-21 8:19 pm
Umm,she's 23..and if you want revenge then I suppose tell on her...Would she really get into trouble?
2016-05-21 7:20 pm
Tell her you know and blackmail her to stop telling everything that you do ;)
2016-05-21 6:54 pm
Tell your mom/dad and make sure they have a chat about it
2016-05-21 6:30 pm
Yees,its payback time.
2016-05-21 5:46 pm
Don't be so bloody immature...grow up damn it...
2016-05-21 5:22 pm
2016-05-21 4:01 pm
Find a nice husband for your sister otherwise she will ruin her sexual health using dildo
2016-05-21 2:58 pm
Write her name on it and stick it in the fridge lmao!!
2016-05-21 2:16 pm
Don't listen to any of these idiots, do it
2016-05-21 2:12 pm
I think you should do what you actually want to do and stick it in your butt. Take a picture and show your mom, she will probably be pleased. You're welcome.
2016-05-21 1:22 pm
Take it away and hide it and the next time she snitches pull the ***** out and be like and what's thus or tell her be like "if u snitch on me I snitch on u but then again she's 23 and I don't really think ur mom might do much ,but hey idk ur mom so yeea
2016-05-21 12:02 pm
well first of all you shouldn't be in her room and spying
and you shouldn't snitch
and plus you cant spell
2016-05-21 11:47 am
Why not borrow it from her and tell her you are using it yourself now. Say you will return it when she gives you your laptop back.
2016-05-21 11:37 am
dont do it
2016-05-21 10:25 am
I think it's obvious what she does with that dildo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2016-05-21 8:16 am
Its a dildo not a didlo and shes old enough so its okay.
2016-05-21 7:23 am
but what if you mom gave it to you sister?
2016-05-21 5:48 am
What's her mom gonna do? She's 23, she's allowed to have a dildo and ram it up her vagina. You can't watch porn at 16, that's ducked up.
2016-05-21 5:26 am
U mean dildo?
I think It's better not to tell your mother about it. Although she hasn't been so good to you, you have to forgive her. You have to show her how respectful you are to her. In order to do that, just let her know that you saw her dildo and you are not doing nothing about it. I think she will be thankful for that and treat you nicer than before. If you tell you mom, the fuse between you guys will get bigger and that is not good for both of you. She will be very embarrass about it so you don't want your sister to feel that way because of you. Do you? Show her how good you are by not telling you mom but if she doesn't appreciate it, then you should not care about what she says to your mother. She loses your respect.
2016-05-21 5:22 am
you should keep in mind that she is now older enough. you should ask her carefully about that and help him form lonlyness keep distance from porno things and how she got it who give him the thing of how she got the shop .Keep her aloop from bad friends. ok
2016-05-21 4:27 am
use it against her whenever you want something threaten her with the picture
2016-05-21 4:14 am
don't be a snitch. It's really not okay for you to tell your mother something that personal about your sister. if you want to talk to anyone about it, talk to your sister!
2016-05-21 4:13 am
2016-05-21 4:06 am
That's strange, I lost one in that area.
2016-05-21 3:44 am
2016-05-21 3:34 am
Honestly, the best thing to do is to just ignore it for now as you do not want to stoop down to a level you are very obviously against. But what you should do however is if she tries to tell you off again in front of your mother then just simply let her know that hypocrisy is not the way and she should be setting an example herself.
2016-05-21 2:14 am
Stick it where you want to
2016-05-21 2:11 am
dude call the police
2016-05-21 2:10 am
Don't worry. Soon you'll be hiding your own dildo.
2016-05-21 1:01 am
If i was you i would tell your mom because she tried to get you in trouble. i always do that with my older sister xD
2016-05-21 12:14 am
Who da hell cares? Your adult sister has the right to watch porn, and if you're gonna blabber on about your moral crusader-like attitude, then you're the one with severe issues, not her!
2016-05-20 11:55 pm
She's 23 it would be embarrassing but it's not the same as catching a minor
watching porn.
2016-05-20 11:51 pm
say to her that ur gonna pound her with the dildo in her *** or else u'll tell mother
2016-05-20 11:31 pm
How big was the dildo? If it was jumbo, I think you better tell your mom.
2016-05-20 11:31 pm
Revenge is bad, let her go this time
2016-05-20 11:18 pm
You are being imature
2016-05-20 11:17 pm
**** yea you should tell her I would **** if my sister told on me for watching porn I would totally tell on her for having a sex toy I mean revenge is sweet right
2016-05-20 10:41 pm
No, absolutely not!! My mum found my vibrator once and I was mortified!! She told my brothers and step dad too, it was horrible, just leave her alone, yeah, she got you but at the end of the day, shut happens, be the bigger person and walk away
2016-05-20 10:14 pm
why do you care that has a dildo? I hope you dont tell your mom, but if you do, i hope she says so what and she doesnt care, at last sh cant gt pregnant or a std with it. seems smart to me. whats the problem?
2016-05-20 9:45 pm
No, not yet atleast, use it to black mail her into doing what you want her to do for you.
2016-05-20 9:31 pm
That is your sisters private room. Grow up and give her some privacy.
2016-05-20 7:54 pm
參考: So....
2016-05-20 7:28 pm
I am sure she will lend it to you until you get your own - all you have to do is ask her
2016-05-20 7:24 pm
Mind your own business, that's what you do.
2016-05-20 6:28 pm
whats it doing to you...everyone has sexual needs...why do people always insult women when they have sexual needs...let her be man????when you fantasize over a women or girl that's someone's sister,mother,grandmother (LOL)to???anyway I don't mean to be rude to you bro i'm just saying...good luck anyway.
2016-05-20 5:50 pm
USE it!!!!!!
2016-05-20 5:16 pm
2016-05-20 5:08 pm
No. She's 23, and so can legally make her own decisions.
2016-05-20 5:01 pm
2016-05-20 4:25 pm
Sure, just drop it in casually over dinner. And then be like "oh no, have I said too much?". Fair revenge.
2016-05-20 4:14 pm
Don't tell her about it. Just wash your hands and forget about it.
2016-05-20 4:13 pm
Nah! What's the point in telling on her??? i'd just let her know u saw it and that she owes you a favour for the future.
2016-05-20 4:11 pm
I wouldn't tell your mom straight away as it sis will then likely look for stuff to start grassing on you. Like someone else has mentioned you can use this to your advantage for leverage or blackmail.
2016-05-20 3:52 pm
She is an adult it is ok, don't tell your mother
2016-05-20 3:44 pm
haha dude, same thing happened with my grandma lol, i told my grandpa and she was never seen again. TRY IT OUT!!!
2016-05-20 3:25 pm
stay out of her room and stop snooping!
2016-05-20 3:13 pm
If she always tells everything about you to your mother then ofcourse you should do the same. because no one really changes until he or she gets hurt with the same thing.
2016-05-20 3:11 pm
Loooooool blackmail her
2016-05-20 2:41 pm
Well, you can tell mom about this and continue your warship. And there is a better way - tell your sister that you've seen in her room and suggest her to leave this as a secret. Maybe it will help you to build a new, friendly relations with your sis.
2016-05-20 1:42 pm
Speak to your sister and tell her that you are going to tell your mother about the dildo unless she agrees with you not to tell mom everything that you do .
2016-05-20 1:16 pm
I found my dog chewing on my dildo the other day, i thought it was ruined but i decided to use it and it actually made it a lot better, i would definitely recommend having your dog chew it
2016-05-20 1:12 pm
I don't know what a didlo is, but it's diffferent because she's an adult. You're legally still a child. Your parents can control you, but they can't control what they're grown up daughter watches.
2016-05-20 1:11 pm
tell her mum
2016-05-20 12:55 pm
Your mom probably has one to...
2016-05-20 12:43 pm
Why not use it too, ive seen a few of those porns with the step-sisters, so why not your actual sister ayyyyyyyyy????
2016-05-20 12:18 pm
Do it for the banter
2016-05-20 12:13 pm
Absolutely, you must tell your mom.
2016-05-20 11:58 am
Tout on her lol
2016-05-20 11:19 am
I don't think she would get in trouble if you tell your mum.. She might get a warning or.... She might get kicked out the house xD
2016-05-20 10:31 am
this made me chuckle
2016-05-20 10:30 am
No. You should not tell your mom about this matte. Because your sister is matured.
2016-05-20 10:13 am
tfw u find a didlo
2016-05-20 9:36 am
2016-05-20 8:47 am
No... No .....No....Not at All!......just do not tell your mom ....instead Hide that Long.....thing' .......from ur sis!......... & watch her how desperately she searches 4 that prized possession !!! & then use ur ........interpersonal skills to get ur work done! ;-). ...... U may also give that Long thing a try 4 ur self ......Self indulgence is always Enjoying! ;-)
2016-05-20 8:26 am
Yes since she told on you tell on her.
2016-05-20 7:25 am
it's dildo isn't it?
2016-05-20 7:15 am
Put her over your knee and give her a spanking!
2016-05-20 6:45 am
2016-05-20 6:35 am
I would snitch!
2016-05-20 6:06 am
put chilli powder on it. the best revenge is served cold.
2016-05-20 5:58 am
No. Why would you think to try to tell on her for anything? She didn't do anything.
2016-05-20 5:50 am
She is 18+ she os allowed to have thoes things ur under 18 porn and sex and sex toys are for people 18+
2016-05-20 5:42 am
Use it... It's fun... And it'll be hot to think about
2016-05-20 5:34 am
Tell your mom? She is 23 not sure how well that is going to fly.
2016-05-20 5:32 am
Wow dude
2016-05-20 5:23 am
I think it would be normal for someone her age to have a toy... it would make your parent blush and you gag and her feeling embarrassed but it pass but beware she might get you back if you do some embarrassing
2016-05-20 5:09 am
take it and use it... with her if your both feeling daring
2016-05-20 4:59 am
I would just ignore it
2016-05-20 4:49 am
Ben Dover and introduce yourself to it, LOL!
2016-05-20 4:41 am
Maybe tell your sister that
you could give her the real thing instead of the dildo
2016-05-20 4:14 am
2016-05-20 3:41 am
Thats pretty
2016-05-20 3:35 am
Yes. Tit for tat
2016-05-20 2:58 am
Use it as blackmail
2016-05-20 2:51 am
I would just to be a ***** xD
Like, she took your laptop. So have your mom take her dildo lmao.
2016-05-20 2:51 am
Just leave it not worth the akwardness
2016-05-20 2:47 am
Just talk to her
2016-05-20 2:37 am
Yes tell on your mom be a tattle tale
2016-05-20 2:13 am
Take a picture but keep quiet until it's your last straw
2016-05-20 1:27 am
So what did you do with it?
2016-05-20 1:15 am
Good so what she likes to get off who cares
2016-05-20 12:40 am
warn your sister...first take a picture of the dildo with a date on it.......tell her stop noseing around you ,or you will tell some home truths.......tell her its up to her... and start acting like a good sister
2016-05-20 12:31 am
Got to the cops
2016-05-20 12:15 am
Take a picture. Black mail. I know the situation has you stressed cuz it makes it hard to spell dildo.
2016-05-19 11:54 pm
Snitch on her lol
2016-05-19 11:47 pm
I would it's only fair!But take a pic for proof
2016-05-19 11:34 pm
Yes. She ruined you. You ruin her
2016-05-19 10:51 pm
She's 23... does she really care if you tell mom or not?
2016-05-19 10:29 pm
No Don't tell mom...give her my e-mail address..(ha ha)
2016-05-19 10:28 pm
Hell yes. If she gonna tell on you for **** than do the same to her
2016-05-19 10:26 pm
Give it to the dog to play with
2016-05-19 10:23 pm
Steal it.
2016-05-19 10:05 pm
How would you feel if she told on you about masturbating? Your sister is a grown woman and can do whatever she wants. Be the mature one and just leave it alone.
2016-05-19 9:59 pm
she's an adult, she's allowed to have a sex toy. it's not a big deal at all.
2016-05-19 9:55 pm
I think you made a question up you knew would get attention
2016-05-19 9:48 pm
It is not wise to speak of these things in this age
2016-05-19 9:47 pm
Revenge is best served cold, and then tell her in the end that's my revenge.
2016-05-19 9:28 pm
Nah don't tell. I know that she always snitches on you but you could be better than that. You can still tease her though. Lmao
2016-05-19 9:28 pm
Porn is for 18 and over
Dildo is for anyone over the sexual age

Grow up
2016-05-19 9:16 pm
Learn to spell.
2016-05-19 9:15 pm
GURRRLLL NOOO USE IT AGAINST HERRR!!! Next time u do something wrong tell her ur gonna tell ur mom about the dildo. And if u want her to do something just black mail her basically ????????????
2016-05-19 9:02 pm
Naa just put a little Vicks Vapor Rub on it...
2016-05-19 9:02 pm
did you smell of it I bet you did Porn will make you blind kid
2016-05-19 8:53 pm
First use it yourself, I'm sure you would like it..

Then, clean it & tell your mom she had it in her room.
2016-05-19 8:44 pm
• when you find your sister's dildo •


~ it's ur time to shine XD ~
2016-05-19 8:42 pm
She is 23 legal adult is doing nothing wrong better then getting pregnant or a std id say
2016-05-19 8:33 pm
shes 23 I doubt your mum will mind
2016-05-19 8:01 pm
Think of her as a human being. Now think if you found a dildo at your lovers room. you might think it was sexy and like that. that said, you might like what she is doing. That suggests just being happy for her.
2016-05-19 7:57 pm
Aren't you a little sneak.
2016-05-19 7:36 pm
I am forced to agree. Although it would be useful to counterblackmail her, you have no guarantee your parents would be upset about that.
2016-05-19 7:30 pm
Who cares?
2016-05-19 7:09 pm
If she's 23, your mom probably wont care
2016-05-19 7:00 pm
Take a picture and use it for blackmail in the future if you really need to otherwise let it go.
2016-05-19 6:54 pm
Was it a rampant rabbit?
2016-05-19 6:49 pm
Use it on yourself
2016-05-19 6:47 pm
She's 23, She's an adult, it's her choice and u shouldn't really be going thru her stuff
2016-05-19 6:42 pm
Yes, tell your mom, I hate sisters.
2016-05-19 6:26 pm
no. why? Your mom probably has one too
2016-05-19 6:05 pm
2016-05-19 6:03 pm
2016-05-19 5:52 pm

No don't tell mum and dad, earn trust from her and keep quiet, mention it and laugh at her! Haha Eww! :D
2016-05-19 5:22 pm
It's better to use one than use the real thing.
2016-05-19 5:19 pm
Stay the hell out of your sister's room
2016-05-19 4:59 pm
is normal to have that if she is single
2016-05-19 4:41 pm
2016-05-19 4:26 pm
try it for your self
2016-05-19 3:55 pm
Steal it and use it for yourself. What is your sister gonna do, tell her mom?
2016-05-19 3:54 pm
Yes tell your mum
2016-05-19 2:59 pm
Hopefully your mom is not hiding it there to keep your dad from finding it
2016-05-19 2:59 pm
Your sister is 23 and an adult. Leave her stuff alone and mind your own business.
2016-05-19 2:54 pm
that so weir
2016-05-19 2:53 pm
Mind your own Business - you are very immature
2016-05-19 2:53 pm
Yes, David. You are 16, so you should act like it.
2016-05-19 2:28 pm
Your sister is 23 and she old enough to have a dildo and pretty much do what she wants. She is an adult and you have to respect that and respect her private life.
2016-05-19 2:12 pm
no, do not tell your mom
2016-05-19 2:08 pm
haha..it is revenge time girl :)
2016-05-19 1:37 pm
It's none of your business buddy, say nothing.
2016-05-19 1:26 pm
Lol that's soo much fun now
2016-05-19 1:00 pm
Don't tell your mum... Your sister would then have trust issues with you! And she may ignore and hate you for awhile!
2016-05-19 12:34 pm
NO......just hide it she will no someone found,,,,no put it someplace different
2016-05-19 12:23 pm
leave a sticky note on it that you borrowed it and didn't wash it...ps..go tell mom this.
2016-05-19 12:04 pm
it is better than wrong man in her life.
2016-05-19 11:46 am
This girl is dirty minded
2016-05-19 11:39 am
You spelled dildo wrong, maybe you and your sister don't get along. Maybe she wanted to do something bad to your laptop. Btw shes a bad girl. She is old enough for sex probably.
2016-05-19 11:28 am
do not tell her. your mother will use the dildo for her own use
2016-05-19 11:25 am
Don't tell your mom
2016-05-19 11:16 am
and. ok
2016-05-19 10:31 am
Both of you should stop telling on each other. Your mom does not care to hear about either of you two private moments.
2016-05-19 9:17 am
was it huge? did it smell funny? dont tell your mom, use it as leverage. tell her you accidentally found her dildo and if she doesnt cool her jets on being a tattletale at 23?!?! also, tell her to grow the f*uck up.
2016-05-19 9:12 am
Don't talk with your family about this. Because everyone has the right to be sex drive
2016-05-19 8:59 am
It is normal.
2016-05-19 8:44 am
She is an adult now.I wud say talk to her first..
2016-05-19 7:10 am
Yes you should rat her out!
2016-05-19 6:23 am
Do you wish to die !
2016-05-19 5:07 am
lol, "didlo"?
2016-05-19 5:04 am
No you shouldn't she's an adult
2016-05-19 4:53 am
No leave her alone
2016-05-19 4:37 am
Do it just to be a double wagon I would
2016-05-19 3:41 am
it is only a dildo, not a bomb, get real about it
2016-05-19 3:02 am
No just don't ask
2016-05-19 2:55 am
Coat it with crazy glue and put it back.
2016-05-19 2:50 am
Well dude, she is an adult so let her do what she wants with whatever or whomever she wants.
When you reach 23 you will want the same.
2016-05-19 2:49 am
I'd recommend putting it back, staying out of her sh*t and growing up
2016-05-19 2:46 am
LMFAOOO dont haha
2016-05-19 1:37 am
You should not tell your mom. Her telling on you is not an excuse for you to tell on her. Besides, why bring an embarrassing conversation with your mom just to piss someone off?
2016-05-18 11:54 pm
you knew the laptop was yours which meant she would need your consent to use it smart move in reporting it
2016-05-18 10:56 pm
just tell your sister to shut her mouth
2016-05-18 10:46 pm
grow up and stop being childish with the tit for tat bullshit
2016-05-18 10:46 pm
nahh..take the high road and talk to your sister* let her know you "found" her dildo*...being 16 you should know that some ppl have higher sex drives n if she's not sleeping around but rather using something to pleasure herself with...let it go*~
2016-05-18 9:52 pm
you could if you want but I don't think your mom would do anything about it maybe laugh because your sister is old enough to have one
2016-05-18 9:31 pm
2016-05-18 8:32 pm
Let it be, its just a toy
2016-05-18 8:31 pm
no cause two wrongs dont make it right, and then you might get your sister mad at you and then she will do even worse stuff
2016-05-18 8:30 pm
no don't tell your mom... you will be labeled as a tattle tail... and they will ask what were you doing snooping around in your sisters stuff anyway... just let it go
2016-05-26 8:50 am
Why do you care?
Secondly your sister is 23 its legal to own a dildo and your mother most probably has one also. If you told your mother she would do nothing.
She snitched as your 16. Tell her you found the dildo, and she will realise your OK with it and will not be so quick to snitch on you.

I once found a video of my sister masturbating she was 15 I was 13. I didn't say a word but she knew I had seen it and we became close because of it.
2016-05-21 11:18 pm
Look, you, who is 16, was watching porn, your sister saw you (i'm not gonna use the world "catch" 'cause, thats not something to hide or be ashamed of and 'cause i dont know if that was the case), she told your mom (I wonder what your mom told or did to you!) and she's the one who's 23!!? ...Wow, its very true age means sh¡t, your sister was nothing but an idiot or ust a troll(which kinda means the same!); now you've found a dildo in her room, you're asking if you should tell your mom, too; look, go ahead, if you're as idiot as her! ...Act your age, people!....
2016-05-20 4:51 pm
Take a pic. Go through the browsing history. Sometimes sisters can be devilish when they are confronted like this. You need to have strong foundation and evidence. Let your mom know.
2016-05-20 2:42 pm
Well instead of her having a quiet word with you she told your mum and embarrassed you, so take a pic of it in her room and show your mum without your sister seeing. It's only fair
2016-05-20 1:35 pm
She's an adult at 23 so no. And when you are over 18 I'm sure you can have the same privacy - however if either of you are watching porn in your parents house that should be reported because it's their business then.
2016-05-20 10:55 am
Your teen sister is hormonal & going through puberty.

She would masturbate her clitoris with it & insert it into her vagina. She may even squirt.

It would give her the same pleasure, as if a boy was really doing it to her.

2016-05-20 5:54 am
Lol she's 23, she is an adult and can like...yu know do stuff she wants as long as it's not like something major like drinking or smoking etc.
2016-05-19 11:18 pm
Just cover it in some kind of itching powder
2016-05-19 8:04 pm
2016-05-19 7:43 pm
2016-05-19 6:42 pm
Dip that bad boy in some hot sauce let it dry. That'll teach her for telling on you
2016-05-19 6:37 pm
Why don't you have your sister show you how to use it.
2016-05-19 6:06 pm
Be a good sister and talk to your sister before you talk to your mom. See if she will open up to you about it. Maybe this will help the two of you bond emotionally.
2016-05-19 5:01 pm
I remember I found a penis dildo in my sister's room ,lol.I didnt told my mom because my sister gives my money on my birthday.
2016-05-19 4:28 pm
Use it
2016-05-19 4:09 pm
Use it.
2016-05-19 3:42 pm
Because of your sisters age I don't think your mum would care but you can always use it against your sister cause she probably still doesn't want your mum to know.
2016-05-19 3:35 pm
Use the chance
參考: This would be a great chance for you to get closer to her. Play with her dildo and if she enters the room, invite her to join you.
2016-05-19 2:55 pm
Yes, tell your mother and also encourage her to ground her 23 year old grown up daughter and take away her pocket money and tv privileges, teach the grown up woman a lesson she will never forget.
2016-05-19 1:22 pm
Hide her dildo in ur pocket or behind ur back, then when ur family is eating lunch at the table, tap the dildo on ur sisters leg and she will be so embarrassed then throw it in her food and then tell ur mum about the dildo and see what ur sis has to say, payback????
2016-05-19 12:43 pm
you can **** her.
2016-05-19 12:29 pm
I'd tell. Not for revenge but because I would've figured that's how situations are handled. Tell mom whenever you see something unclean.
2016-05-19 9:33 am
It's not a revenge time. don't forget that she is your sister. these incidents are common to control our self. Don't complaint but you suggest that she need marry if possible.
2016-05-19 5:12 am
No, don't tell on your sister you cooler than her and you know.

She should remember the old prison proverb "Snitches get stitches and become b*tches."

Of course you shouldn't let her barrow you computer again, because you know she was watching pornography.
2016-05-19 4:53 am
Tell her she can use yours, not a stupid dildo, its a win-win.
2016-05-19 4:08 am
maybe she was practicing for when you **** her
2016-05-19 2:15 am
You Should Definitley Tell Your Mum And get Her In the ****, But If It Was Me I Would Setup A Hidden Camera, But Thats Just Me......Your Welcome
2016-05-18 9:15 pm
Use it as blackmail
2016-05-18 8:47 pm
You two must be driving your mom NUTS!!!!
2016-05-18 8:33 pm
Grow up
shut up
go away
2016-05-23 11:55 pm
Wait until she is asleep. Sneak into her room and rip her pants off put your hand over your mouth and put the dildo inside her pussy then shove it down her throat. at this time you should stick you dick inside of her and get her pregnant. Then go to your mom and the police and say that she raped you. since your a minor you'll be fine she'll be in jail.
2016-05-20 3:27 pm
Tell your mother immediately! Didlos are prone to spontaneous combustion.
2016-05-20 7:03 am
I'd post it on facebook or send pictures of it to her friends but if you're not as childish as me you should tell your mom. Though i don't think anything will happen if you do cause your sister is a grown up
2016-05-20 5:48 am
You are a miner so your sister had every right to dob you in for watching porn. Your sister is 7 years older than you. What she does is none of your business (as long as she s not doing anything illegal, like you).
2016-05-20 5:32 am
hey you know what I think about this question? its the equivalent to an elephant dildo... which doesn't exist so I guess that makes you irrelevant. Also why did you mention your age? the only reason I would mention my age is to come across as younger than i am... so are you a child predator or something.
2016-05-20 5:17 am
Two wrongs don't make a right. Perhaps your sister thought she should tell your mom about you watching p0rn because your a minor still at 16. When you and your sister get into any arguments in the future you could then mention to her about the dodo and let her know you didn't stoop to her level. I'm just curious was it big?
2016-05-20 4:05 am
If she's 23 I don't think your mom will get mad at her for it . She's an adult. Back when I was 19 I tried smoking , my brother as usual tried dobbing on me but because I wasn't a minor I didn't get in trouble.
2016-05-20 12:15 am
You could be revengeful but keep in mind, she's 23 not 18
2016-05-19 11:56 pm
Talk to your mom about the fact your sister took your laptop. That's really the issue here. Have her tell your sister to give it back. Don't feel bad about watching porn, you are perfectly normal for doing so. Avoid game playing, it's much more mature and shows you're intelligent. So don't use bribery.
2016-05-19 11:22 pm
Okay and so you decide to come on here and tell her business all over the internet instead of talking to your sister about it. And why would you tell your mom? Your sister is 23 year old grown woman. You don't have to go tell mommy on her.
2016-05-19 11:19 pm
Big deal! My late demented sister had a dildo on her bed when I called for an ambulance to take her to hospital.She had no shame. I am sure the paramedics were aware of it. It was in plain sight.
2016-05-19 8:50 pm
How do you know what a didlo is? Or a dildo for that matter?
2016-05-19 8:28 pm
2016-05-19 7:11 pm
Better yet. Use it as ammo against her... But that being said... She's 23 if she wants a dildo u legally can't stop her.... And I'm about to blow your mind kid... Chances are your mom has atleast one and a giant vat of lube in her closet.
2016-05-19 7:06 pm
1.You're a minor watching porn.
2.You trespassed, by going into her room.
3.She's old enough to have toys for twats, if she so chooses.
I'm going to ask you a question, I don.t want an answer...answer yourself.
If you had a younger sibling in that situation...what would you do?
2016-05-19 5:47 pm
Just tell your Mom that you found Hanky Panky in your sisters room and that she's talking to somebody from Germany on your computer.
2016-05-19 4:02 pm
Take it and hide it from her. See what see does. Actually I got something better than that. Take a selfie with you holding it up next to your face with a BIG smile on your face and then hide it. Take the picture and lay it on her dresser or her bed 1 night and lay a note down beside it and say, you wanna show me how you use this thing? GOTCHA. :))
2016-05-19 12:05 pm
What the hell is a didlo? Is it an American euphemism? Like bathroom or restroom?
2016-05-19 10:29 am
16 is the perfect age to become sexually active and to start watching porn. You sister had no right whatsoever to tell on you. She was acting like a lille ***** now it's time to throw that in her face.
2016-05-19 3:12 am
No you should only talk to your sister. Your sister are 23 yr old... u are still underage.. once u reach 21 yr old you can make your decision as you like cos by then you are a adult.
2016-05-19 2:01 am
Sibling rivalry sucks, but if her tattle taleing on you is a constant thing, then so be it. If she is going to tell on you, she deserves to have this happen to her. I honestly don't even think your mother will think its a big deal. She is 23 after all. She's a grown woman, but if she keeps deciding to tell on you, it may be worth it to fight back this once.
2016-05-20 5:16 am
Man up and quit crying about petty crap. Leave your sister's stuff alone.

It's not nice how your sister tells on you over stupid things all the time isn't gonna stop her from doing so, it's gonna encourage her to do it more. Be above her petty crap or you're gonna become like her.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Etc, etc.
2016-05-19 9:41 pm
Tell your sister about it, and explain to her that you're a perfectly virile male and wouldn't mind taking the place of that dildo. Chances are, she'll jump on you and you'll both be happier as a result.
2016-05-19 9:31 pm
Didlo is not a good things. However your sister is adult. But you are not.
Consider it.
2016-05-19 6:18 pm
You don't seem to sure about it since you use a question mark on the end of your statement. By the way, isn't a 'didlo' part of the chorus to a song when you don't know the words? Reminds me of that story about the two young girls and one say "I found a contraceptive under the sideboard!" and the other says "What's a sideboard?"

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